Why No One Hires Junior Developers (And What To Do About It) | Junior Jobs

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Today I chat with Byron Sommardhal, a Software Developer advocate at Dev Amplifier about why no one hires junior developers and what you can do about it!


▶Resources I use/would use (with discounts/sign-up bonuses):

1) 30% off David Roberts "Standing out in Tech" Video Series when you enter the code JUNIORJOBS30 at checkout!



These are some fun words: how to become a software engineer, how to become a software engineer with no experience, software engineer, how to get a software engineering job, how to become a software engineer without a degree, how to get a software developer job, how to get a software development job, how to get a software engineer job with no experience, how to get a software engineer job without a degree, how to get a developer job with no experience, how to get a tech job with no experience

▶*Some of the links and other products that appear in this video are from companies for which the channel will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.


▶*Some of the links and other products that appear in this video are from companies for which the channel will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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Great, so I need to be a Senior Dev as a Junior Dev.


Dang, should have spawned in a senior engineer 😢. Bad life RNG


Because at the price of a 1 entry level software developer in USA, companies can hire 2-3 experienced folks in India, China, Philippines, Vietnam.
Entry level roles are outsourced to cheaper countries


I have not heard such nonsense for quite some time. Junior jobs are out there for people with 5 years of experience. No matter how an entry-level person brushes up their experiences, how many open resources are preset in their resume, or ten internships are included, they will receive close to zero chance of getting hired.


i don't think ramp-up time has anything to do with it, when in the history of work has an employee ever come into a new job already knowing how to do everything? even if you're going from warehouse to warehouse doing menial tasks you still have to learn how their particular work setup and systems opperate.

i'd say the real problem is too many people, why pick you when they have thousands of people with real world work experience knocking down their doors for a job? industries that have a true skill shortage gap will pay you for the privilege of training you (hvac, trucking, eletrician etc) most people today looking to get into software development already know everything they need to know, they even know the specific tech stacks the industry is actually using, this isn't like 20 years ago when just knowing what html even was would be enough for someone to interview you. kids today are already coming in building entire websites/apps where's the skill gap exactly?


Capitalism has achieved its goal: making a lot of people become developers to drive down wages.


the industry is moving too fast is why, they need senior devs 3 years ago, not tomorrow, the industry needs to slow down and realize you're standing still waiting on senior devs that you're shutting out over 12 years


This is the best advice I have ever heard on YouTube... thanks alot


The premise of this video doesn't make sense, entry level devs have always had the cost of training and ramp up time. So why is it all the sudden a deal breaker in 2024 but companies accepted it five or ten years back?


I started my career in 2005 fresh out of college, got laid off in 2009 and only had 4 years experience going out trying to find a job in a terrible market going against senior level people willing to take lower level jobs in order to have a job. It took me over a year to get another job again. This mess being created in 2023/24 with the level of college grads and new people coming into this field they're not going to have 3-5 years experience for an entry level job.


"ramp up" Is the most bull shit thing. You cant expect any one I dont care how much experince you have. To just go yep I know


No one hires experienced devs either, I'm a 30 year developer in both military and space projects. All I get now is ghosting, someone calls that talks to me about how impressive my background is but nothing of substance happens.


How to mention 5 years of career gap due to family reasons- parental care in resume and is it necessary to inform the recruiters before interview to avoid confusion..


No, the problem isn't skill gaps.
The problem is work and experience gaps.
You acquire said skill when you work in a real time work environment.
New hires are equally if not more qualified than you were when you started as a junior.


I understand that several bootcamps do have great intentions, curriculum, teachers etc but the structure of a bootcamp is not a productive learning environment for most.


Some of these "skill gaps" are surprisingly basic. Maybe take the time to run tests and ensure that your code compiles before submitting a PR? Conscientiousness is a basic skill that even many experienced developers lack.


5:16 Too many tools that abstract the complexity of the solution is a big problem. Junior devs have more abstracted away by frameworks, tools and libraries than ever before so they aren't massaging those low-level skills the experienced developers have. A simple one like connect to a SQL database and run a query is lost on them. This adds to companies pushing for container solutions to get the juniors on the team productive much sooner. That leads to overhead that the senior engineers now need to manage etc. This will only become more pronounced as engineers suppliment their work with AI.

If someone asks me which frameworks to learn I always recommend an opinionated framework. You'll pick up on patterns a lot faster in those frameworks than non opinionated.


I've been debating changing fields entirely, with 4 months in unemployment welfare now because of this crap.


Even Senior level developers scour the internet for answers, maybe they are more proficient at it than a Junior would be. Obviously with AI, it is another tool to help out anyone nowadays. A lot of things are libraries, recycled code snippets that are perhaps altered ever so slightly to do the same exact thing. It isn't the old west like before. Technology is moving at an insane rate and will continue to do so.


Great video! Just fyi: links 3 and 5 are broken.
