Taken For Granted | The Big Bang Theory | Comedy Central Africa

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Penny isn't impressed with Leonard's lack of commitment and interest in their marriage | The Big Bang Theory on Comedy Central, DStv Ch122
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Penny took literally zero effort throughout the relationship and now she has the nerve to complain about Leonard not putting in any. How about you put in some effort for a change?


Other than Leonard kissing a girl, he was an absolute king to penny thought out. She gas lit the fuck out of him so much. The double standards were ridiculous. He literally bought her a car then when she was rich she made him feel small about it. Horrible character


guys who only wanted to hv sex treated penny like queen and them dumped her but leonard was the one who gave everything for her and also was there for here whenever needed. Penny never realised this😂


So she doesn't want him to be comfortable and try to impress her every day instead, who are these girls.


Leonard buys her a car

Penny’s logic: I feel like you have been taking me for granted and not supporting me or caring for me


Meanwhile Penny doesn’t even do anything for Leonard. She tried to be romantic once, complained the whole time and got him a gift he already had because she doesn’t listen to him. She never makes him feel attractive and talks about how he’s bad in bed rather than exploring how to make sex better. Leonard has worshipped her (which ya is it’s own can of worms) but she has never put nearly enough into that relationship


I love how everyone in the comments is saying the same thing. I wonder if they have different writers for episodes and if so, what the heck this writer was thinking for this one 😂


Stop giving so much attention to a random person who happens to comment on literally every Comedy Central Africa's TBBT video....


I like how not wearing pants is somehow a thing for middle aged dudes


Leonard was the only one who took interest


Almost died from 😂😂😂 when I heard that the first time.


You think this is bad of Penny, it’s not even CLOSE to be being bad. Remember how Leonard would go on and on about having children and how he wanted kids and Penny KNEW this going into their marriage, then years later was like “Yeah, I actually don’t want kids.” Like seriously?? I get that it’s your body, but you should’ve realized when you got into this marriage that kids was something Leonard wanted. I mean she does end up pregnant by the end of the season, but for a time, Leonard agreed to not have kids with her. That is utter BS. If you had any doubts about having kids, this should have been a conversation that took place BEFORE marriage. If anything, Penny takes Leonard for granted.


Well, I guess the honeymoon's over.


People in the comment section usually take Christopher Bingham for granted.


This show should've ended with them getting divorced.


why do writers make women so dumb and hateable? do they have issues?


Christopher Bingham's insight is desperately needed on this video.


Penny had a lot of nerve to judge Leonard and say he was taking her for granted; not that I’m on her side but from her fantasy where Leonard put together a romantic evening for her coming home from work and the reality that he was just lounging playing a video game I see why Penny started thinking it, but I don’t agree with her at all.
Like Leonard said to her, he made all the effort in their relationship since day one, did many romantic things and gestures for her and gave her romantic gifts, Penny made literally *almost ABSOLUTE ZERO* effort in their relationship and took Leonard for granted, got her way and gave almost nothing back to Leonard in return way more than she said he did.
Personally, I would say that since Leonard did do much more and made all the effort that more than gives him the right to have his way, take a break and do what he wanted to do more than Penny.

As always, Penny proved to be the worst possible romantic partner for Leonard and he still had no common sense to see that, dump her and to have chosen any of the other women who were perfect for him.
And in the end, they still stayed together but who did they turn to for help with their issues here - Sheldon, they asked him to make them a relationship agreement so that they could figure out their marriage together. Did they thank Sheldon though?


CB where are you? Comedy Central Africa dropped another TBBT clip.


For the lonely virgins aka Sheldon stans out here, this actually happens in real relationships. It's not a massive deal.
