1000+ Hours in Pokemon Fire Red: Pokedex | Shinies | Items

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I have been playing on the same Pokemon Fire Red save files since 2015. Since then I have put well over 1000 hours into the game. Most of that time involved soft resetting for shiny pokemon. I love this game as well as all the GBA pokemon games. Fire Red was my first one and holds a special place in my heart.

Artist: Ottom
Songs: Itai, Cuddle, Ineffable

#pokemonfirered #pokemongba
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This video is really taking off! Thank you everyone. I am currently building a team to take on the Battle Frontier in Emerald. Would love if you checked out my new videos on that adventure!


Mad respect man, going legit on a single game. I moved all my pokemon from 3ds into home a while back and they are safe and sound, would love to buy a used SP and rerun all pokemon games.


I'm 26 and I've recently just been getting on a nostalgia trip with Pokemon. I'm playing Pokemon Scarlet right now and I started to wonder if people are still excited about the older Pokemon games that I grew up with - and if they're still putting time in it. I'm glad that i found this video because it's such a trip back in time!


This is such a nice video, literally how I feel going through my own shinies and other Pokémon in gen 3 games. Thanks, this will be an amazing time capsule.


the passion really shows in this. keep it up, man. love seeing people like you still playing these old games.


Dude has the coolest Gen 3 collection, makes me very nostalgic for much simpler times.


I just saw a video of a guy explaining EXACTLY what you need to complete the Dex in Emerald, and the cost for things was well over 1000dlls. So I applaud your beautiful and hard earned old-school no bullshit no hacks just good ol' thumbs sweat, game achievements. You're amazing man.


Back in 2004, when I was only 5-6 yrs old this was my first own pokemon game and also had like thousands of hours on it.
It's like you said, a safe place for me. It's also quite challenging to this day.
I really enjoyed the video, thanks for showing us the savefile, I am sure my 6 year old me would be hella jealous. :)


Such a chill video man. 29 years old and I've been playing since OG Red version. Currently replaying Soul Silver and seeing your Metagross I want to shiny hunt my fav pokemon Metagross now. Even though HGSS, Platinum and B2W2 are all my top three favs (HGSS being the best imo) I remember putting in the most hours in Leaf Green as a kid and this brought me back.


i finished my fire red with all pokemon caught about a year ago. took me 2-3 years to complete. After that i tranfsered all my pokemon to my pokemon pearl. And i got complete pokedex on that too. gen 3 and gen 4 are my favorite games😁😁.

Also, very nice video, no annoying background music, chill voice. good game!


this is so awesome. i recently picked up my original firered cartridge again. it has about 300 hours on it and the save file is from when I was in elementary school 😵‍💫just finished filling the kanto dex and now im gearing up to complete the national dex and get the other star! this was an awesome video, cheers!


Thanks for making this and sharing it, what an incredible save file You've made. I've played more than a thousand hours of gen 3, mostly FR/LG and not ever had a shiny encounter, so this video is like opium to Me.


Great video, didnt realize pokemon was this deep


I love seeing the progress people make in a game that they've played for years, in one save. All of the items they accumulated, their stats etc. Clearly, you sunk a lot of time and effort into the game and I can respect that.


This is incredible, thank you for making this video and bringing back memories. Please keep at it, much love <3


Old school EV training for the friggen win. I LOVE IT.


Holy shit I did/am doing the exact same things and strategies. You have my respect- can't wait to complete the dex and be done with it. Gonna frame the certificate on my wall. I have huge respect for your long run of work.


I love this content man. This inspired me to put many hours into my leaf green


Awesome video 👏 Glad it’s getting recognition. It was really cool to see what you’ve collected on your FR and hear the stories of each! Now I want to reclaim shiny Beldum so I can have a shiny Metagross 🤣 Looks so good


Awesome bro, glad you shared this. Good luck with your future hunts 🙏🏼
