Yeshua or Jesus? Here is the EVIDENCE... - Dr. Gene Kim

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Dr. Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI)
Resources: Hi, I'm Dr Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI) and I pastor a church at San Jose Bible Baptist Church. My channel publishes videos that focus on wrong doctrines, dispensationalism, end times and KJV as the only word of God. If that sounds like it could be helpful for you, please subscribe!

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Pastor Gene Kim
San Jose Bible Baptist Church, CA
#BaptistChurch #Dispensationalism #KJVOnly #Endtimes #Christianity #BibleStudy
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This information is vital. The Hebrew Torah movement has been spreading the spirit of confusion and The Lord Jesus Christ is not of the spirit of confusion but only truth. I am so grateful for this teaching.


Revelation 19:12
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.


I literally had been wondering about this two days ago. I kept thinking, why wouldn't the name of Yeshua stay the same when translated from Hebrew to others. And I also thought, i believe in the name of Jesus yet I always hear people denounce the name of Jesus and NOT Yeshua. So i'm like, if people disrespect the name of Jesus then that must be where the power is, in the name of Jesus, because no one ever throws the name of "Yeshua" under the bus. Just shows that God hears our prayers and gives us answers when we least expect it. Thanks for the video pastor Kim.


I wish we could all have more of a childlike Faith sometimes, you know where you read the word Jesus in the Bible and you simply accept it as it says. but all these weird groups have to ruin it for everyone, making us question everything. 😕


Galatians 2:20 KJV
[20] I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of *the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.*


Yeah I was in one of those Yahweh groups stopped following a while ago when the fruits of it seemed forced.


We pronounced YESUS here in Indonesia, very close to IASOUS (Greek) 😇


Thanks for the clarity. YouTube has many channels who push calling the Lord Jesus Christ by modern Hebrew. I will continue with my mouth worshipping in my spoken language.
I pray God continues to bless your ministry in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


Thank you pastor, may the LORD JESUS CHRIST continue to bless you in teaching us


Dr. Kim - It actually "bugs" me and is a "pet peeve" of mine, to hear Christians tongue-tie themselves by saying "Yeshua ha' Mashiach, Yahweh, Jesus...", and pronouncing "YHWH" with blowing breaths,   all in one sentence, with their every reference to him in whatever teaching they're trying to do. They lose "points" with me when they do it, and immediately I question the whole of whatever message(s) they've tried or hoped to convey. I've thought to myself, "what is it about their "brand" of spirituality they want to impress me with? Is this the equivalent of the scribes in the town square (MARKETPLACE),  who made a show of themselves with their long (FLOWING) robes, to attract honor?" It's pure pretense.  Thank you a bunch for your video on this one!


In my language, Jesus is Yesu. Zambia has 73 different languages and to the ones I know, Jesus’s name translation sounds close; Lesa, Jesu etc


In math a variable represents a set of as a name. It's a matter of the heart. That's what the Holy Spirit goes by.


Amen, Amen Pastor K.. The Lord doesn't care what you call Him just as long as you do it with sincerity & devotion. The Lord knows "ALL" and judges the heart of those saved and unsaved alike. As for those of us which are born again we are indeed a new creation and as the adopted sons of God we have the honor of hosting the Holy Spirit which indwells us and intercedes at all times without the need for words. Together with daily study & meditation our advocate will indeed guide us through life and prayer perfecting us little by little for eternity under the Father... There is no need to take your eyes off the prize, just pray about it & meditate on it..


I have been seeing so many people lately saying LORD actually means Baal and that "God" is a short form for one of Satan's names, what do you think about it?


There is no Christianity in the east, how can we tolerate their culture. And you can't argue they will say why is your belief/religion right and ours wrong . All I can say is because it just is, like why grass is green . Because it is. I need to step up my argument game 😔😩


Thanks again for the spirit and truth. This sermon was very helpful


Gene Kim will you do an episode like this about Annunaki/Sumerian Gods/The Story of Adapa. lots of people try to argue that the story of Adam and Eve and the God/Jesus we know is actually stolen from ancient Sumeria. I wonder if you have more information about this?


So gifted pastor thank you for your teachings


Wow 😮 i am learning something new everyday thanks pastor.


I met a guy named Isa, he said his name is Jesus in english
