Pakistan’s politics - explained | Start Here

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It’s been a dramatic few weeks in Pakistani politics after opposition parties joined forces to oust Imran Khan. #AJStartHere with @SandraGathmann explains what happened and the significance of having a Sharif back in power.

#pakistan #imrankhan #shehbazsharif

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How stupid these people can be. He never said i am anti india or anti american. He said i want good relations with every country but don't want a master slave relation with them. Looks like al jazeera is inspired by American foreign policy.
He wants an independent foreign policy that is beneficial to Pakistan.
Get your facts together not from someone who is against PTI / IMRAN KHAN


6th thing you need to know, "IK wasn't anti-anyone"
You said anti-india, well he opened Kartapur Border for sikhs in India
You said anti-america, but didn't said not even a single thing to prove it.
You also blamed IK for inflation and poverty but refused to mention that 1st year was spent trying to recover from little to nothing foreign reserves left by Sharifs, and then 3 years were spent in COVID, which hurt the world economy as a whole.
His foreign policy is for people of Pakistan not the elites.
Clean lies, unsubbed


He was not anti-India. He freed the Indian pilot who was captured during his airstrike on Pakistan in 2019 as a peace gesture.


Pakistan: *PM got removed from power*
Malaysia: First time?
Pakistan: No, 23rd times.


When on earth did Imran khan had “anti Indian” foreign policy
Plz get ur fact straight


Interesting how she has completely skipped the impact of COVID & increase in inflation globally when talking about unemployment and inflation in Pakistan during Khan's regime. The economy was in fact improving since a couple of month before Imran Khan's ouster.

ALSO, stating that he gave no proof for his claims of a foreign intervention are farcical - the communique (which formed the basis of this claim ) was validated by the National Security council of Pakistan. After which the foreign Minister at that time, Shah Mehmood Qureshi was asked to issue a demarche to the United states.

As for the proof of foreign conspiracy - the opposition parties (elected & NON ELECTED party members) and the defected party member of PTI, all had meetings, secretly and publicly, with the US diplomats since August 2021 - a few months before the Vote of confidence against Khan. These are taped and documented facts, not claims.After that, it was very odd, when an extremely divided opposition, all of a sudden joined hands and within a matter of months presented a vote of no confidence; which it had been unsuccessful in achieving multiple times in the past 3 yrs. When or if an investigation is ordered to probe this, there will be even more undeniable evidence of this.

P.S Political history students are well aware of US' "interventions" in Iran, Chile, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan etc
So such claims are definitely not absurd or should not be seen as an attempt to re-build political support in a public that is often labelled as "Anti-west".


This is a biased view at best, calling khan anti-western, when he’s trying to adopt the same balanced foreign policy as India does with USA and Russia. No one calls India or Modi anti-western when they openly trade with Russia and intend to increase the trade. India didn’t condemn Russia in Ukraine and yet they are the top strategic ally of USA. These are hyper obvious dual standards adopted by USA. The Pakistan national security council admitted that USA did blatant intervention in Pakistan’s internal affairs when their under Secretary threatened serious consequences if Khan wasn’t ousted. Rebecca Grant of official US think tank policy maker confirmed that Khan was ousted with their nudge because of his pro China and pro Russia foreign policy. Lastly, the most corrupt, convicted families have been thrusted upon Pakistani government so USA can have their way while the corrupt try to get rid of investigative records against them selves. The western democracies won’t even let these people come close to public office of the lowest level let alone leading the country.

The entire episode is a repeat of how US did regime changes in Iran in 1950s and Chile as well. Same formula to destabilize other countries just to maintain their geopolitical grasp.


*PPP and PML-N have been Looting Pakistan for over 3 decades, Khan wasn't corrupt like those two families so therefore they were convicted and didn't want to go to jail and formed a government to escape the accountability of their crimes*


What defines an "anti-Western" policy? Not being a spineless country with the need to please the States, etc. by obsequious amounts? Imran Khan, if anything, was the best chance the West had in trying to pursue stability in that part of the world. But as most already know, stability was never the actual aim.


The economy turmoil should never be blamed on him as it was coming for decades of looting and losns


"sharifs know how to govern", that is such a lie, sharif's 2013-18 tenure was the 1st tenure in pak in which exports decreased, also they artificially controlled the rupee value which is one of the main reason we are still in this mess


Al Jazeera, didn't mention the actual and major reason for inflation which was COVID-19 Pandemic like many other countries in the world, you can't blame IK's government alone for this. Usually I like "Start Here" but this episode should have been aired after a better research work.


The sixth thing we need aljazeera to show is how America has had so much influence in Pakistani politics throughout the years. Guess they don't have the balls to explain this.


"Pakistan's new cabinet looks like the front page of the Police Gazette"

George Galloway


The fact that the Army brought Imran Khan is controversial. They are displaying this as facts. This should have been made clear that this is a controversial topic not a fact.


Unemployment in pak was lowest in the sub-continent in Khan's tenure. Moreover, he did mot complete his 5years.. There was things he was still working on to generate employment.


As a Pakistani I stand with Imran Khan. He has performed better than any previous govt. You can see in IMF's recent 2022 report that under Imran Khan Pakistan's GDP growth was 5.6% and record low Account deficit in last 11 years. This year Pakistan's GDP was set to be 6%.

Unfortunately, maybe Imran's bad luck, First he had to deal with Covid and then Russia started the war, still Imran Khan's performance was better than any leader in history of Pakistan.


Al Jazeera professionally excluded US interference from the story and replaced it with the Army. This is a biased view just because they did not include the Army's response regarding the Russia trip. Army said that they were on board.


Imran is Honest Leader Ever in Pakistani Politics,
You can Blame him that 1st year of his term Inflation made record in history, Economy was in Crucial Crisis, poor Governance but He never did Corruption, nor Accused in any Fraud Case.
He is not Capitalist, Industrialist nor So Rich Person. He did not made high rise Lavish houses for herself & Childrens.


Imran Khan Will Be The Next PM Again Inshallah
