Why You Should Forget About Rust Forever.

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of course, this video is to show you the pros and cons so please watch it till the end before judging me :) Rust is a great programming language and it's widely used!
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⚠️ this video is mainly for those who wanna start with it as their first language with no goal so they know what to expect and what not to. ⚠️


My man is complaining about having to open the terminal


it wouldn't had taken 15 minutes if you were a Linux user. I use arch btw.


did you read the rust book? even like, the first 2 pages?
it explains literally EVERY downside you listed lol
Use Cargo to create projects. How else will you add dependencies? Also makes it easier to build and run (cargo run).
Slow build times are to be expected with the intelligence of the compiler. Cargo caches builds to future builds are faster.
Unsafe blocks are not meant to be used by beginners, and Rust makes that fairly obvious, so why is that even a point in a video directed towards beginners?
Memory leaks are VERY hard to cause, and again, they only happen when using advanced features INCORRECTLY (which the book outlines extremely well).

Read the Rust book. I got through it in like, a few hours? when I started?
also, why are you comparing Rust to Javascript? they're not even the same class of language??


It looks like he's trolling but he is not.


Although I agree with much of what you said, quite often as a programmer you don't get to pick the language. I have also had problems with slow compile times on a large complex project, but I suspect that a similar sized project in C or C++ would be much harder to manage. I must say thought that after all that compilation the executable is tiny with a tiny memory foot print relative to say Java, saving a fortune on cloud servers.


I came expecting a serious video and did not realize you were joking till you said something positive about js lol


memory leak does not considered as unsafe in rust. It is safe to use Box::leak in safe context to leak memory.


2:30 - 2:55: Just don't use the unsafe keyword.


I can see the Rust SJWs voted heavily on this video, yet in the comments they have nothing valuable to say.


On some level I suppose your points make sense, but I don't completely agree.

- There is no language where you could work at google after 5 minutes
- Yes, there are many language features, and not understanding them will hamstring you productivity, but they are not required to get started
- The reason the compiler rejects your code is so that you do not write bad code and pay the price later, when it's already too late
- Any compiled language is a "giant pain in the *ss" to run, it's not a Rust issue
- The lack of libraries/tools and the slow compile times are genuine cons
- Sure, Rust can still memory leak, but it is far far less likely than in other languages. And if you are not "careful or experienced enough", maybe just don't use unsafe mode🙄

Sorry for the wall of text. I know this video is probably not supposed to be taken seriously (either that or you need to drastically reduce the jokes about getting b*tches), but I feel like some of this didn't make a lot of sense. Also, I hope to god the part about JS having no flaws was a joke. Two more final gripes:

If the goal of the video is supposed to be "discussing pros and cons", why is the title SO negative? Well, for views ofc, but you know what I mean.
ANyWayS. Not trying to spread hate here, just inserting my thoughts.


Well, you can just cargo run '_',


damn, sounds like a skill issue to me


don't trust the developers who use windows!


the learning curve of rust is steeper than most languages initially. as you gain experience though it's much easier than javascript and many other languages. anyone that has built large scale apps with both know this. it's difficult to understand when you have only dabbled with it. javascript on the other hand is extremely accessible to everyone immediately which skews this.


if it's sarcasm you failed when you explained how to run rust, if it's your take on how bad it is, you failed when you emphasized unsafe is a big issue. overall terrible take!


1. You cannot claim Rust is not a perfect langauge. Because there are no perfect languages.
2. I came from Python. Within a month I created something meanignful with it
3. Lifetimes and ownerships are part of what makes it truely a new language with new concepts. And while they create more complexity than in languages they do not think about them (C++ dev do think about lifetimes but they are not enforced), lifetimes aren't that complex. Maybe you should learn Rust from better sources?

Anyway, Rust requires learning and adapting new skills and habits so there will be a learning curve. And if you don't expect that and upload a video right a way complaining about it, then it's not a problem with the language most propably


mfw rust compiling slow because it’s optimizing your code so that it runs faster is a downside (I would always take longer compile over longer runtime and the extra features and strict type checking that use that extra time prevent a lot of bugs and make Rust feel pleasurable to write)

Also, seriously? Complaining that you have to use the CLI to compile and run your code instead of the run button?

1) I have seen people set up the run button to work before, it’s not impossible
2) complaining about having to use a CLI as a *programmer* is pure copium imo

Also saying “unsafe rust is unsafe” isn’t necessarily unobvious lmao

Overall I don’t see how your title really connects to what you’re talking about, your argument is not properly substantiated by your arguments as you don’t mention many of Rust’s advantages or compare it to similar languages, like C++. JS is not and will never be a suitable comparison to the whole of what Rust can do, because rust can do much more as a systems language and as a fundamentally fast and expressive one.

I use arch btw, and this is your daily lesson to stop using windows to program because installing rust took me less than 10 seconds.


You claim that "using not recommended features" can introduce memory leaks and errors? Well, they are not recommended for a reason.


Rust is besides Zig the best language for modern new high performance Software. Yes it's hard, but you can learn it, ah and just because I don't use 40k npm packages doesn't mean rust doesn't have a rich eco system. Also I like to wait a little longer and then have a fast program, unlike JavaScript.
