EPRS First annual conference on better law making: Forward looking policy making in times of crisis
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The ability of EU legislation to work for citizens and businesses and to take their views into account is a matter of frequent debate. The principles of better law-making have been designed to improve EU policy-making and make it more evidence-based, transparent and easy to follow. In light of recent crises and the challenges facing the EU, better law-making is increasingly relevant and an area in which the European Parliament is a key player, given the roles it plays in legislation and scrutiny. This event follows up on Parliament's recent resolution on Better regulation: Joining forces to make better laws, and takes stock of the better law-making agenda.
The event will involve three sessions. The first will examine the evolution and implementation of the Better Regulation agenda over time and assess its efficacy in the midst of the current challenges; the other two will delve deeper into several key issues across the legislative cycle. More specifically, the second session will focus on anticipatory governance tools and how to future-proof legislation, while the third will end the conference by looking at progress on simplification and the reduction of unnecessary costs, in the light of the 'one in, one out' approach.
Thursday, 8 September 2022 | 14:00 - 17:30 hours CET
Tiemo WÖLKEN, MEP, Rapporteur on Better regulation: Joining forces to make better laws
Pascal LEARDINI, Deputy Secretary-General, European Commission
Karl-Heinz LAMBERTZ, Chair of the Better Regulation and Active Subsidiarity Steering Group, European Committee of the Regions
Elizabeth GOLBERG, former Director of Smart Regulation, European Commission
Rytis MARTIKONIS, Chair of Regulatory Scrutiny Board
Véronique WILLEMS, Secretary General, SMEunited
Isabelle SCHÖMANN, Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation
Sacha GARBEN, Professor of EU law, Legal Studies Department, College of Europe
Christiane ARNDT-BASCLE, Head of the Measuring Regulatory Performance Unit, Regulatory Policy Division, OECD
Katharina ARNREITHER, Research Assistant, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Rolf HÖIJER, Senior Advisor and Coordinator of the Better Regulation Agenda, Swedish Government Offices
Thomas LARUE, Head of the Evaluation and Research Secretariat, Swedish Parliament
Meenakshi FERNANDES, Policy Analysts, European Added Value Unit, EPRS
Aleksandra HEFLICH, Policy Analysts, European Added Value Unit, EPRS
Future proofing' EU policies-The why, what and how of stress testing, EPRS briefing 2021:
How to stress-test EU policies - Building a more resilient Europe for tomorrow, EPRS study 2022:
Appraising the quality of the European Commission's impact assessments: Trends and developments from 2015 to 2018, EPRS study 2019:
What is new in the Commission's 2021 Better Regulation Guidelines?, EPRS Briefing 2022:
The event will involve three sessions. The first will examine the evolution and implementation of the Better Regulation agenda over time and assess its efficacy in the midst of the current challenges; the other two will delve deeper into several key issues across the legislative cycle. More specifically, the second session will focus on anticipatory governance tools and how to future-proof legislation, while the third will end the conference by looking at progress on simplification and the reduction of unnecessary costs, in the light of the 'one in, one out' approach.
Thursday, 8 September 2022 | 14:00 - 17:30 hours CET
Tiemo WÖLKEN, MEP, Rapporteur on Better regulation: Joining forces to make better laws
Pascal LEARDINI, Deputy Secretary-General, European Commission
Karl-Heinz LAMBERTZ, Chair of the Better Regulation and Active Subsidiarity Steering Group, European Committee of the Regions
Elizabeth GOLBERG, former Director of Smart Regulation, European Commission
Rytis MARTIKONIS, Chair of Regulatory Scrutiny Board
Véronique WILLEMS, Secretary General, SMEunited
Isabelle SCHÖMANN, Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation
Sacha GARBEN, Professor of EU law, Legal Studies Department, College of Europe
Christiane ARNDT-BASCLE, Head of the Measuring Regulatory Performance Unit, Regulatory Policy Division, OECD
Katharina ARNREITHER, Research Assistant, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Rolf HÖIJER, Senior Advisor and Coordinator of the Better Regulation Agenda, Swedish Government Offices
Thomas LARUE, Head of the Evaluation and Research Secretariat, Swedish Parliament
Meenakshi FERNANDES, Policy Analysts, European Added Value Unit, EPRS
Aleksandra HEFLICH, Policy Analysts, European Added Value Unit, EPRS
Future proofing' EU policies-The why, what and how of stress testing, EPRS briefing 2021:
How to stress-test EU policies - Building a more resilient Europe for tomorrow, EPRS study 2022:
Appraising the quality of the European Commission's impact assessments: Trends and developments from 2015 to 2018, EPRS study 2019:
What is new in the Commission's 2021 Better Regulation Guidelines?, EPRS Briefing 2022: