Betta Fish 🐠 The Best Pet Fish?

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Betta Fish 🐠 The Best Pet Fish?
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Discover the captivating world of Betta fish – known for their vibrant colors and flowing fins. These beauties, also called Siamese fighting fish, have a rich history in fishkeeping. But are they truly the top choice for your aquarium? Find out in just 1 Minute Animals!
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But best recommend to have separate tanks for male Beta fish and not putting them in the same tank together as they are notorious for fighting against each other resulting in one of them to be instantly killed.


I had a beautiful blue beta named Ragnarok. He had so much personality....I had never expected a fish to actively interact with me, but Ragnarok loved to greet and play with me. They are genuinely fun fish.
Make sure you give them a large tank.


As someone who has owned beta fish for I'd say 4 years, I never knew they breath from the surface, also cute story, one would get extremely energetic and lively when my grandma came up to see him, she would sing to him, and it got even more lively!


I had one for years❤ I loved him so much. He jumped excitedly whenever he saw me❤ I miss you buddy❤


Other things you should know about the care:
-you should only keep them alone(there are exceptions, do your research)
-always cycle the tank and learn about the nitrate cycle
-feed variety of foods such as flakes or frozen foods
-long fin bettas often have trouble swimming, you might cosider getting a female or a short finned betta
-for plantet tanks you need your light on a timer for 8 hours, and a nutrient sibstrate like aquasoil
-you should get a water test kit for ammonia nitrate and nitrite
-plants have other benefits, they filter the water from waste and oxygenate it
-if you get a bigger tank like 10/15 gallons and have lots of plants and floaters you wont have to do as much maintenance like gravel vaccing and water changes

Bettas are great hardy fish and they need a lot more than bowls or vases to thrive


I had this really cool betta I bought from Walmart back in the day and I named him Brian. He was a cool fish I thought it was cool when he jumped. I used to play with him too. I was actually very sad when he passed away. We even buried him. I miss that little fella. Rip Brian you were a cool and fun cute fish.


My first pet was a Beta! We had a 5 or 10 gallon tank just for the one fish (can’t remember which size as I was quite young when we got it)
It was the most interactive fish I’ve ever had, he loved to follow us if we were near the tank or chase our finger if we’d place it on the glass and move it around. My dad just stand there and talk to him sometimes and the beta would swim in place looking right at him like he was actually listening it was so cute. He lived quite a long time too, 6 or 7years I think! (Again I was very young so I don’t remember exactly 😅)


Except when you go to pet co and you see the whole shelf of them living in that little cup with nothing, it's so sad, i've even found a bunch of them alive in the dumpster behind petco before


Slow moving fish... Tell that to my Moxxie, she has the zoomies several times a day😂


My first betta was a handsome blue and green boy named Atlas. Still one of my favorite fish. Bettas have so much personality.


Things I would also like to add. if you have a male betta, you'll know when they adjusted to your tank when they start making bubble nest. They very low maintence if you have these things set up, A lot of plants as they act as natural water filter and let them feel safe as it also work as hiding spots. For Algae it's up to you whether you get like magnetic sponge or like me I got a Zebra Nerite Snail I think for snail they have lesser chance for your betta attacking it compare to cherry shrimps. Right temperature usually your room temperature is fine (Tank temperature at 75-80 F), Then all you have to do is feed the fish, clean poop, and occasionally add treated water.


I got a betta last year and his name is Augusta, we are currently keeping him in a large tank with live plants to hide in. His favorite spot in the hole tank is a hollow plastic skull. He is EXTREMELY friendly and has a very good appetite!


I have a beta fish that lived for 7 years.. he was beautiful. Still haven’t seen one with the colors he had.


THANK YOU for recommending proper care for these guys! Too many people keep them in bowls, vases, or cups. They need more!


They are SO GORGEOUS like the Disney Princess of fish🥰 LOVE 2 see these tanks! I HATE seeing these beautiful creatures kept for LIFE in 4in containers🥹💖


ive had one, betta fishes are so CUTE AND ADORABLE


The silver/red one is new to me. Never seen a Betta Fish in those colors


betas require just as much space as any other fish. Just because it can survive doesn’t mean it should. I’m glad this video showed examples with plenty of space


I would also recommend doing some research on what morph of betta you are looking to buy because many were not bred well, and some are entirely unethical, I recommend staying away from veil tails, feather tail/Rosetail (I'm pretty sure most stores refused to sell these since their breeding is terrible and they have tones of health issues), double tail (also have tons of health issues), I would say stay away from half moons and over half moons but they are relatively healthy compared to the others on this list.

Some that do seem to be more healthy are the deltas and super deltas, round tails, spade tails, and of course, plakats (we love plakats)
