What ministry roles can women fill in the church?

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What ministry roles has God appointed for women to fulfill in the life of the church? From one of our live events, Burk Parsons and W. Robert Godfrey address this important question biblically.

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Woman here. No worries, as intelligent as God has graced me, I have NO desires for titles or to be a preacher. I am very glad to take the lowest place in church and out of church. Have any of you scholars had this thought: The early church was heavily persecuted, and leaders of the church especially were singled out and put to death. Maybe one of the major reasons for women to stay out of leadership positions and titles was to PROTECT women, not because they were less graced with the capabilities of spiritual and intellectual capacities that go with church leadership. This Biblical instruction is sound then and now, and throughout history. All one has to do is look at the history of persecution. To some degree but not in all persecutions, women were shielded and protected. Unfortunately, today, the same level of protection and consideration is not afforded even in the best as it gets churches. Too much of the secular world and its views on women have been able to cave in on churches. The best reason not to have women in leadership roles in churches is that only half of the world population can twist and pervert the Word of God for their own vain and gain. I am grateful to all those who are keepers of preserving the Word of God. Ironically, women that are least interested in preserving the Word of God, are the ones becoming pastors alongside men who are least interested in preserving the Word of God and instead, all for using God's Word for their own vain and gain. Joel Osteen and his wife are so obvious. The dangerous false teachers are the ones that say just enough truth that only the very discerning and knowledgeable in God's Word can detect. One thing I can say about RC Sproul is that he left genuine men in leadership roles. There are few other Biblical based organizations that I have observed in this time, that has such a core board of pastor leadership so strong.


Well said. 100% agree.

Women’s best position are most profound and impactful will always be to serve her husband, children, home. While single women could serve the church. Their calling isn’t to be in an office, but to be wives, mothers.


Women, just as much as men, are called to minister to others, to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23), and to proclaim the gospel to the lost (Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 3:15). They excel in gifts of hospitality, mercy, teaching, evangelism, and helping/serving.

God has ordained that only men are to serve in positions of spiritual teaching authority in the church. This is not because men are necessarily better teachers or because women are inferior or less intelligent. The only activity women are restricted from is teaching or having spiritual authority over men. This precludes women from serving as pastors to men. 🙏✝️


A Christian friend of mine told me because man and woman are cleaved as one, this is the reason a woman can be a co-pastor with her husband. I don’t agree that that’s what the Bible teaches.


Excellent, clear, Scripture based answer. I so appreciate Pastor Parson's wisdom, clarity, and passion for the church and her members and polity. Thank you for these Q and A's! One of my favorite parts of Ligonier conferences!


Saddened to hear what R.C. Sprouls successor said.


Why are all of these men sitting there, with only two of them speaking, and while all the others are silent on this subject?


Hawayu Ligonier Ministries *& I Say Thanks 🙏 2 Pst. Burk Parsons & Pst. W. Robert Geodfrey 4 Answering This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Question on "What Ministry Roles Can Women Fill In The Church ?" Where I Say That Althu I Agree 💯% With What Pst. Burk Parsons & Pst. W. Robert Geodfrey Have Said, I Disagree 2 Agree Only With What Pst. Burk Parsons Especially What He Has Said About Women Deacons Because In My Presbyterian Church I Worship, We've Deacons Who are Women Where I Say That This Issue of Whether Women Can Be Preachers, Pastors, Bishops, Evangelists, Reverends & Deacons Has Divided The Church & Continues 2 Divide The Church Because Apostle Paul Says In 1st Timothy 2:12 That He Suffers Women Not 2 Preach But 2 Remain In Silence 4 This Issues of Roles Women Can Fill In Ministry & Whether Women Can Preach Divides The Church In a Bad Way & Unchristian Way Untill It Becomes a Gender Issue In The Church & The Body of Christ When It Shouldn't* & God Bless Yu Pst. Burk Parsons, Pst. W. Robert Geodfrey & Ligonier Ministries So Much.🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️


Women can minister in many ways. In Ezekiel when it says “the ministering women who ministered.” There are many ministries for women. God gave men the title, but God gave woman the influence. God bless


This was a great response until about 4:38 . (I agree with their stance on Elders and am still discerning deacons) I agree that the title should not be the goal, but this response goes for men as well as women so how does this resolve the dispute? The emotion plea of we shouldn't aim for a title except if you are man then it's okay go for the title of deacon? One one hand to women we say don't worry about the title keep serving as God is directing, but on the other hand to men we say I see you serving as God is directing. Want to be a deacon?




I attended 2 churches with women pastors


So, if ministry == service, why don't we talk about service roles that women can fill in the church, and reserve the word "ministry" for the specific ministry of Word. I find that too many folks use the word ministry as if it is the same as that of the ministry of the Word. It isn't, and this is what tingles my spidey sense. I appreciate the commentary. We need to be careful - there is a consistent push in our churches to have women hold office.


Actually women can be deacons Matthew 14 cant remember the scripture but in english it says this woman ministered. In greek its actually diekonie which means deaconed. So yes women can deacon


I understand what he's saying....i trujy believe women are allowed to preach (1st understanding what preaching is) CHRIST commanded all to go out & make disciples as HE stated to HIS disciples as a model & decree for all new concverts & believers & followers of CHRIST. But certain offices are assigned to men as a order of decree not for man to lord themselves arrogantly over the opposite gender in a negative manner & furthermore preaching is simply proclaiming the truth of the gospel messages & the decrees of GOD & we are called to do that....the Samaritan woman story is great prime example-without her evangelic preaching of this man (CHRIST THE LORD) those in the village would not have come forth in such great number in which they did & it was due to her going & sharing the truths that GOD HIMSELF shared with her....( she preached it conveyed it to the community in which she came from) she didn't hold a title per say but she did perform a sevice in which we all are called to do. So certain offices are set a part, but we all are called to do a universal service =proclaiming the truths of GOD & about GOD through our words & actions.


Hmm they saying everyone male and female are a royal priesthood.
But then you have John seeing the 24 elders around Gods Throne in Book of Revelation. They bow say because Jesus is worthy and redeemed us to God by his blood we shall be kings and priests, reigning on earth.

I thought kings and Priests are Males?


In all practicality, they didn't really answer the question


Decons. Explain Phoebe and how Paul commended her. You cannot pick and choose the verses that you want to support your argument, but you need to acknowledge those verses that do not support your Biblical truths. You would also have to explain Deborah and Pricilla. Where does elders come up in the Bible?


What roles can women fill in the church? This VERY diverse panel seems to have decided that speaking on a panel for themselves isn't one of them. 🙄


you can immediately understand that the men sitting in this panel are traditional conservatives and worthy of trust - black socks :D no colored squares, dolphins or butterflies :D love it :D (Voddie Baucham is an exception, love him also :D )
