How I Learned French

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I got turned on to French long ago and my passion for the language has stayed with me for over 50 years. In this video I share my journey to French fluency.

#french #learnfrench #languagelearning
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11:56 "How did I learn french? I don't remember" The answer you're looking for, short and sweet


The hardest thing I find about French is understanding it. It all sounds the same and everyone speaks super fast 😩 But I’ll keep trying!


Steve’s technique is quite simply find a reason to learn the language, find your motivation, find something fun to do in the target language, and the rest comes more or less by itself. That’s my experience of French and Swedish, too, and what I’m now trying to do in Spanish.


„So how did I learn french? I don‘t remember.“ 😂😂👍🏻


For us Spanish speakers French isn't so hard but the Pronunciation requires special attention.


Mandarin proverb: 興趣是最好的老師 “interest (strong interest and vehement enthusiasm) is the best teacher”


I learned French on my own and he is exactly right. You need to be interested in a French-speaking country AND you need to start learning phrases and sentences first. It can be fun that way but to study grammar, conjugations, verb tenses is the WORST way to start learning. You will hate it that way! Play with the language, have fun with it, study what interests you and you will find a most marvelous experience which is rewarding and enriching. I started out this way and I have taken over 50 trips to France and consider it my co-nationality. I have friends and know Paris better than any U.S. city, although I've been to all 50 states and lived in or near both Boston and Chicago.


As a french person i can tell y'all, french is hard... and imo wanting to learn it is already a brave move! so to everyone who is learning, keep going! you will like it at some point and you will really be proud of yourself then lol ;) bon courage!


I want to get to the point where I fall in so deep I wake up being fluent in French. I’ve lived in France a total of two years of my life and studied it as my minor in college and I know it well but want to be completely fluent I will get there!!this video was helpful to know it just happens and at that point you don’t remember the point where you become fluent. Thanks for the inspiration


I’m learning French this year as my next language learning resolution and I think this video is a sign!!


C'est tellement inspirant d'entendre votre histoire d'apprentissage de la langue française. Vous avez une bibliothèque impressionnante !


You're so funny, Steve. Twelve minutes into the video: "So how did I learn French? I don't remember." Lol.


Je suis française et c'est passionnant de vous écouter. On ne se rend pas compte quand on est français que la prononciation est monotone et on a tendance à parler anglais, italien ou espagnol sans mettre d'intonation. Et la prononciation de l'anglais pour un Français est une réelle difficulté. De même, on ne pense pas que les liaisons que nous faisons automatiquement peuvent être difficiles pour un anglophone. Et il y a aussi en France deux grandes variétés de prononciation, celle de la moitié nord de la France, la langue "officielle " des medias, où on parle plus rapidement en sautant des lettres et celle de la moitié sud de la France où on parle plus lentement en prononçant toutes les lettres. Merci pour cette vidéo très instructive pour moi et je retourne à mon perfectionnement en anglais !


I do tell you my experience when I was learning French at the University of class mates in that time, they got stuck in the accent, they my English class mates had debates over the French accent and the origin of the French language. I did not participate to that debate and they quit the class or never learn French...but me I have succeed.Today I speak and write french....not perfectly but that does not bothers me...I am happy of my success and everyday I keep learning...I live in Quebec city....good luck to all who want to learn french


Immersion! Couldn’t agree more. I wouldn’t have continued with my Spanish as much as I have (reading Vargas Llosa and routine discussions) without the Spanish culture to tempt me! What wonderful worlds we language learners can explore... (And I loved the library tour, too, maybe this for other languages and respective recommendations?)


Reading the comments, I'm so glad to be French ! Bonne et heureuse Année !


These videos are always so motivating, thanks for all you do Steve!

Also that English accent was great


I’ve always thought French is really hard to follow when spoken but after a good bit of listening practice I learnt to follow it easily enough.... still not really there with the speaking though


Le français est une belle langue. Ce que je trouve tragique et déplorable, comment au fil de l'histoire, on a tenté d'enrayer la langue en Louisiane et dans certaines provinces canadiennes. Courage à tous ceux et celles qui défendent ce bel idiome et vive la diversité linguistique dans le monde!


Hi, i'm french, these are precisely the problems encountered by foreigners who learn the French language, you made the difference between sounds "in" et "un" but the ultra big french majority doesn't sound the difference, for the whole arguments and as other many languages, how to speak is different than how it's written in books as the Passé simple which is not spoken but often used in books, it's the same for the italian language, mainly not spoken in the north but still used in the south of Italy and often used in books. Congratulations it's a very pertinent video ! Et les liaisons sont un véritable problème pour ceux qui apprennent notre langue. Bien amicalement.
