Over Unity - Infinite FREE Energy (Is it possible?)

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Is over unity possibly using a car alternator and a motor?
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At a speed of 3470 rpm, the six pairs of magnets of the generator perform 20820 alternations per minute.
This is 347 per second, so 347 Hertz is the alternation of the produced current.
Your Chinese engine also does not receive the 115 Volt voltage required for its operation, for the simple reason that the generator of the passenger car is wound for 17 Volt voltage. The number of rides is low!
If your magnets are very good (which I doubt), even after a considerable heat treatment, your generator will produce a maximum of 20 Volts 347 Hz current. It doesn't drive your electric motor.
So you use an external power source and it's all just a trick!


.Au début j’étais vraiment très septique sur le fonctionnement de cet appareil.
J’ai donc décidé d’en construire un pour de vrai comme tous gens qui ont vu cette vidéo.
Et là je suis resté émerveillé devant cette invention qui permet de fournir une Energie gratuite et inépuisable.
Ensuite j’en ai construit deux, puis trois, dix, cent, mille.
J’ai converti les habitants de ma ville, de mon pays… qui maintenant produisent leur propre électricité.
Le président des États Unis m’a personnellement téléphoné pour me remercier d’avoir sauvé le pays.
On m’a même proposé le prix Nobel de physique pour cette invention qui a changé la face du monde…
Depuis cela la TERRE arrête de se réchauffer, le niveau des océans baisse, il n’y a plus de pollution.

Bref, merci beaucoup à vous car Albert Einstein lui même (prix Nobel 1921) était vraiment trop stupide de ne pas y avoir pensé plus tôt.
Ok. Je savais que l’infini n’avait pas de limite, mais je découvre que c'est aussi le cas de la bêtise humaine ...


We've all thought of this concept but you've actually done it and powered a whole computer and light at the same time. Wonderful


Вот если бы он приподнял бы эту всю конструкцию и походил бы с ней по полю вот тогда бы я поверил в истину!


It will eventually wear out the bearing of the alternator because the loading is not even between the 3 phases if 1 phase will be used all the time. The flickering of the light is due to the output frequency of the alternator.. Try to measure the frequency if it matches the required frequency of your appliances. Since your drive motor runs at nearly 3500 RPM (which is 2 poles) and the number of magnets of your alternator is already 14 (14 poles), it should run at around 500 RPM only. I presume the frequency of your system at 3500 RPM is around 400 Hz. Correct me if I'm wrong but pretty sure your frequency is no more less than 300 Hz. Use this formula as basis: Speed in RPM of drive motor = (120 x Frequency in Hertz) divided by No. of poles or magnets of alternator.


I built the the car alternator the same way. N51 Magnets. The output voltage at 2850 rpm is 15, 5 Veff.
If you run it through a 3 phase rectifier and huge capacitors you get 15, 5 x 1, 41 = 21, 88 DC volts. Too much for charging a 12 volt battery directly. A charge controller is needed. It is similar to PV panels.
The modifed alternator can due its data 1000 watts. That was possible with a heavy load.If you need 110 or 240 volts use a DC/AC converter.


11.46 You can see the electric wire dragged to the chair on the grass


the charger is not connected internally. the motor runs on mains voltage wires hidden


Para probar que esto funciona solo debe de detener manualmente la correa, esto demostrará que no hay cable de energía conectada.
Con la luz encendida


You would need to feed the 12v output into a sine wave power invertor to up covert it to 120v-240v.


In fifth grade science class, I showed my teacher a drawing of a motor driving a generator by belt which then powered the motor. He laughed..


Why did he never show an amp output only voltage when he had the meter right there ?


It's obviously intriguing. I haven't modified the alternator like you have shown, though I don't have a lot of faith in the balance being stable enough to hold steady output. I'm hoping maybe a series of motors and adjusting the gearing will help increase useable power beyond what is available so far. It must be possible, it's just too confusing that it's in place on an everyday industrial level, it's silly that not every home has a self contained power supply. Obviously nothing lasts forever, and maintenance and replacement parts will be required periodically. But even at tens of thousands of dollars per personal sized household unit this would have far more benefits in places that don't have hydro electricity, and of course the savings would likely add up after a few years of being self efficient on hydro and the new electric car would have even more purpose on top of the lowered daily emissions, excluding emissions from production and mining for the resources to build all the components it would be a no brainer, outside of the all the revenue the provinces and states would loose from providing fuel and electricity. Obviously we are long way from eliminating the need for all supplied fuels and electricity, but this would definitely be a big impact on consumption.


It's a great breakthrough in energy. Now this product can be used for power supply of power plants, transformer networks, etc. I am not talking about the possibility of installing such generators on electric cars that will no longer need to be Fed on stationary filling stations. A great prospect for aircraft, drones, aircraft. Such portable generators are a great opportunity for Geological exploration stations, shepherds, which are far beyond urban electric networks, Foresters, egeres, etc. my low bow to the author of the roller and invention.


Engine rpm in a car is similar to rpm in alternator and at approx 1000 rpm the alternator produces only 14V.


That looks like a 1 horse motor maybe. My alternator generator ran 3 100 watt light bulbs before over exciting on the 4th. 1 hp is 750 watts. That must be a really powerful alternator to put out that kind of wattage


The chord supplying the power is connected to the bolts from underneath the mounting board.


Now science is high but many people are dreaming


You can see the cord running through the grass up the seat post


Why dont they ever pick it up an walk around with it if its making power on its own that would prove it
