What Are The Symptoms of Mold Toxicity?

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Chronic sinus infections:
Many of us are unaware of the effects mold can have on our health. There are several symptoms you may be experiencing, that could actually be attributed to mold. The most common symptoms of mold toxicity are persistent allergies, chronic sinusitis (inflammation in the nasal passage), and nasal infections. Often times doctors will diagnose an upper respiratory infection, and prescribe an antibiotic. However, they don’t differentiate whether it’s a bacterial infection or a mold infection. Many of these infections are actually mold oriented, and an antibiotic won’t help. Your Doctor can actually order a culture swab, and send it out to be tested. This test will differentiate mold from bacteria, determining the best treatment moving forward.

Another symptom of chronic mold exposure is debilitating fatigue. People with extreme fatigue may sleep normally yet remain tired, or they may have extreme difficulty getting any sleep at all. If you’re suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome, consider mold as a possible culprit. Mold is not the only cause of chronic fatigue, but it can be one of the causes. If you find you are struggling with extreme fatigue that isn’t resolved by rest, you may want to consider mold as a possible culprit.

Immune Dysfunction:
Are you the one amongst your friends and family who always seems to get sick? Do you tend to pick up every little infection, every little cold and every flu? This can be a sign of mold toxicity as well. Remember mold can suppress the immune system over time, and this can lead to recurring infections.

Chronic Pain:
For many, the inflammation produced by chronic mold and mycotoxin exposure can cause headaches, muscle and joint pain, and even neurological pain symptoms.

Yeast Infections:
Vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush are a yeast based form of mold, known as candida. Some symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are itchiness, pain, burning sensations, and odorless white discharge. You can also contract yeast infections in the gastrointestinal tract. Candida overgrowth is an example of gastrointestinal yeast. Some candida overgrowth symptoms are chronic sugar cravings and irregular periods. Mold exposure can also disrupt hormones and trigger migraine headaches, sleep issues, irritability and hormonal mood swings. This mold based hormone disruption can also trigger irregular periods in women.

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My farher was a builder and never believed in insulation because he believed it was a source for mold. Turned out I had always smelled what I thought was mold in a guest bedroom but no one else could smell it but me. Went in the attic and saw no mold. Months later a stain formed on the bedroom ceiling and grew. Still saw no mold in the attic. It wasn't until a new roof was put on we discovered ice dam damage. Sure enough, when we removed pink insulation in attic there was cellulose insulation below it and that's where the mold was.! Always follow your intuition when you smell something off regardless if no one else does.


Finally!! A video that doesn't take 1-1/2 hours just to explain something that takes less than 10 mins. Most videos
are people loving to hear themselves talk. This is what I needed. Thank you!


At 45 I didn’t think I’d make it to 50. I’m 57 now. Integrative medicine doctor who specializes in biotoxin mold illness has helped me gain quality of life again.


Five years and 16 doctors to finally push even harder to find a functional med doctor that proved I am mold toxic. The money I spent, the anguish over exams and blood and poking and prodding. The ER visits for all the insane symptoms and physical setbacks. It’s been a bad ride. I won’t give up. Thank you for this content. This is a silent pandemic.


This guy is right. No one is studying mold problems.


Thanks for getting to the point. I lived in a semi self contained room that had severe black mold, and had a constant runny nose and massive scabs up my nostrils, plus depression and brain fog.


We've had black mold in our attic for years, unbeknownst to us. It's being addressed, but the apathy symptom really stopped me in my tracks -- I'm very apathetic and don't know why. Joint pains, irritability, etc. Adds up to why I feel the way I do.


I dont have the biggest trust from medical professionals but something about this guy is very genuine and much appreciated. Thank you for actually trying to help people not only physically but mentally. God bless you 🙌🏾👆🏾💓


Took 5 years to get a diagnosis , 6 months of treatment feeling ten years younger. I am an air con installer most buildings have mould. Sauna and swimming is a help


Holy Crap! You described many conditions I had living in a home for under a year. I have since moved out and been free for three weeks of that home, and I notice many things are different, the most significant one sugar! I've never been a big sugar eater, but I was craving it like crazy; tired, sleepless cranky, crying and smelling things, mainly nasty mold smells, horrible; my migraines have calmed down as for the sugar cravings, and my sleep has improved (meaning I sleep and wake refreshed not tired or lethargic). That makes sense. I did find the source, , and spoke to the manager about it. I just broke the lease with the communications via email with pictures and the many requests that something needs to be done. I am feeling better now and even breathing better too. You just made sense of what I was going through. My doctor tried but said best to move, so I did that.


Hi Doctor, thank you for explaining but please elaborate on how to get rid of the mold from your home and your body. Please offer solutions. We would all like to know...Thank you!


