Kindle Paperwhite 6 Months Later Review || Still the best kindle in 2023?

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In this video, I offer my thoughts on the kindle paperwhite after 6 months of use. Is the paperwhite the best kindle in 2023? In this kindle review video, I share all the reasons why I think it is!


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#KindleReview #KindlePaperwhite #Kindle2023
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I use both paper books and the Kindle. I use it primarily for reading at I don't have to carry a 700 page, hardcover Stephen King book 😉 but also for the nightlight. Lately, Ive been trying to read the Kindle if I wake up in the night instead of watching YouTube. This has helped me sleep better! I don't know if it's just me, but I read like 2-3 times slower on the kindle. It just feels so easy to breeze through words on paperback, but I cannot do it as fast on kindle...maybe I'm just a weirdo. Great video!


I bought my Paperwhite about a year ago and I liked the idea of it, but was skeptical. Paperbacks were my favorite and I never thought that an e-reader would compare. Now that I have had my Paperwhite for a year, I absolutely love it! I can read in bed without disturbing my husband, it's easy to grab and go and there are so many books that I can read on it. (Libby and Hoopla are both fantastic!) While I still love my physical books, my Kindle has quickly become my favorite electronic device. I adore it!


Amazon chat rep just removed ads on my paperwhite for free as “one time courtesy.” I just said I was chatting about removing the ads, they said it costs $20, but they’ll check with their lead. 2 minutes later, ads were removed. Thanks for the tip! I didn’t realize how nice it is to open directly into the book upon opening its case, rather than swiping to unlock first. Two thumbs up!! ❤


Based on my experience over several years, the Lock Screen ads are selected based on your library content. I have mostly history and fantasy titles on my Kindles, and that’s almost always the subjects for the Lock Screen ads.


I just found your channel and love your videos! ALSO - your tip for removing ads absolutely worked! The rep said "one time exception" but that's all I needed. It's SO nice not seeing the ads and now I'm not worried about my family looking at my kindle! THANK YOU!


I love my Kindle Paperwhite. My old one would no longer run updates, so I traded up and got a Signature Edition Paperwhite. I love it so much, and I have only had to charge it once.


100% agreed! I love my Paperwhite!!
I love the new kindle rewards but at the same time I dislike it because it makes me spend money to get the punch card offers complete and take advantage of the 2x points days 😂
In 2021, Amazon introduced Reading challenges every three months and they have been very motivational! Even though you don’t get much except the cute little bookmark shaped badges, it is fun to collect those simply by reading books. There are less reasons to read physical books for me now.


I currently own a Kindle Paperwhite 6th generation and just ordered Kindle Paperwhite 2023 version. Can't wait to get my hands on it!


I picked up a very nice leather cover for the Paperwhite on a Black Friday sale and it has completely eliminated the problem with the power button on the bottom of the device. It also classes up the look of the reading experience. Well worth the price. 😊


I really like all of your videos! I own a Kindle Paperwhite 10th gen and I absolutely adore it. I have had it since 2021. Although I'm severely tempted to buy a Kindle with a warm light, I can wait for a little bit longer. I don't know if you are aware but in India, we don't have a kindle with advertisement version. It is a blessing. But one of the downside here is that we don't get audible support.


I love the way you explain things man. I am a fan now for sure. Everything you are explaining really makes a lot of sense.


I have the 2018 version of the paperwhite, and don’t think I’ll upgrade just yet. It goes with me everywhere and I love it!


I bought my Paperwhite today and I love it! I have had some in the past but I want to get into reading more!


Great video, as always. I got my Paperwhite last April & it is still my fav purchase ever! I was recently gifted an oasis about a month ago and although I love the buttons there are still some Paperwhite features that I prefer (the battery life especially & the Paperwhite feels more indestructible lol). I mostly use the oasis at home & the Paperwhite for taking it more on the go.


I just ordered the Kindle Paperwhite yesterday from Amazon. Can’t wait for it to arrive


Would love to see you do a video on if it's possible to move Nook books to Kindle. People know I read a lot and I often get B&N gift cards. I'd love to use the gift card to buy Nook Books and then transfer them to my Kindle since I don't have a Nook.

Great stuff, my man!


E-ink is so easy on the eyes. Have had a paperwhite since the early days, about 2nd generation.
Just got a Signature Edition for Xmas. This is the Kindle Paperwhite ultra model. Enough memory for audio books and ebooks to last a month off line. Perfect lighting from full sun to the bottom of a mine shaft and wireless charging so I can just drop it on the charger next to my reading chair or next to the bed. Add in Kindle Unlimited and it totally rocks. My cat suggested that I add her preferences in my dropping the relatively light Kindle on her when I fall asleep versus a full sized hardbound book.


My current Paperwhite (Signature Edition) is hands-down my favorite Kindle to date. 🤓 It's much _snappier_ than any previous Kindle I've owned and I really enjoy the warm light feature. 😬 That said, I kinda feel like a schmuck because I always pay the extra $$ so as not to have the ads. 😂 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m getting a kindle paperwhite signature edition it’ll be great to go on my trip to Dollywood in June.


I was NOT prepared for the lag. I actually returned the one I had thinking there was something wrong with it. In my research to find something seems that is just the way it is. I also read on other platforms, and I can't download to the I still have to read on my phone. I'm so close to purchasing again to give it a real go, but sheesh! that lag and customization is sucky.
