How to talk to women to gain attraction quickly (Casey Zander)

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This video will help improve your dating life quickly.

Learn, Understand and Master the LANGUAGE of WOMEN 😘 below ⬇️

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The content can be overwhelming that many men wish they knew years ago. I am 51, never married, no kids. I always wanted to be. I'm a retired military officer and pilot. Did well in life, stay in great shape, invested well, and look good on paper. Of course, I get asked why a girl hasn't snatched me up yet. I didn't really know until now! Everyone of Casey's videos sheds more light into why. Everything you could do wrong in dating I did. I wasn't attracting women; I was actually turning them off and I didn't know. Due to my upbringing, and lack of knowledge. Every video is hard to hear. At least I can go to my grave knowing where I went wrong and make the best of my remaining time on this earth. Good for you younger guys getting this content. Traveling abroad soon.


Yes, most women who try to look "perfect" have actually low self esteem (even if they are pretty, because they are comparing themselves with top models or instagram stars with filters..not every pretty woman have low self esteem, but if some tries to look good and act perfect in any situation, she probably is insecure but masks it). So when the hottest woman meets an attractive guy, she seeks for acceptance from him first (=he acts like he isnt disgusted by her, but doesnt simp). Then she wants to feel connection which you make also with the vibe described in this short vid. And after when she is secure with the guy=their mutual emotional connection, only then she wants him to act dominant sometimes (to keep attraction for long time). But she has to trust him first, otherwise too much masculine and dominance = invokes fear feeling (or hightens insecure feelings which she already had).


This is honestly a lot of the key.

I can't speak to nefarious intent from creators, but I can speak to the power of excellent communication and confidence.

There are no tricks that yield excellent relationships. Confidence, passion, and being able to authentically demonstrate them isn't a trick — it's a way of life and yields results in all spheres of your life.


As a woman, I would say humour is attractive and hearing a man talk about his interests or passion. I fell for my quirky partner over his passion for spreadsheets. I couldnt care less about his spreadsheets, it was just hot seeing him so passionate. He's also a complete troll which makes me laugh and that is attractive. He was also very emotional when we met which was what attracted me to him first and foremost. He's a weird man but I love it 😂 I like intellect and men with depth. So yeah you're absolutely right, we are seduced by words


Natural real smooth voice never rush my words


Casey with the fucking fire. Damn Casey this divine light from you is amazing


Tone of voice is huge. Chick's sometimes are offended by my loudness. You need to be suave somewhat, which is ridiculous, but necessary.


I love how balanced and nuanced Casey’s content is, even though people claim some of it comes off like he’s butthurt. Like wow, imagine people sometimes having not so great personal experiences to speak from? Learn more in these shorts than I have from my dad in life!


You're the father I never had Casey.


When in doubt, whip it out guys!!!

It always worked for me!



This guy is the most consistent… he’s not always right but he’s the best I’ve seen.


That's the best thing I've heard all day... we'll done bro


I appreciate you always keeping it 💯 it’s funny because we all know these things deep down


Confidence is cool 😎
Pride is ugly. Stay Awesome!


facts bro and if you use a slower lower tone of voice is lowers their anxiety instead of you talking very fast


Yup! Just talk to women as one would talk to any other person.


And that's the whole point Bro, How are we gonna learn about tone of voice and communication skills?
have you or can you make videos on that?


Could you elaborate on the tone of voice topic?


How do you exercise this when all they want to do is text ad naseum? I've been overwhelmed by women in their 40s/50s that wont communicate other than texting. It's toxic and should never be your primary form of communication. I find its over the top that sooo many just won't even have a basic conversation....drives me nuts. Any ideas as to where you meet women who aren't afraid of their own shadows? Online sucks to quite frank...


The guy ik with now isn't good looking but his voice is sexy AF and he is a great communicator
