What Does It Mean When A Guy Responds With 1 Word Answers While Texting?

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My friend has been doing this since I've known him. More often especially these days it's starting to make me disgruntled and get under my skin. Like today I've been having a bad day and he just types out the usual "Oh Yeah" or "I'd be annoyed too" or "that sucks". Then he switches up the topic about his day while I'm saying something about mine but if I hear his stupid story I at least give my input. I commented on your other video when it comes to this but I just feel like dropping him off completely today and just stay ignoring him and it was going so well not talking to him the last few days. Then when I send him messages through IG dms when he sees me sending out a bunch of shit he immediately logs off and he always does that when I send him crap. Like dude I know your logging off to avoid me like if you don't wanna talk bro then that's cool. Like I just get so sick of the one word BS replies without any effort or substance. I feel like guys and girls always do this and it's so lame.


My ex gave me one word answers or even silent treatment whenever he wanted me to feel guilty . Basically it was when he was lamenting about him not having money and whenever I changed the subject, he will return to the matter and get aggressive because he was indirectly asking me for money. But sometimes I myself didn't have enough to cover my own costs but he just ignored that I have my own expenses as well and kept complaining until I gave in and offered him to help him out but I had to sacrifice and was in trouble paying my own bills, but he did not care . The moment I gave him money, he switched back to normal texting.


my husband also texts me with one word.l.feel annoying


So what if he sends four texts at once but with single words lol and also asks the same questions alot lol
