A Deeper Conversation: The 1973 Jane Eyre BBC Mini Series (Part 1) - Eyre Buds Full Ep 8

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Originally Released 03/07/22

In which Jane and Rochester are given more time to converse and Lillian and Piper dive a bit deeper into the themes of this classic tale.

#janeeyre #michaeljayston #bookadaptations #charlottebronte #podcast #SorchaCusack #classicnovel #moviereviewpodcast #booktube
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Please correct me if I'm wrong (I had no time to listen to everything but I shall) - it sounds as if you didn't like this version very much? Is that possible? Because this 1973 adaptation is simply the best and the finest! Sorcha Cusack played Jane exactly as Charlotte Bronte described her. Michael Jayston is electrifying in the role, simply mesmerizing - the best Mr. Rochester by far. The chemistry is HOT. This adaptation is so full of sex hormones. :) About Bertha... too much fuss, she was described in the book as violent, dangerous, debauched. Have you ever seen an insane person? You can do nothing to calm a violent madman or madwoman, except medication (not available at that time). What could he have done except taking care in the way he did? He could have easily killed her but he didn't, because he was a very good human being. His complicated plans to make her speak her mind? Those were because he was in love but didn't know what her feelings were (remember the proposal scene). Well I could talk about this endlessly as I adore this version. This mini series is a must watch because no other one is better and never will be. It's so annoying that YT has been blocking every single video of it, even short clips.
