Superior Spiderman vs Wolverine

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Short little recent fight that happened. I liked it anyway. This is Doc Ock possessing the body of Peter Park btw. Hope you enjoy :)
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Wolverine, if he were written true to character, would have known it wasn't really Peter. He'd have noticed a change in his body language, voice inflection, etc.


Doc Oc really had flashbacks of Peters life and was amazed at how he fought the Hulk and other heroes WHILE HOLDING BACK. He got upset Peter had so much hidden power and skill he took offense to it. How would such a beast let themselves get walked over when they're number 1?


People forget how ridiculously strong. fast, and so more spiderman got going for himself


there are things that always bugged me about a Wolverine and Spider-Man fight. Spider-Man is above Wolverine in pretty much every way except for maybe endurance and durability but Wolverine has literally a lifetime of experience over Spider-Man and has fought way more people than him and also is a martial arts master in at least a dozen styles. people usually write Wolverine as the character whose either cutting people to pieces or getting beat up really easily to make other people look tough.


Ock is using his power not for responsibility but for fun!


I got admit, the way it was written with Ock accessing Peter’s memories & his description of Pete’s & Logan’s “friendship” I thoroughly enjoyed watching Wolvie getting his ass handed to him.


People really underestimate Spider-sense and how strong Spidey actually is. He's stronger that Cap whose on the freaking front lines of every avengers story. So he could definitely take out Logan. 


Why there is so much HATE for Wolverine? I mean, everyone knows Spidey can easily outshine the guy. 


Just in case anyone's unaware. Superior Spiderman is actually Doc Ock in Peter Parker's body. I remember all the details of how they switched, but I remember it was at some point where Doc Ock did something bad to Peter Parker and along the line Doc Ock took over Peter Parker's body.


If Superior Spiderman hadn't turned his back on Wolverine then he would've won the fight.


The best part about superior spider man was the oc really showed off what spider man is capable of, someone like wolverine would never have a chance


Wolverine felt sorry fighting Spider-Man he didn't even use his claws.


those who claim Wolverine wouldnt lose to Spiderman are only half right...Wolverine wouldnt lose to Peter Parker in the same sense he would against Superior Spiderman...Spiderman is stronger and faster, the question is how much does he hold back...Peter Parker held back always (if his mind was stable), but Otto, has been injured by Wolverine in the past, and has bullied Spiderman just cause Peter never got a bit of respect...

So even a berserker rage Wolverine would still be no match for Spiderman's reflexes, strenght and agility. He can be on top of a building like instantly...can Wolverine do that? Then again, Wolverine wasnt really fighting, just confused.

And Wolverine might lose his healing factor, and get killed everynow and then, but he never loses his cool factor...(ok that was corny as hell)


Wolverine, if written true to his history, should be experienced and proficient enough in hand to hand combat to embarass anyone not blatantly superhuman (which, to be fair, spider-man very much is). But writers keep portraying him as an unrefined savage because it fits his powerset.


In Secret Wars, Spidey casually backhands Wolverine and tells him “Your pig-stickers may scare the bar room bullies, but to me, you’re a JOKE!” I’ve always thought this was the most realistic fight between the two of them. Wolverine is ALWAYS pitted against characters that are WAAY beyond his class. His healing factor and bones somehow allowing him to take blows from outlandishly powerful beings like the Hulk and keep fighting. I’ve always thought it was weird that an old man karate master like Shingen can knock him out while he shrugs off blows from Juggernaut and Hulk. Somehow over the years his healing factor ( recovery from injury) has morphed into superhuman resistance( able to withstand punishment WITHOUT taking damage) to injury. He’s written so ridiculously sometimes.


Spiderman is the face of Marvel. Even Stan Lee said it himself years ago. He said spidey was his most special creation. Against wolverine would be close only because wolverine heals fast. Spidey of course is much stronger, faster, more agile, smarter, has senses, and lets not forget the webbing. All this with some humor as he fights makes him an awesome hero. But after getting the best of wolverine for a while, would he eventually get tired as wolverine keeps healing is the question? Peter parker wont try to kill him unless wolverine killed someone he loves. Which we know spidey also has a bigger heart to.


Nah it's pretty legit, Spidey can kick Logan's ass any day of the week. He is superior after all ;)


My question is does the heroes ever find out that Peter was mind swapped the whole time?

And do they forgive him?


Fair enough, I'd agree with you on that. Yet I still believe Spidey is capable of taking Logan out. The encounter was perhaps a bit too quick ... but consider being slammed in the head with 10-12 tons of force behind it, should feel like getting rocked by a semi truck. Though I would have liked to see the fight more drawn out. Maybe Spidey using speed & reflex advantage to land a few more rapid hits, to be capable of a KO. Logan's dmg soak & HF have always been inconsistant though ...


Spiderman is way stronger than people think.


I think underestimate how strong Parker really is, and how he doesn't use a QUARTER of it most the time cause he could kill people so easy.
