Best Network Diagnostic Tool for Linux-MTR #jitter #TCP Ping #UDP Ping #mtr #linux #techiezero

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In this YouTube video, we explore the best network diagnostic tool for Linux - MTR. Learn how to use MTR to troubleshoot network connectivity issues and optimize your network performance. #Linux #MTR #NetworkDiagnostic
Once you run mtr, it probes the network connection between the local system and a remote host that you have specified. It first establishes the address of each network hop bridges, routers and gateways etc. between the hosts, it then pings sends a sequence ICMP ECHO requests to each one to determine the quality of the link to each machine.

# sudo apt install mtr //for Ubuntu
# sudo yum install mtr //centos,RHEL

2. 10 MTR Network Diagnostics Tool Usage Examples
man mtr

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