Wal Thornhill: JWST & Stellar Discovery | Thunderbolts

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In his previous episode, Wal Thornhill, Thunderbolts Chief Science Advisor, predicted JWST discoveries that will fundamentally change the view of the big bang creation myth and the failed gravitational model of galaxies. For this second episode on the JWST, Wal describes the wide gulf between thermonuclear and electric star models and expected stellar discoveries.

With its vast improvement in sensitivity and resolution, the JWST will reveal the existence of the connecting network of helically twisted filamentary pairs and braids ever more clearly, and we'll discover helically twisted filament pairs and braids everywhere in we look in the cosmos.

JWST PREDICTION Series: This is the second episode of a three-part series published BEFORE the telescope became fully operational in July 2022.

EPISODE #1 - June 19, 2021 (re-released on February 11, 2023)
Wal Thornhill: JWST & Fundamental Change | Thunderbolts

EPISODE #2 - September 5, 2021
Wal Thornhill: JWST & Stellar Discovery | Thunderbolts

EPISODE #3 - January 1, 2022
Wal Thornhill: JWST & L-Type Brown Dwarf Stars | Thunderbolts

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The Thunderbolts Project — a Voice for the Electric Universe

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I was the top student in all my science classes. The text books they used were always out of date. I was told, "the books are what we have, and that's what you need to learn". The same thing happened every year, I would skim through the textbooks and note every point that was proven wrong with modern observations and experiments. The teachers would tell me to stop being a "know it all" and to not point out these facts to the class. After I quit school I truly began my higher education. My first class was when I stumbled into this channel. This was the class I wish they would have had when I was five years old. I am now 48.


Mr. Thornhill. My wish is that you & I are around to see the paradigm shift. Thank You!


That was 23 minutes of pure logic that's easy to digest


Wal's predictions have been pretty spot on, so attention should be paid.


Whenever I see a Wal Thornhill video show itself on YouTube I without hesitation drop everything to hear it, and have never been disappointed by his revelations. You illuminate just like the Electric Universe!


Mr. Thornhill is the Galileo of our time. Much respect to him and his colleagues.


Thank you Wal. When I first encountered the EU (many years back at this point) I realised in bafflement how in one great chain reaction inducing swoop my paradigm was changed and the unseen pieces of the puzzle was finally setting into place. A real picture of the universe started to emerge. To you and all the brilliant free thinking scientists who paved the way, from the very core of my being I thank you all. You've made me and others feel that there is movement forward, that there is an end to the scientific constipation we've obviously suffered for many many years. There's a new reality with endless opportunities out there. Thank you! 🔥❤🔥


Thank you Wal. Looking forward to all the reports exclaiming “surprising”, “unexpected”, etc … while you are saying “told you so.”


Wal, ya just keep expanding the new paradigm till it overwhelms the crap fed to us growin' up. My unbounded gratitude to your work, and the TBolt team.


Wal, I don't think you can appreciate how much we wait for every word you have to say. You yourself are at the center of EU theory but there are many of us out here that are only the foot soldiers of it, trying to wake up the academically asleep. Each installment is our ammunition to push the future closer to the present. Much, much thanks.


Mic drop at the end by mr. Thornhill, as usual. It's an honor to listen to you sir, all humanity should see this presentation. A heartfelt thank you for your life of commitment to the search for truth.


Supercharged for the next episode of Wal's presentations. What a cliffhanger to finish this one: "Part 3 .. includes the formation of our solar system and the recent history of the earth." And then the great conclusion: "It's a cosmology that involves us.." Simply brilliant.


Thank you Wal and everyone who made this presentation possible. Seeing truth is a very calming experience.


This made my day, week, month and part III will make my year.


Great stuff Wal. Stay healthy man. We need you.


This series is the most excellent and compact illustration of the EU and/or plasma cosmology theories. Several times in comment threads I have been asked by gravitational cosmology dogmatists to, essentially, "Prove it!" by providing links to these 'surprising' and 'baffling' discoveries, but YT seems to always magically disappear my replies when I provide them. This and the previous video (and the forthcoming third part) may be all that's needed to reference for those still 'in the dark'!
Thank you so very much, TBP and Dr. Thornhill!❤️👍👍


It is mind-blowingly cool to realize being alive at the same time he is and what times we're all in!


Between you and Ben, the lifelong suffocating weight of the decaying universe has been replaced with an uplifting truth of an electrical flow beyond measure that connects the farthest reaches of the universe to a Source and Attractor. The universe is not in irreversible thermodynamic decay; *the universe is alive!*

Thank you for connecting the sputtering anode and the Sun. It clicked. I'm in awe to understand this electrical system that created us and sustains us. I'm humbled to recognize the nature of God.


Wal's insight on stars and their formation is very interesting to consider.


So simple and so much to wrap ones head around.
