Why is There a Desert in the Caribbean? | Geography Anomaly

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The Caribbean has more than swaying coconut palms and sugarcane fields. In some areas, deserts prevail where one would probably expect tropical forests. These islands and peninsulas have had a very different history compared to the rest of the Caribbean, thanks to their unique desert environment.
Features of the Caribbean Low Level Jet. International Journal of Climatology, 2008. Felicia S. Whyte, Michael A. Taylor,* Tannecia S. Stephenson and Jayaka D. Campbell.
The caribbean low‐level jet, the inter‐tropical convergence zone and precipitation patterns in the intra‐americas sea: a proposed dynamical mechanism. 2015. Hugo G. Hidalgo,Ana M. Durán‐quesada,Jorge A. Amador & Eric J. Alfaro.
Winter and Summer Structure of the Caribbean Low Level Jet, Journal of Climate. Ernesto Muñoz and Antonio J. Busalacchi, Sumant Nigam, Alfredo Ruiz-Barradas.
Spatial variability of Spanish sardine (Sardinella aurita) abundance as related to the upwelling cycle off the southeastern Caribbean Sea. Digna Tibisay, Rueda Roa, Jeremy Mendoza, Frank Edgar , Muller-Karger, Yrene Astor, Juan José Cárdenas, Alina Achury
Low Level Jets in the Tropical Americas, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Gabriela Mora.
Historical Archaeology of Early Colonial Campsites on Margarita and Coche Islands, Venezuela
Andrzej T. Antczak, Ma. Magdalena Antczak, Oliver Antczak and Luis A. Lemoine Buffet
pp. 146-174
The Spanish Conquest of the Pearl Coast and the Search for the Province of the Meta. Michael Perri, Emory University.
Spanish Pearl-fishing Operations on the Pearl Coast in the Sixteenth Century. Sanford A. Mosk. The Hispanic American Historical Review.
The Aruba Heritage Report, Luc Alofs, 2008.
Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795-1800. Wim Klooster, Gert Oostindie. Kiltv press.
A short natural history of Curacao. Gerard Van Buurt.
“The sole owners of the land”: Empire, war, and authority in the Guajira Peninsula, 1761–1779
Forrest Hylton.
Features of the Caribbean Low Level Jet. International Journal of Climatology, 2008. Felicia S. Whyte, Michael A. Taylor,* Tannecia S. Stephenson and Jayaka D. Campbell.
The caribbean low‐level jet, the inter‐tropical convergence zone and precipitation patterns in the intra‐americas sea: a proposed dynamical mechanism. 2015. Hugo G. Hidalgo,Ana M. Durán‐quesada,Jorge A. Amador & Eric J. Alfaro.
Winter and Summer Structure of the Caribbean Low Level Jet, Journal of Climate. Ernesto Muñoz and Antonio J. Busalacchi, Sumant Nigam, Alfredo Ruiz-Barradas.
Spatial variability of Spanish sardine (Sardinella aurita) abundance as related to the upwelling cycle off the southeastern Caribbean Sea. Digna Tibisay, Rueda Roa, Jeremy Mendoza, Frank Edgar , Muller-Karger, Yrene Astor, Juan José Cárdenas, Alina Achury
Low Level Jets in the Tropical Americas, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Gabriela Mora.
Historical Archaeology of Early Colonial Campsites on Margarita and Coche Islands, Venezuela
Andrzej T. Antczak, Ma. Magdalena Antczak, Oliver Antczak and Luis A. Lemoine Buffet
pp. 146-174
The Spanish Conquest of the Pearl Coast and the Search for the Province of the Meta. Michael Perri, Emory University.
Spanish Pearl-fishing Operations on the Pearl Coast in the Sixteenth Century. Sanford A. Mosk. The Hispanic American Historical Review.
The Aruba Heritage Report, Luc Alofs, 2008.
Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795-1800. Wim Klooster, Gert Oostindie. Kiltv press.
A short natural history of Curacao. Gerard Van Buurt.
“The sole owners of the land”: Empire, war, and authority in the Guajira Peninsula, 1761–1779
Forrest Hylton.