HUGE Necromancy XP with Rituals at 90+!?- Up to 2.1M Xp/Hr! (Nerfed from 2.7)

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This video is all about Rituals with Necromancy with Attraction 3 glyphs to get huge xp from random events

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00:00 - intro
00:19 - Requirements & Useful items
00:55 - Setting up your Rituals
03:38 - Events info & Tips
05:04 - Ghast Event
05:28 - Sparkling Glyph
05:38 - Shambling Horror
06:02 - Corrupted Glyphs
06:53 - Soul Storm
07:24 - Defile (Best event)
08:12 - Outro

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When doing Bladed Dive around the ritual site, make sure you've changed your settings so you can't target the environment. This is in settings: Settings > Combat & Action Bar > Targeting > Untick the box 'Target scenery with targeted movement abilities'. Learned this from the race stream so people watching this should know too


Happy Birthday Maikeru! You bring this community so much entertainment and love, have a great day today! You deserve it! <3


There's a new Necromancy setting that makes your outputs automatically go to the input/material box. If you turn that on and do powerful communions with powerful/robust mementos, you will have infinite focus materials and only need to worry about ink. It's only about 2% slower xp/hr(about40-50k) than essence, but you don't have to worry about buying essence. Also, you will get at least 10 skulls from defiles within 36 rituals, so you can use them to lower the frequency of repairs without having to go out and buy candles. Though this last tip is not absolutely necessary, just helpful.


I'd like to add that if you're doing powerful communion rituals with powerful mementos, you'll be getting more mementos from the distractions than you actually use on the rituals. So you only need to input the ink. The offering will be self-sustaining.


But if we're all "absolute legends, " then no one is an absolute legend.


Happy B-day man! Glad to see you still loving this game!


I don't know for sure, but it seems like the chance of Defile spawning is much lower at 520% with 2x Multiply 3 and 2x Attraction 3 than it is at 700 with full Attraction 3 + cape. It also seems like at 700 you get very few wanderers and sparkling glyphs as opposed to Defiles and Soul Storms. I can't tell but I'm pretty sure something's different about it. Really wish Jagex would tell us what's going on, because Multiply saves a lot of money.


A whole new ball game with the introduction of moonstones.


I'm doing Powerful essence, every time I run out of pure essence I will spend some time crafting Bone runes (it is selling for 1.8k right now) with the essence. This way at 92+ RC you can do 900 Bone runes per ritual (1, 620, 000 gp) and actually profit from the Powerful essence rituals since every 18 rituals you're making on average 29, 160, 000 gp


the shambling horrors were such a pain before they updated it XD could never see the sparkling lol glad they added that green cloud for it, also great guide :) How's your clue logs going?


I can't wait to get to 90 so I can get some good xp rates like this. 80-90 feels like such a drag getting 370k xp/h killing the same thing over and over again


Decent guide. This works for legacy players too. Not about using eoc abilities but it’s effective xp/hr


Do not worry about getting the events. Bladed dive just makes it fiddly. Just click and itl path just fine


I would like to add that necroplasm has been the most profit for the last week or so. Greater necroplasm is more profit than powerful (about 950k profit compared to 920k profit per ritual with multiply 3 no cape). These prices change constantly but they always remained profitable when i checked them. The impure essence is actually a net loss at the moment. Unless you do the powerful ritual, but you won't make much profit (about 20-30k per ritual). If profit is your only concern, making inks is currently more profit per hour.

Great video as usual and grats on the 200m the stream marathon was a lot of fun!


Is this still the best after the nerf or is combat better?


Awesome man & Congrats again on Rank 22! I would like to know how much Ink you Bought & Total amount of GP you Spent to get to 200M :)


Could i boost to do these I'm only lvl 82 necro atm ? Or what would be the best to do for xp at this lvl I been doing combat


Where do you get that extra 60 percent soul atraction, in the beginning?


Try this out first save layout... then go to settings and set interface settings really high like 175 and click fixed camera setting... its amazing changed how i veiw rituals i really like it


It actually gets pretty quick right around level 80