I got sick from hidden mold beneath the old lathe over my bed when I was a curator for a living farmstead museum for two months. I actually diagnosed myself before the doctor visit. I walked in and told him what I thought was my problem. He dismissed my concerns and I was referred from specialist to specialist for three months before giving up. I maxed out my insurance and couldn’t afford it any more. Instead, I devised my own body cleanse and adopted close to what we’d now call a raw vegan diet for several months. I started feeling a little better after 10 days, and gradually, the symptoms faded away. I stuck to the diet for another month, then gradually reintroduced various foods. I eat a normal diet except for soy and peanuts to which I’ve always been allergic. The only remaining symptom, if it can be called that, is extreme sensitivity to mold. If there’s mold in a place, I react within a minute with sinus and wheezing.


Unfortunately, mold and mycotoxins exposure from water damage is too common. Multiple remediation efforts on multiple properties haven’t worked but moving from one moldy place to another isn’t sustainable either. Constantly replacing cars hasn’t been fun. I need to find another option other than strict avoidance. Heard glyphosate and emfs potentiate mold growth and mycotoxin production. Many long Covid cases have been linked to toxic mold exposure.


I went to 5 doctors and not one of them realized it was mold toxicity. I was given antibiotics and it just got worse. Finally a friend of mine recognized it as mold poisoning. I have moved from the petri dish which was my apartment. I get mold issues on my face and hands every few months and the symptoms last for weeks. My hands are scarred from scalding hot water which is the only thing to relieve the itching. My face gets so bad I have to hide behind a mask. I would love to send you some photos during a flare up. My face becomes unrecognizable. I am grateful that I ended up getting Shingles because when I took the Valacyclovir it helped me with my mold issues. I just had an eye exam and my vision has changed drastically. I have had chronic sinusitis for years. I am a published author of 2 books but am unable to do radio interviews because of brain fog. Please advise.


I live in an older house that I've rented for the past 6 years. Since I've lived here, the basement has flooded 3 times to an inch or two of water. The basement is paneled. I wondered, at the time of the floodings whether it was staying wet behind the paneling and molding.
Also, since I've been in this house I have been very lethargic - always with a dull underlying depression. I used to be very motivated but I've put this lethargy down to aging. I could go on and on about how my mental state has changed. Some of the other symptoms mentioned are also there, but those could have other causes, so I don't want to be plugging in everything to possible mold causes.
I don't see any visual signs of mold, but there is a musty damp smell in the basement. The heat/air conditioning vent is right next to my bed, so the air from the basement is always discharging the air from the basement into the bedroom. After watching this, I'm beginning to wonder whether remaining in this house is healthy.


All of these sound like me. We have since moved to a brand new house and I hope to get better. Our old house was a disgusting mess. With a bad foundation and rugs which didn't get clean no matter how much you tried. I'm hoping the whole family gets feeling better.


Thanks Dr Osborne. I love these 10 minute snippets. I learn so much and then can decide if I need to take a deeper dive. I just purchased your Gultenology Masterclass. I hope to share it with my family and friends. I also have your No Grain No pain book. I went gluten free 5 years ago as well as refined sugar free and life got so much better. You are the Gluten master. Thank you.


Yep, black mold. Sinunitus or nasal drip, fatigue, sleep issues as I sleep two hours at time, dry eyes chronic, joint pain, low mood, tightness chest at night, chronic constipation, dry cough, always dehydrated no matter what. Yet, all physicals come out fine. Hormone imbalances with replacement therapy due to hystoectomy. You can see the mold on outside building and corner of bedroom floor rotting. Bathroom just painted over. I live above a garage that is full of mold. Laundry room floor below bedroom under and by water tank floor cement covered in black mold you can smell. Landlord advised and does nothing. Bathroom heavy mold painted over. The sink opposite of wall where corner if bedroom rotting, mold showing. Pipes sweat. Windows are cracked and full of mold as they are old wooden double pane with dead bugs in them. I have giant black ants alot and recently found a centipede . Duct work has never been inspected or cleaned and has possible mice droppings. My cat and I have heard something svurring in walls at times. Brutal. Landlord refuses to atleast put new windows. There is no circulation of dowstairs and laundry room st all. I could leave the dowdtairs door open but the screen has hole he refuses to fix had wasps come in. So that is duct taped. Cheapest rent in Canada at high price, my health. He claims no money to fix but said he was happy to get my rent so he could finish his new cedar deck😠


My mold exposure has led to gallbladder issues. Bloating is a long term symptom. I am included in the big toe affect . I have heard that Boron can help with overgrowth of fungus of any type.


I was told by the fire department fire chief that there's mold in the place where I rent, doesn't seem the landlady wants to believe it. I'm trying to take the best supplements and take care of myself till finding another place! The worst problem I'm having is joint pain, tremendous brain fog and hormone problems! Haven't been sure what to link it to and was believing that it was just something wrong within myself but I'm more convinced all the time that it's the mold.
ThankYou Sincerely!
