Extreme heat: How to deal with the new normal | DW News

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The heat wave that has wreaked havoc on Western Europe in the past weeks signals the arrival of a new era: Extreme heat will be the new normal in many cities across the world. Here's what we can do to protect ourselves.

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In a few decades, we will look back on the early 2020s as "the good old days." Things are going to get so much worse than most people are willing to think about.


I lived in Africa for most of my life and will say these heat waves in Europe doesn't effect me like the harch summers back home. That said, knowing that Europe's heat is starting to become like that of Africa is concerning and when people in Africa says it is hot, you know it is hot. I think the green cities is a wonderful idea to combat this.


More humans, more problems. Stop having too many kids.


7 years ago, when I moved to Helsinki from Budapest, people thought I was crazy for considering the colder weather and abundant trees a huge plus. But was I really? You can dress up for -25 °C if need to but when it is 40+ °C... And sure, you can get used to air pollution, but... Since I live here, I rarely get sick (even with covid). I had long-staying respiratory infections in Budapest 4-6 times a year. Only 1-2 here and they are all last only a week or two.
We have big issues due to climate change just as every other country. But at least it is still livable here... Even in the capital we have huge parks, forrests around suburbs, boatloads of wild animals even in the centre (rabbits, brids, dears, foxes...). We didn't kill nature around us completely and I think that is a huge advantage for survival...


We were warned, now we are seeing the results of denial. Thanks for not taking responsibility.


, ,,,wow 😲, . I can't believe we are stills consuming fossil fuels


Northern Europe has a lot of work to do, since the buildings are build to absorb heat. Also the roads in Britain are melting at 40C, which is normal in southern Spain for example.


'New normal' seems to suggest that there are no climate feedback loops, that the catastrophe that is upon us is lineal and not exponential, just what the rich, the financiers and the politicians want us to believe.


Soooo. After raising awareness and lots of communication, putting chief of heat in (Lord of the Rings?), identifying the most vulnerable, they've decided to build a shade.


We work 8 hours under the sun in Germany, no break no mercy as Delivery riders, and German people they don’t give a f***as long as they are at home ordering


Maybe it's time to mandate that in urban areas each square meter of roofs/walls/parking space etc. is either colored white, has solar panels, or has plants that are actually effective at removing CO2.


"Cities could warm as much as +4.4C on average by 2100"? We're on trajectory to 3-4C world by the end of this century and that's according to UNs IPCC, a very conservative scientific body. This means +6-8C on land and +10C in cities. That's the harsh reality. How do you adapt to such temp extremes and even if you can, what will happen to our crops? Humanity is literally digging itself a grave due to it's unwillingness to acknowledge that our fossil fuel driven lifestyles are utterly unsustainable and will end up in complete societal collapse induced by climate stressors leading to famine, mass migrations and wars all around the globe.


This is like a video they show in a post apocalyptic movie to show how humanity ended.


Let makes car more expensive so that people use public transportation like trains.


The worst part is, the boomers won't be around to enjoy it...


It’s been 50 years since the 1972 Stockholm conference, and there have been so many climate conferences until today. All talk and no or little action. In the meantime, it seems to have become too late.

Everything has a point of no return. And the climate crisis may well have already reached its tipping point. All we can do now is to try to mitigate the impact just like a driver who, when knowing a crash is unavoidable, tries to minimize the damage by braking and steering.


There are simply way too many people behaving in a way that Mother Earth can no longer support. Less people, less problems, it's not complicated. Birth control is the key.


So eviction halts for heat right?
shelter from the heat is a basic human right yes?


Very informative . In the USA 🇺🇸 we have air conditioning and central air everywhere . In every home, business, car etc It’s good and bad. Let every city have green zones 🙏🏼🌎❤️


Summer where I live DownUnder 47c hottest I’ve experienced. Answer Air conditioning & then looking after our environmental better
