How to Install JDK 11.0.6, NetBeans 11.3, JavaFX 14 and Scene Builder 11.0.0 on Windows 10 x64

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In this tutorial, I will show you how to install and setup Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 11.0.6, Apache NetBeans IDE 11.3, JavaFX 14 and JavaFX Scene Builder 11.0.0 on Microsoft Windows 10 x64.

- JDK 11.0.7 and JavaFX 14.0.1 are out after I released this video. You may install the latest version of JDK and JavaFX .

JavaFX 14 needs at least JDK 11. JDK 11 is a Long-Term-Support (LTS) release and will receive extended support until September 2026.

1. Download the following:

2. Run the JDK installer

3. Update the PATH Environment variable.

To set the PATH variable on Microsoft Windows:
- Select Control Panel and then System.
- Click Advanced and then Environment Variables.
- Add the location of the bin folder of the JDK installation to the PATH variable in System Variables.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.6\bin

4. Run the NetBeans installer

- Remove # (comment) and change it to the installed JDK path.

netbeans_jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.6"

5. Unzip JavaFX SDK 14

6. Run the Scene Builder installer

 The Installed directories are as following:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.6
C:\Program Files\NetBeans-11.3
C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-14
C:\Program Files\SceneBuilder


Failed to automatically set-up a JavaFX Platform. Please go to Platform Manager, create a non-default Java SE platform, then go to the JavaFX tab, enable JavaFX and fill in the paths to valid JavaFX SDK and JavaFX Runtime. Note: JavaFX SDK can be downloaded from JavaFX website.

- To solve this issue, add JavaFX 14 library. (12.03 min)

Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)

- To solve this issue, go to Properties, Deployment, switch Project to JavaFX Deployment Model. (12.49 min)

Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application

- To solve the issue, go to Properties, Run and add these VM options: (13.52 min)

--module-path "C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-14\lib"
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Good instructions to follow. First I thought why 26.02, but after patiently watching the whole portion I understood actually it is the right way. After Java8 things are getting complicated!


Thank you brother, you're awesome!


"JavaFX deployment library not found in active JDK.
Please check that the JDK is correctly installed and its version is at least 7u4 on Mac or 7u6 on other systems." Can you help me with this?


Eres muy asombroso, le dare me gusta y me suscribire, muchisimas gracias. necesitaba terminar un proyecto de la U y no habia podido como


Thank you, How to make a fan animation using JAVA FX ?


Hello Sir, this error occured :

Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
