Arduino Uno R4 Wifi LESSON 4: Building Clean and Neat Circuits on a Breadboard

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You can pick up the diagonal cutters I show in my video here:

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In this video I show you how to do neater and cleaner circuit and project builds on a breadboard. I show the importance of keeping your layout neat, and minimizing wire looping and cross overs. Using these techniques will make your circuits easier to debug and have circuits less likely to have bad connections.

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I am legend. Just didn't get it posted on YouTube. And I placed my LEDS across the center trench, positive leads towards the top, with ground lead towards the bottom. Then placed the resistors directly from the lower LED lead to the ground rail.


Very nice lesson and a good refresher for those that are more experienced. One thing I noticed is that you had power applied to the board while connecting the components to the arduino r4 and breadboard. This can be real problematic, especially for those just starting out with microcontrollers/electronics. That said you are the best teacher on youtube by far


I'm catching up with you guys, and from today's lesson I made a traffic light. Here is the code

void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // RED
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // YELLOW
pinMode(8, OUTPUT); // GREEN

void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);

digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);

digitalWrite(10, LOW);


I am Legend / Double Chest Thump / Black Ice Coffee hold the VODKA!!!!
Your lessons are amazing. LED sequencing this early in the new series must hint at some really cool things to come.


Did it three ways - blink all at once, blink sequentially to all on and likewise all off, and blink on-off sequentially. Connected to adjacent pins so a "for loop" works.


Great videos. I tried the cold coffee - not bad!


I am legend. Your classes are terrific as always.


Thanks!! cutting the legs of the resistors is a great idea


The homework in lesson 3 was to make the LED's blink a set number of times making it necessary to supply power to each of the LED's on a different pin. In this example you supplied power to all the LED's at the same time and for the same duration. I think this example could have been a lot neater if you had eliminated all the power pins except one and used one positive lead like you did with the GND. Place a LED long leg in the + column, 10 and then place the short leg in A, 10 next LED in A, 12 Next LED in A, 14, and then the last LED in A, 16. Now place one leg of the resistor in B, 10 and the other leg in the ground. Continue placing resistors in B12, B14, and B16, while placing the other leg in the ground plain 12, 14, and 16. You can know also make the code neater with two lines. set the pinMODE to output and then do the write to make it HIGH. I was hoping to see the actual solution to the homework assignment but, I understand the need to show how things can be done neatly so as to not make the wiring more confusing to a student. I was hoping there would be some way to loop through the pin to make it blink a set number of times and then move to the next pin. Maybe this is possible and will come up in a later more advanced lesson. I am very interested what all can be accomplished using this board. Thanks for all the time and effort. you put into these lectures.


I am Legend, double chest thump! I only used one resistor for the common GND... It works fine.


Thanx as ever Paul - doing a good job here.


Hmm, I stuck one end of the resistor into the ground rail to eliminate those jumper wires and straddled the LED across the center rail. Only 5 wires used. All of a sudden I have the theme to Knight Rider playing in my head.


Yes sir, got the homework done. Still working on that YouTube stuff. We'll get-er done tho


I always prefer to put the resistor in the positive leg of the LED


Personally I find it difficult to work with the resistors. they are too malleable, is there something like the short Jumper you mentioned but for resistors? Thank you sir!


another great lesson i'm hoping that you could make a series on stm32


I am Legend - Double Chest Thump
The link to my video is in the Lesson 3 page.


I AM LEGEND! *Chest pump* *Chest pump* : Just started the video but in a little bit after finishing the video You'll see my link to my homework!


Why don't they build protection into the Arduino to stop the pins drawing over currents instead of leaving it to the users?


Why not putting the resistors directly to the ground rail? They are long enough, aren‘t they?
