Should I be saying 'Yeshua' instead of 'Jesus?'

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Wretched TV + Radio is hosted by Todd Friel. On the show, you will see and hear live witnessing encounters, discussions of tough theological issues, and Christian commentary on current events. We might even make you laugh.




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lol movement? I call him Yeshua only because that’s the name He answered to when he was on earth.


An infinite spiritual God who knows and looks upon the heart just might be able to know who you're referring to.


Can you explain how his name is jesus when the letter j never existed back then?


I bet this man wouldn't feel ok of comfortable if people called him Pepe. He would try to correct you


It was written in Greek but the story happened in hebrew language. If Iit had been translated in Chinese it think he would be called shinchan! It's not about having permission or not. It is about RESPECTING THE NAME.! and by the way, who gave permission to change the name.? Scripture says his name is immutable!


Of the opinion you can call him either one.


What name did parents give him how would like some one change your name ask messiah how he feel about that!


Yeshua is the Messiah. Permission from Yahuah or human beings.. Yeshua is not a Greek ....our saviour is Hebrew..


He calls it a movement🤦‍♂️ It's not just "Hebrew Roots" people that refer to the Lord as Yeshua instead of Jesus. Many Christians refer to Messiah as Yeshua. I'm one of them. Jesus Christ isn't the Lord's name. My name is pronounced differently by people from different countries, yes whilst I get that they are referring to me when they address me the way they do but calling me by a different name is like making up a nickname for me like I'm some prison inmate and using the name you've chosen instead of the name I answered to by those that knew me personally ever since I was a child.

Keep calling the messiah JC if you wish, that's your choice but don't berate those that call the Lord by the name he was given from the most high. You might not feel any conviction about it, that's on you. No judgement from me, we all have our journey. Maybe you still practice Christmas and Easter. If you do that's on you. Personally I have conviction about things like that and choose to keep the holy days that the Lord kept and not those created by those that followed after other God's.

Come to think of it, it's kind of rude to continue to call someone by a name you're familiar with or comfortable with just because you're familiar or comfortable with it. It is just common courtesy and good manners even when you meet a regular person who is not your lord and saviour, to ask them how they say their name and to address them that way, not just the way you think their name is said. I wink at ignorance. If you don't know how my name is pronounced I'll give you an allowance once or twice and I'll correct you the first and second time after that I would probably take offence.

The problem here is unlike me who you can hear with an audible voice, even if the Lord was to speak to you, you probably wouldn't know his voice to hear him anyway. Do you think the Lord told Paul on the road to Damascus that his name was Jesus or do you think he told him his name was Yeshua? I'll wait!

If I overheard two people communicating in the street and I knew person A said their name differently from how person B addressed them I would question the level of their relationship.🤷 I'd probably think they're not that close. A close friend, family member or romantic partner would address them just as their name is pronounced in some cases even with the accent associated with the region they came from, at the very least they would say their name the way they would have introduced themselves to that person.


You're too goofy, respect goofy? Hmm


People are too focused on being legalistic than having a personal relationship with the Savior. Get a life folks.


It's not s trend it's only the messiahs correct name


But to be on the safe side maybe better to reference as Yeshua.
