5 Ways to Escape the Friendzone

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Easiest way out of the friend zone... stop being available. Live your own life. Meet someone else.


Long story short, be upfront with your interest, and if she’s not interested walk away.

Then you’ve not wasted her time, but MORE IMPORTANTLY you haven’t wasted YOUR TIME.


I was asking a woman out before and she said yes but then tried to say we were just "friends" and just wanted to hang out and be friends, I told her I have plenty of friends and have a nice life, she couldn't stand it and in a few weeks she was chasing me down


Move on if trapped in the friend zone. Best part here, make your intentions known from the beginning….either she’s into you or she rejects you. Get comfortable with rejection.


The friend zone sucks, and there’s seldom a cure for that one woman. So do yourself a favor and broom her. She’s already got girlfriends, so she won’t miss you.


The long game rarely works. If she's not into you from the start, then people rarely change.

Also, if you want her, more than she wants you, that relationship will very likely fail. Because she will never really respect a man, when she has the power in the relationship. You're basically a simp at that point.

If she's not chasing after you in someway in the relationship, she'll start looking for someone else that makes her feel that way.


Be the double barrel with your intention. Don’t beat around the bush. I have always said it how it is.
If they only want to be friends then you have to make a decision on wether you can just be a friend. If the answer is “no I can’t just be a friend” don’t hang around waiting in hope.
Tell her straight out that being friends doesn’t work for you.

Being friends and best friends is important in a realationship being friend zoned is not a friendship


Just don’t bother with them. None are worth the trouble. At all. Love my wife but she was not worth the trouble. And I even told her that. Seems to appreciate my honesty. 😂


We men need to know when to "fish or cut bait". If she is not liking your bait, there are plenty more fish in the sea. Most importantly, we men have to have the balls to set boundaries. You can be a "nice" guy and still get laid, but you must have boundaries thats what separates "nice" guys from simps. Also, remember a woman by your side is nice to have but not a necessity, time is own our side.


#6 beat her to the punch and place her in the friend zone first.
#7 walk away if she gets mad because of #6.


And stop chasing tens when you’re not a ten. The 10 women will string you along and take from you, but would never be in a relationship with you. You’re just a nice guy and a good friend.
There are lots of women who are amazing that don’t look like a supermodel. And they will adore you and appreciate you.
You’re wasting your time.


You are so spot on Sarah. Wish I learned this way younger in life.


A guy is only in the friend zone because he allows it. Woman: "I just want to be friends right now." Guy: "I'm sorry, but I am not looking for friends right now." And then you leave her. Don't waste time on those who are happy to waste yours.


To be honest, I've done all this. I know my value, I dont use my feminine energy, rejection is my medication, and I'm so up front with what I want, and lastly demanding clarity i do.
So its not me that's the problem, I enjoy my masculinity and I use it in the right way.


Thank you my beautiful therapist Sarah for the great advice and my daily one minute therapy session. I feel a whole lot better. 😊


Well said 👏 trouble is some people need to let go move on because if it's not working at the beginning it's not going to work during that relationship


I'm very honest with my guy fiends when I just see them as a friend. There have been occasions where they continue to pursue for awhile and some decide not to be my friend. Totally understandable. I've noticed this with other people's friendships as well. The worst is when women decide to use their "friend" when he thinks maybe he can prove himself by spoiling her with gifts and dinners. Women like a confident man that respect themselves not a desperate man. The guys I've friend zoned are typically because of being too desperate, too arrogant, too negative, flirt but aren't direct especially when some guys playfully flirt, or sometimes I just get a brother vibe. It's usually not because of physical looks. I can be friends with multiple personality types and I'm always willing to be honest and help give my guy friends advice. Don't be afraid of rejection it happens. You won't be everyone's cup of tea but with the right mindset you will be some woman's. 🙂


I find that when I just go for what I want and get rejected it's far better than being friend zoned.


Number 4 is spot on, growing up, there were definitely women who became interested in me only once they knew I was interested in them


If a woman puts you in the friend zone, move on. Cause otherwise you just look needy and stupid. 😮
