7 Stories You Didn't Know Were in the Bible (Animation)

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We’ve all read about the miraculous stories of Gods power in the Bible, but within its 66 books the Bible has a number of interesting things that seem to slip under the radar. From a giant bunch of grapes to a talking donkey, these are 7 things you may not have known were in the Bible.

#offthekirb #jesus #bible

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Sorry guys! In the resurrection one, the verse is Matthew 27:52 not verse 14. A commentor on my shorts pointed that out! God bless y'all


The last story with Elisha is partially true in how you described it. The "kids" were actually unmarried men. For whatever reason, the Hebrew translated there is boys, but the word is used for people anywhere up to the age of 35 or something of that sort. They were also insulting him by saying "go up, go up." They were implying that Elijah being taken by God didn't actually happen.


Matthew 27:52-53 the resurrection of the dead, does not happen simultaneously as the veil being torn and the earthquake… although it is mentioned together it specifically says “Also the tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;
53 and coming out of the tombs AFTER HIS Resurrection, they entered the holy city and appeared to many.

So yes, many of the recently deceased saints were resurrected, but it was after the resurrection of Jesus, so it had to be minimum of three days, after the veil was torn, the earthquake and the death of Christ .


I absolutely loved this and enjoyed list. "Get outta here baldy." Then summon 2 bears is the most Giga Chad move ever.


I love the talking donkey story!
The crazy thing i think about the talking donkey and Balaam’s initial reaction was that Balaam Replied!- like he talked back to the the donkey WITHOUT HESITATION! What- as if this is normal?! makes me wonder, why WASN’t Balaam first shocked that his do key is talking?!

Also, fun fact that I researched- the talking Donkey from Shrek is actually an allegory to this biblical story!!

You’ll find that one of the key writers for Shrek (a Dreamworks film) worked in the Prince of Egypt and Joseph King of Dreams!!


Joshua prays to keep the sun shining for more than 24 hours.


These videos will incite study and great tool and very such a time as this. Blessings to you and this ministry!


Numbers is actually an interesting book it just opens with a census. The name is really unfortunate: the book was originally called “Into the Wilderness” by the Hebrews who wrote it.


Chronicles was the hardest read for me. I just finished Kings and now i essentially have to read Kings again but a little different.


There are a lot more crazy stories: 1) Elijah outrunning Ahab's chariot for 20 miles; 2) Elijah's town was surrounded by an army. He struck them blind, and led them to Samaria as prisoners. They were fed and sent home. 3) Ezekiel lying on one side for 390 days, and the other side for 40 days. 4) Hosea, a prophet, being told to marry a whore; 5) A man in Judges cuts his concubine into 12 pieces and sent the pieces to the 12 tribes of Israel. 6) Peter was miraculously released from prison, shackled to two guards, by an angel. He returned to the disciples' common house and the servant girl thought he was a ghost. 7) Jesus making mud with his spit and anointing a blind man's eyes with it, and healing him.

God doesn't do the same thing the same way twice.


The story of balam makes me wonder if animals are sentient. The bible specificly says it opened his mouth not made it smart. What if animals just cant understand our language but do have feelings and thoughts?


In a world full of controversy and negative indoctrination on youtube, this channel is exactly what I need. Keep it up 🎉🎉🎉🙏🏾🙏🏾


Isaiah didn't preach "butt naked". He preached in his undergarments. The Hebrew and context are quite clear on the point.


This is why young boys and girls should be taught to be respectful and loving to elderly people and older people.


I didn't know one of them. My favorite "crazy" story in the Bible is when David licked door posts to convince Saul's men he was "crazy", and they left him alone instead of bring him back to Saul. Lol.


I like how you drew Elisha in this case to look like Saitama from One Punch Man. Found it funny.


Great job! It would be nice to see animations of lesser known but equally interesting stories like the stories of Jabez, Jephtha, Korah, Methuselah, the Levite's concubine that led to the Benjamite War, Balam's and the Nephilim's etc.


Yes, I'm not even 20 yet, and I knew Balaam's donkey, the NT resurrections, and the baldy maulings! :)


The most disturbing story in the bible is when the Hebrews worshipped idols and began to commit witchcraft and child sacrifices. So God left them and the army of aram besieged Israel so the people started to hunger. The hunger became so great that the king went out to get an overview. Then a woman told him how she cooked and ate her own baby in a saucepot. The king realizes that God has left them and ripps his own clothes appart. - 2Kings6:24


Wasn't Isaiah also told to cook his food over burning human feces for 7 days too? I swear I heard that somewhere
