Wal Thornhill: An Examination of 'Gravitational Waves' | Space News

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On February 11, 2016, a team of scientists announced the "discovery" of gravitational waves, or so-called ripples in space/time. Science media have proclaimed the purported discovery a confirmation of a prediction of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. In this Space News, physicist Wal Thornhill begins our coverage of the issue with a skeptical examination of the "discovery" -- a skepticism thus far startlingly absent in science media.

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With respect to Google's apparent insertion of the word "Hoax: into the url above: It seems that several Inquisitors at Google were indeed serious when they said they were going to start taking action against people challenging scientific orthodoxy. This selective blindness could indeed become one of the blackest marks against official science in recent decades. It will be interesting to see what else they may have up their sleeves, discrediting what was once the world's most respected search engine.


thank you once again, mr thornhill, for putting more light on both the scientific and pseudoscientific issues of our day
please, keep plugging away; we'll get there


Wal Thornhill you are a very good representative of the Thunderbolts Project... I am grateful that I have not sold out to anything that continually contradicts itself as gravitational cosmology has. It is so refreshing to see common sense and logic explaining what we can see and reproduce, albeit on a much smaller scale, rather than the restricted focus within that discipline. You have hit the nail head when you mention the lack of willingness to move in any direction that would cause FUNDING to cease swirling down the black drain. It is truly maddening and I can not imagine the frustration you all experience from the establishment. Keep up the Great Work...


So much packed into such a brief, intense information packed and compelling video.
This is science being performed like a great art once again, and as an artist, I am inspired to reconsider everything I know about art.


I was skeptical about this video, and almost didn't keep watching, but then in the last 3rd of it he actually gets into the science behind his view.

Your view here is IMPORTANT for science, especially for students... why seal it away behind many minutes of scornful remarks that will appear baseless and hurt your image?





The scientists were sitting around, eating their sandwiches, playing computer games, gossiping around the water fountain, or whatever, when suddenly, a signal came in. They somehow traced the signal's origin back to a collision of black holes a billion light years away, and bingo - a gravity wave was detected. This event also apparently confirmed the existence of space-time ripples. The three head scientists won $5.7m for their efforts. The cost of building the Ligo observatories was $620m, and the administrative costs before and after approval have to be added on: there were at the time of discovery, 1000 scientists worldwide, plus an unknown number of support staff.

Add on top of that, the cost of education and training for all the scientists and staff, plus the day-to-day running budget.

The discovery was a variation of signal, a thousandth of the width of a proton (as we currently understand one to be), proportionally equivalent to changing the distance to the nearest star outside the Solar System (Proxima Centauri, about 4.22 light-years from Earth) by one hair's width.

Incidentally, there is no treatment for killing the virus that causes the common wart.


That's the key right there! 10:45
"It is known that the "vacuum" is known to have the properties of a dielectric medium!"
If you ignore that then you can speculate, conflate and bullshit all sorts of wonders - "till the cows come home."
Kudos Wal! Keep up the good work!


THANK YOU, My call to arms was granted by this wonderful and comprehensive rebuttal to this bunkum 'discovery'! You never fail us :)


One more item folks. The last thing in the world we will indulge is racist propaganda. It seems that, despite our earlier warnings, a few people prefer to promote divisiveness above human respect. Our policy will continue to include the removal of racist comments when they are brought to our attention.


Careful there, Wal... don't dismiss this signal just because it doesn't match your own theory. If you're right and gravity is instantaneous, then gravitational waves can't exist in the first place. But if Einstein was right and it does travel at the speed of light, then the time delay between the LIGO detectors is to be expected.

One possibility is that gravity does travel at light speed. so purely gravitational orbits are inherently unstable, but exchange of electrical particles between bodies is constantly correcting the orbits.


a plethora of vital info here! Wal Thornhill is the genius we seek and find to give us the accurate science in EUn theory...
Thank You Thunderbolts!
Many blessings to the team!


Considering they cherry pick their signal out of the immense background noise the LIGO observatory gets on a daily basis,
I'm not surprised the gravitational wave signal doesn't exist.


Thornhill is so clear, confident and concise with his explanations. This is one of my favorite episodes of Space News.


Tesla's researchs should be made public


I am of the same mind as those supporting the EU Theory. Unfortunately, the confrontational style of the narrative will prevent the other side from EVER accepting the message. Wal, if you want Cosmologists and Astronomers to have some humility in order to listen, you need to show the same humility when delivering it. Just point out the facts. Let the truth speak for itself. People do not listen when we "piss them off."


They just made an announcement to secure funding for another few years!


I was waiting for this: excellent presentation as always. Thank you : -)


Thank you Wal Thornhill, for telling it like it is. We need to move forward in the world of astronomy, science and history. Your the science advisor for the thunderbolts team, and a darn good one at that. I will quote you from an earlier segment you did " People will look back at this time in our history as an aberration " and another from A.P. David, " What would we do in an electric universe without a chap like Wal to guide us in it " Might as well be gravy waves, good call. Thanks again to you and the whole thunderbolts team for bringing truth to science.


Gravitational gravy waves, oh wow that one tickled me!!
