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#destiny2 #beyondlight #witchqueen #destiny2raid

00:00 Start
00:20 3 Main Jobs (Operator, Scanner, Suppressor)
00:57 Getting to the Crypt
02:20 Encounter 1 Security
08:21 Encounter 2 Atraks Boss
12:19 Platforming 1
12:23 Encounter 3 Rapture/Crash
17:12 Encounter 4 FINAL BOSS

Destiny 2: Deep Stone Crypt Raid FULL Step-by-Step Guide and Walkthrough

I started making guides because I felt other guides weren't as effective for me or did not fit my learning style. So I began to make extremely detailed (as detailed as I could make it) step-by-step guides as a way to fill the gaps that many players (LFG and friends) feel are missing. I hope you take something away from this, no matter how small, and consider following along and subscribing as I make more helpful content.

This is a FULL STEP-BY-STEP WALKTHROUGH for the Deep Stone Crypt Raid that was released in Destiny 2 Beyond Light expansion.

Updated in 2022 with precise, granular step-by-step strategies to complete this raid. NO experience needed. Whether you are a beginner or veteran, this is a different type of guide that offers exact step-by-step instructions supported with exact footage to ensure you get through each encounter as painless as possible, leave with a deeper understanding of the mechanics, and help you avoid becoming confused.

I've put in as much info, resources, loadout resources, and team make-up as possible. There are of course, different/better strategies, and even information I may have decided to leave out.

At the end of the day, I promise that beginners, absolute newcomers, and veterans can beat this raid.

Thanks for stopping by!
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00:00 Start
00:20 3 Main Jobs (Operator, Scanner, Suppressor)
00:57 Getting to the Crypt
02:20 Encounter 1 Security
08:21 Encounter 2 Atraks Boss
12:19 Platforming 1
12:23 Encounter 3 Rapture/Crash
17:12 Encounter 4 FINAL BOSS


I think it's insane how efficient this video is. No non-sense, to the point, with charming graphics. Like I love Datto and other youtubers that have such details explanations, but they're slow and you just lose track of what they're explaining at time because of their pace. This guy gets to the point, keeps the storyline flowing. It's a great video, especially for people with ADHD like me I suppose.


Out of all the raid guides on youtube, your guides the most thorough, clear, concise, and simply explained, anyone can team up and complete the raid. Thank you!


Beginning was a bit intimidating but once you got into the explanations of the actual raid this guide is TOP tier! Thank you!


I love how simple and efficient your guides are. 20 mins is the perfect range for length, it makes learning the raid a lot easier. Keep going!


you earned a sub. youre the first youtuber who details and explains things like this so well. how you reinforce certain roles and terminology and how you take the time to create a crude picture of the map to simply show your point instead of making a 50 minute video of you talking in monotone over complicated gameplay. definitely going to watch your other raid videos, you helped me a lot.


My friends and I just completed our first VOG raid together thanks to your guides! Now we're going to try out DSC using your guide as well. Your guides are so easy to understand and straight to the point. Keep it up friendly!


Wow!! you explained it way better then raid for dummies. just the way you walk people through and show screenshots and stuff like that I'm a hundred percent sub ing to u I just wish I knew about you sooner 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Your guides are super helpful and makes me want to go try out all the raids! So far I've only done DSC when it first came out and last wish awhile back so i only have a total of 6 raid clears(5 DSC, 1 LW). I've always dealt with anxiety to the point it made me stop doing endgame stuff but the way you explain how to do these encounters help me understand them alot easier than the other guides people put out. Thank you for all your hard work! <3


Best raid video explaining ever. This broke it down to the detail. After every other utube I always have questions but after this I feel like I can sherpa and I've only ad cleared and ran this raid once.

Good job


Been waiting for this one. Your VoW guide is criminally underrated with how easy the encounters are broken down and explained. Keep it up 👍


bro i always hated the fact i need to watch a tutorial before play the raid, but this MAN, make the tutorial simple and effective as possible and dont show me nothing more than what is needed


Its a great thing to have updated guides taking into account all the changes to the sandbox and new strategies discovered. Thanks for this!


Great work man, it's clear that you put some effort on this. <3


Insane useful guide!
Personally, I prefer those over the ones with tons of visuals, perfect cuts and everything - this one is just on point, without any fancy stuff shown on the screen, just pure information given in a pill.


This guide is Goated, no 40+ mins of scuffed footage. Thanks bruh.


Bro, I just found this channel. You deserve so much more love the raid guides are insane!


man I took a hot min off after lightfall and this has been an insanely good refresher guide. I wish I had this when I was learning this raid for the first time. you tha goat


Bu far the best guides out there. Started with root of N. Now on these. Well done. Others leave details out like you magically will know what they are not telling you. Thanks friendly for a true guide!


Another good way to do the final encounter is to designate four people numbers 1-4 and wherever the boss goes, the dunk boxes are automatically numbered 1-4 from left to right. That's how my teams have done it and it works virtually every time. Great vid bro.
