Catholic Priest BEAUTIFULLY Explains MEANING to an Atheist

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Alex O'Connor and Bishop Barron discuss meaning.

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I love the development of their dialogue. It's amazing full of respect


Great to watch to people listening to each other


This is so beautiful and great to see two people of opposing views honestly dialogue to each learn something from the other. Without the openness of learning it is not truly a dialogue or at least not a sincere one. This is why I love Bishop Barron so much. He has a great gift and understanding that he can speak to almost anyone.


Surprised to find AO hearing this argument for the first time. And great watching the Bishop, such an affable person but with all the classic philosophical tools and expertise able to handle a modern atheist without alienating him


I felt privileged to email with Alex months ago. He's a role model for because he's naturally virtuous and and admirably humble. Watch videos where he talked with professor Dawkins to see how gently he disproves some things Dr. Dawkins says. Alex is brilliant. I hope that someday he'll revert to Catholicism partly because he'd excel at Catholic philosophy.


Life for me is impossible without God. The Holy Trinity one God makes life meaningful and joyful for me.


Life is meaningless. Everything passes away so quickly: that friendship in high school; that exhilarating ski trip; that picnic, that camp out, that present; that meal. "The world and everything in it that people desire is passing away; but he who does the will of God lives forever." 1John 2:17.


“The birth and death of every heresy has been essentially the same. An unbalanced Catholic or Christian takes one idea out of a thousandfold throng of Catholic ideas, and announces he cares for that Catholic idea more than for Catholicism. He takes it away with him into the wilderness, where the idea becomes an image and the image an idol. Then, after a century or two, he suddenly wakes up and discovers that the idol is an idol; and shortly after that, that the wilderness is a wilderness. If he is a wise man, he calls himself a fool and returns to the balance of the thousandfold throng of ideas in Catholicism. If not, he calls himself a progressive who has outgrown the worship of idols, and he looks around at the wilderness, and says, “I see no limit to it at all.”- Chesterton

Whatever is set on the throne of God is the idol that causes the imbalance.


The final cause argument can also be framed as you will worship something, it can be God or it can be something else. But you do worship something.


I like Alex, he is begging to find meaning and just some day, Jesus Christ will beckon to him just like Thomas, come...!


What is eternal Life. Life is complex and the scripture of epistle of Hebrews chapter 4 v 12. The spirit of God is active like a two edged sword. He separates. People change depending on the unknown events that we are unprepared for.


7:04 Yes, people saying "I'm going to invent my own meaning and purpose" ARE coping, for the simple fact that the human will IS NOT performative : it cannot change reality.
Thus, if life is objectively meaningless, as atheist claim, saying "my life has value because I decide it has" doesn't create meaning ; it creates an illusion.
And "no matter how tender, how exquisite, a lie remains a lie".

This thirst for meaning in the human life, that isn't explained by evolution, is another hint toward the existence of God.


Good morning. I'm an atheist, but I want to know for my personal investigation about monotheists:
- Have you read ALL the Bible: All pages?
- For you, is there only one God? Which one?
- For you, what is God?
- For you, why hasn't anyone ever seen God? Why doesn't he ever show up? A reason?
Thank you, sir.
Jean-Jacques THIBOUT.


they can’t enjoy the world? Thats a bold statement. are you saying that one in the history of the world, ( not just atheists but Muslims, buddhists, Hindus, etc. ) hasn’t enjoyed their life without a christ myth to believe in? Going to need some data on that.


The entire two minutes of this conversation is essentially Ecclesiastes. Thought this O’Connor guy read the Bible?


I see what's being avowed here: that we'd be a happier, more socially cohesive culture if everyone bought into - and ordered their lives around - a shared belief in _astrology._ I agree of course, but...


In short (Ha! Ha!) .. So let us consider the question -
Thus, we ponder not so much 'What is the point?' which relates to the quantum (how-much-ness) of a concept (here a mathematical expression of some or other equation) = how many variable weights of value will prompt a limited free-will moral agent to act responsibly (e.g. efficiently, within reason, without coercion). Rather we wonder - 'Why is there a "point" at all .. let alone an original and final one (or more, materially, concrete "stuff", or spiritually, of "life, existence, being" ad infinitum) ..? which leads us to examine the qualitas (kind-of-ness) of a character (here the assessment of one or more attractions) = the sort of agency that affects us (i.e. to act within reason, without coercion, as a matter of limited choice aka 'free will').
The material chain, for chain or channel it is, of attraction is by nature (character) limited - whether a drug, pleasure, or habit. However the spiritual chain in the character (disposition) of attention - is unnervingly un-ended, whether an entertainment, sensation, or design.

It is the designation .. and its origin/ destination .. that sets out the parameters of the 'point' = its meaning, purpose, value or virtue (and vice); this applies in its beginning, course, and end even for the point of a pin or pencil or polity, for the term 'God' its philosophical concept < God > and its assessment as a - spiritual - reality (thing, in being, existence, life), also for a belief-system, faith, or religion, et al; and that btw is why the Catholic Church dares to set itself out as it so believes of itself, as one body with one spirit : Jesus Christ, Himself, mystically .. even though its pastors no longer seem to understand, accept or proclaim its genuinely startling indeed disturbing claims .. that designation is far too confrontational for drawing-room conviviality*.
Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek.
God bless. ;o)
* Which .. reality .. does not make it true or false only - pointed, and decidedly so = finally.


This young guy seems to be very determined to show us that become food for worms is great!!


The meaning of your life is up to the individual and people who know you nothing to do with an imaginary mind that supposedly created the universe just enjoy your conscious experience you don't need to have faith in unproven gods and religions to enjoy life...


3:16 Nonsense. Aligning with Christ has nothing to do with good or bad. They were good people before Jesus was born and good people in part of the word who never even heard of Jesus.

On the other hand people who had done the worst crime on humanity had faith in Jesus. What do you say about that.
