10 important tips for new Persona 5 Royal players

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Persona 5 Royal has just been released for all platforms, now everyone can enjoy this masterpiece that Atlus made years ago. I have made this guide for all of the new people trying to figure out how things work in the game to make sure things go smoothly in their play throughs. #persona5royal #p5r

01:08-social stats
01:55-fuse a lot
02:32-check your stats
3:22-fusion alarm
3:57-how to make money
4:32-Don't ignore Mementos
4:59-When to tackle a palace
5:39-SP Items
6:41-back up your save data
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This game looks like the underrated Square Enix game " The world ends with you". Funny how companies like to steal ideas from the true and correct source, and make a shameless clone that not only worsens the genre, but leaves me with a sad and daunting life. F Persona 5, F PERSONA 5!!! MOre like persona why does this game exist


SP recovery items are at 3 vending machines
Bath house - 2 of each
School Courtyard - 1 of each
Arcade - 1 of each


I've been playing this for two days and have been shocked at how much depth and strategy it has. I just watched this video and realized I haven't even scratched the surface yet lol. Great video. Earned a sub from me.


Tip: If you bought Royal, you're given 10x Camera Strap accessories that restore SP each turn if the battle is an ambush. Makes SP very manageable.


I would suggest instead of doing just one backup save, consider doing seperate saves inbetween dungeons or after large story events. You want to save often, but you also want to have some time inbetween saves so you can go back on any mistakes or tasks you forgot to complete.


I've been playing the crap out of this finally and I keep having to check guides. Most of the guides make the game even more confusing somehow, but this one felt concise and helpful. Very good points explained in a very digestible way.


*Best money farming tip:* Make a Persona with Null Physical, Confuse, Confuse Boose, Aliment Boost. Then solely focus on that Persona's LUCK stat (Higher the LUCK, more money you get)
You can boost Persona Stats with Imprisionment and the Gallows that's unlock after securing the treasure to Futaba's Palace. Then, check which Memento Boss is susceptible to Confuse and solo the boss fight to make things go faster.
*Confuse the boss:* If your LUCK stat is high, every time the boss throws away money, it'll be around $100k-$200k+ You'll max out to $10 million in under an hour depending on how often Boss throws away money.
*Bonus:* You'll get a bunch of physical/magic mirror type items along with getting rich.


that 10th tip is simple but so smart, i hadn’t even thought of backing up my save until you mentioned it. gonna make sure to do this, thanks!


I have only played Persona 1 & 5R...and I was blown away how almost instantly 5R reminded me of the first game. The very essence I remembered of that awesome rpg was all there. It looks way polished and more detailed. It became one of my favorite PS4 rpgs almost instantly. I highly recommend it. Every little detail is so cool. The menu art, the music is it's own vibe and not to mute the TV when afk, and combat still reminded me of Persona 1 feel as far as "PERSONAAAA" like an anime power up lol.


Been grinding out these videos. Just found this game and started playing through it. So much to learn.


Excellent video to help out the new Persona 5 Royal players.


I just sent this guide to one of my friends playing the game rn and they learned a lot and found it really helpful. Thanks for the guide KD!


My advice to new players would be: take your time. Honestly, even the game says that. Don't rush shit. Enjoy the story, the experience. I wish I could experience P5 for the first time. You don't have to Max or even meet every single confidant in your first playthrough. You can have a second or even a third run. I played vanilla P5 10 times and royal 5 times.


Very good advice! Persona has features so many people dont realize because they don’t do little things properly, very good guide my brotha


I really miss this game and can't wait to play it on Steam! I got to the Okumura storyline in the original P5 on PS4, but I got distracted by The Witcher 3 and upgrading my PC. I haven't touched my PS4 since then, so it's been almost 5 years since I played it. Looking forward to getting into it on my PC and Stream Deck!


Mechanics in this game are so confusing that I abandoned it a couple of times. Must be a really good game though, since I bought it for 3 platforms :|


I only comment on videos that help me progress in Persona 5 Royal. Unfortunately for me, this is the only channel that has that kind of content. It sure is a great thing I hit that subscribe button. Great video, I can now be successful in everything that happens to be titled Persona 5!


The point about fusing, this is very true for the first playthrough. I struggled a lot with okumuras boss fight (and like the rest of them too) bc I didn't fuse enough. But in my second playthrough pretty much no matter what I had I could win easily. I genuinely think I got a game over maybe once in the entirety of my second run. So yeah, but also it's just having a better understanding of the strategy of the game.


I’m starting my first play through of this today after having never touched the Persona series before now. I know what absolutely none of these words mean, but I assume I’ll find out pretty soon lol. Saving this video for later so that I can watch it with context.


This vid is a godsend, thank u for your work!!! New player here, mainly just trying to play to not get locked out of 3rd semester :) Appreciate it!!
