How To Use The Law Of Attraction To MANIFEST ANYTHING In 2023 | Dr. Tara Swart Bieber

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Dr. Tara Swart Bieber is a Ph.D neuroscientist and former MD who has worked to examine the many intricacies of the human brain. She is a professor at MIT Sloan, and also an executive advisor, who has improved the minds and behaviors of some of the world’s top business people.

She is a best-selling and award winning author, and in her book, ‘The Source’, she has shown the world how the brain can be used to manifest your best life. Tying all these endeavors together is her passion for neuroplasticity: the idea that the human brain—and the behaviors stemming from it—can be molded in a way that boosts a person’s ideal version of what they desire to become.

If you’re ready to learn how to use neuroplasticity to turn negativity into positive outcomes, how the science behind the law of attraction works, the importance of mentally rehearsing what you want and more, then this episode is for you! And now, let’s jump into Episode 1,325 of The School of Greatness.
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Whoever reading this have a happy, healthy, wealthy, strong, powerful, safe and secure life.😊


I treat age like a video game. I'm now at Level 67 and have accumulated so much wisdom. So much healthier than I was at 30!!


I cannot tell you how I absolutely love listening to ANY program with Dr Tara Swart! As highly qualified and educated as she is, she is so down to earth and easy to listen to! I love listening to her, I have made my own active/vision board and am thrilled every time something I have put on it actually comes to pass. I also watch what I say and I speak and think positively. Thank you Dr Tara Swart! Thank you for being such an excellent 1:14:49 interviewer Lewis - you are an excellent interviewer!


Loved this one! She is not only explaining neuroplasticity as a doctor or scientist but also being an example herself that it can be done.


Wonderful podcast, which I watched after Tara's appearance on Diary of a CEO. She walks the talk and is great with her super clear, interesting and engaging explanations. Thank you Lewis and your team for bringing us such personal development gold. I am inspired to start my reinvention with my action/vision board tomorrow - after my gratitude list tonight and deep visualisation now!


I lived in the Projects coming up as a child. I was demean and people didn’t want to associate themselves with someone who came form a lower income poverty stricken area. The manifestation of my behavior came from being locked in the closet as a child. I knew I may be locked in the closet but I would never put a lock on my mind. The word Project gave me so much strength. Life is a Project. I have continued the Project moving forward with new technology and with Social Media. In that locked closet my imagination flourished. I saw through my mind eyes. I was never alone and my brain took me to many places beyond that closet. Neuroplasticity-Emotional survival 💕


"What you seek is seeking you" What a fulfilling experience to listen to both of you. Such a great insights and a lot to reflect upon. Thank you Lewis & Dr. Tara, starseeds🥰


1:15:47 to this, I’d like to add don’t just be grateful. Be authentically EXCITED. Like, don’t just imagine receiving this thing and how great that would be, but also how insanely excited you will be when your manifestation plops onto your lap (so to speak) out of the blue like the miracle it is. If your manifestation is even half as impossible as mine was then you will lose your friggin mind when it shows up. You’ll scream and cry and feel so overwhelmed with pure AWE that it makes gratitude pale in comparison. When you start to mindfully manifest and receive for real, write it down. Keep a journal of your gifts received and read it regularly so that when you inevitably fall back into the illusion of 3D, you have a good tool to remind yourself that metaphysics is what governs our reality- not the physical. Happy manifesting ❤


“People don’t understand (scientifically) how great they are!” Paraphrasing this wonderful woman who has studied science to share her gifts with the world !! 💯 agree!!
Thank you for helping people understand and be more aware of their greatness!! And thank you to Lewis Howes for creating an incredible platform that is all about that!!🎉 Can’t wait to share this video!!


I have been doing vision boards since reading The Secret, nearly 14 years ago. I would say I’ve manifested about 80%. An action board, though? Oh, this is a game changer! Also, the doctor just inspired me to take two actions: 1) Create a MANIFESTED board to complement my action board. 2) Go purchase her book, immediately. 😊
Absolutely fascinating, enlightening, and inspiring interview. I’m so grateful to you Lewis for sharing. 🙏🏾


Lewis, you have been such a big impact on my life, been following you since 2019. As a young woman in her early 20's, I view you as my big brother. Some days life gets difficult, but these podcasts always refuel my hope. Thank you so much <33


Lewis is a great host and yet vulnerable when he speaks about his battle with the mind and body. And she is just amazing with her life insight. She's vulnerable, she's had her hits and misses. She's just human, like all of us. Which also means, all of us can make the most of mind magic. Don't just believe in your vision board. Live it with an action board. Quit day dreaming, and start living your dream.


Lewis, one of the best interviews of all. The energy between you/her is calming, real, easily exchange of words, open. Joe Dispenza said a lot of the same on your interview, but his dialog is more difficult for you as the interviewer. Dr. Tara provides easy examples of how to get past the "Self, " specific easy tasks, instead of just go to a workshop. We love you Lewis, you are an amazing inspiration to me, and many. Blessings. Mona


I didn't go to med school to come to this point of realization but through trauma and pain and just knowing that I WILL be the best version of myself. All the components of hardship, loss and trauma have definitely had an impact on brain development and I totally agree that what you are fed as a kid has a huge impact on their brain development. It definitely governs decision making later on in life and if they were not fed holistically i.e mentally, physically and emotionally they unfortunately have a slower, more difficult headstart in life.

Thank you for sharing, and keep up the good work.


Being grateful.... Feeling blessed....each and everyday .Wishing anyone struggling many blessings .


Honest, logical and incredibly interesting ! Science and spirituality have never danced more intimately before. Thank you Lewis !


This amazing work of Dr. Tara has reinforced the newest part of my life journey and I am truly grateful you shared it. As wonderful as this interview is, and I can’t wait to get her book, Lewis opening up and sharing about how his body was reacting when in his past relationship he was abandoning himself and crossing his boundaries daily to stay in that relationship, was exactly the message I needed from the universe. Thank you for your openness & for allowing the greatness you seek in others to shine through you and touch us in ways you might not even imagine. 🙏🏼


I am beyond grateful that this video popped up. This is exactly what I needed! Thank you!


Wow. Dr. Bieber. First time I'm hearing about her. Thank you for the interview, Lewis. Her information is very refreshing in a consistent way, comparing to the more popular gurus, i.e. the Wayne Dyers, etc. of the world. Calling a vision board, an "action board" is an example of the subtle same differences I'm finding. I love the good doctor the same way I love all the other teachers and mentors. Keep up the great work, Lewis.


Waw!! This has condensed all.the work I've done with myself and invested thousands of dollars and minutes for the past 10 years. And the work I do with my coaching program in 90 put it in 90 minutes. Thank you so much.
