Let’s teach mathematics creatively | Ivan Zelich | TEDxYouth@Sydney

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I have heard this argument many times, but no one has defended it better than him.


The way I see it is that most (including me) can't begin to think creatively with maths without the basics being automatic, e.g. what do do with terms in order to solve an algebra equation and how to add, multiply, divide and subtract fractions.
If all your mental effort is directed at figuring out the basics then there is not enough 'power' left over to do the creative stuff.
So in my view repetition has its place in maths, but it should not be everything in maths.
I guess maths teachers could be more innovative in how they get students to do the laborious repetitive practice.
Basketball coaches, for example, don't seem to have much of a problem in getting their charges to stand in the key and shoot ball after ball after ball until they are consistently get the basketball through the hoop. Such training is as much of a social event as repetitive practice. Perhaps that is the secret with maths - working out a way to make repetitive exercises more of a social event.


Teaching math creatively gives a non-mathed-up person the hibber-jibbers because it is often unnecessarily detailed and condescending like “new math” was! You are mathed when you know what to do each time mathematically. It’s a game in which you get to make beautiful large patterns, whether they are infinitely tiny items or giant, and you are able to move these shapes rapidly in a sublime pattern. You only need the rules given simply in a pattern that itself, moves smoothly upon itself in ways that multiply or divide easily enough for the user to maintain the language for these principles and the game rules that the language represents. Do that, and we will be happy. Yes, even if we began in an un-mathed state.


That's Vedic Math. Ancient Indians used it and now it is only known by few.


I have been a long time fan of the aops users IDMasterz and XmL. I just recently found out that the Liang-Zelich theorem paper was written by you two and I agree, I was completely dumbstruck


Same problem with me I had problem in geometry this demotivated me


Why does a man who is sigularly intrigued with math think that his approach is going to be generally applicable? By his account, he's an amazing and talented man, but his interest is not general and I didn't hear any evidence that he has understanding of the vast majority of students.


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