Top 10 Pagan Myths Found in the Bible

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Chapters: 10-1
10. (0:23) Only Begotten Son.
Eusebius and Philo of Byblos hand down an ancient Phoenician Myth of Chronos called Israel who offers his only begotten Son to Ouranos the Father in Heaven. This seems to be re-told in the Torah in Genesis when Abraham offers up Isaac to YHVH.
9. (1:59) The Fish God Oannes
The fish God Oannes was an ancient Chaldean Deity who came out of the Sea and gave prophecy to the Chaldeans. He had an equivalent in Assyria known as Dagon. The Book of Jonah is clearly borrowing from this Myth. Jonah is also a translation of Oannes.
8. (4:12) Dark Omens & the Death of a God
According to Virgil's Georgics, the sky was dark, graves were opened up, and the earth quaked when Caesar was killed. The same story is told by Matthew about Jesus Crucifixion.
7. (7:49) Tempted by the Devil in the Wilderness
In the Zend Avesta Fargard XIX, Zoroaster is tempted by Angra Mainyu, the Ahriman, the Daeva of Daevas, to denounce his worship of the good laws of Ahura Mazda and he will be given the Boon to Rule All Nations. Jesus is tempted by the Devil, Satan, to worship him instead of the Father God, and he will be given all the Nations.
6. (10:16) Anointed, Fame, Far & Wide
In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus returns home and gets his feet Anointed by Eurycleia of Ithaca, whos name means "Far & Wide" in Greek. Jesus is Anointed at Bethany by Mary, and he tells her she will be remembered for her fame far and wide for what she has done. It is a pun on the name of Eurycleia of Ithaca.
5. (11:40) Drifting in a Basket up the River
Sargon of Akkad is born of a slave, who sets Sargon adrift the Euphrates River, until he is taken in by a Princess who puts him as the Cup Bearer for the King of Kish. Moses is born of an Jewish-Egyptian (Levite) slave woman who sets him in a basket up the Nile river where he is taken in by a princess who makes Moses into the Cup-Bearer for Pharaoh.
4. (12:36) Creation
In the Enuma Elish, there is 7 tablets of Creation. In the first tablet, it talks about the beginning of time being a deep abyss with no form except for primordial water gods Tiamat and Apsu. The 7th tablet talks about a day for rest for the gods. In Genesis 1, the beginning is a deep abyss with no form besides the Primordial Waters. The Hebrew word for the deep abyss is Tehom, which is cognate with Tiamat, the primordial Sumerian God. The 7th day of creation is a day of rest.
3. (14:05) Begotten By God
In the Greek Alexander Romance, Alexander goes into the desert in search of the Oasis at Siwa, where the Great God Ammon tells him that He is the Son of God. Jesus goes into the desert in search for an Oasis where John the Baptist baptizes him, and he hears God tell him that He has been Begotten on this day.
2 (15:10) The Flood
In the Greek Myth, Deucolion son of Prometheus is told to build an Arc to survive the coming flood sent by Zeus. The Sumerian Myths, Epic of Gilgamesh and Atrahasis, the protagonist builds an Ark for animals and family to survive a global flood sent by Anu, and at the end of the flood, he sends out 2 birds to find land, where they land the boat on a mountain. In Genesis, Noah builds an Ark and takes 2 of every animal, his family, and also sends out 2 birds to find land so he can land his Ark on a mountain.
1. (16:47) 3 Day Motif
The 3 Day Motif is written about in the Myth of Inanna/Ishtar's Descent to the Underworld to Save Tammuz/Dummuzi the Shepherd. She is down in Hell for 3 days and goes through the 7 levels and takes off an article of clothing each time. She is given 2 maids to help her in her travels, and on the 4th day she rises with Tammuz and brings the Resurrection of the Dead with her.(Akitu Festival, Babylonian New Year/Spring Equinox) The book of Esther also gives us the same 3 day Motif in which she also has to remove clothing and is given 2 maids to help her. On the 4th day she is Triumphant and saves Mordecai from Haman. Jonah is in the belly of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights. Jesus is in the Belly of the Earth (Hell) for 3 days and 3 nights after he is Crucified on Passover (Spring Equinox) and rises on the next day. He is said to Resurrect the Dead when he returns for the 2nd coming.
Top 10 Pagan Myths Found in the Bible
Neal Sendlak
#Top10 #PaganMyths #Bible #Gnostic #GnosticInformant gnostic informant descent of ishtar
Chapters: 10-1
10. (0:23) Only Begotten Son.
Eusebius and Philo of Byblos hand down an ancient Phoenician Myth of Chronos called Israel who offers his only begotten Son to Ouranos the Father in Heaven. This seems to be re-told in the Torah in Genesis when Abraham offers up Isaac to YHVH.
9. (1:59) The Fish God Oannes
The fish God Oannes was an ancient Chaldean Deity who came out of the Sea and gave prophecy to the Chaldeans. He had an equivalent in Assyria known as Dagon. The Book of Jonah is clearly borrowing from this Myth. Jonah is also a translation of Oannes.
8. (4:12) Dark Omens & the Death of a God
According to Virgil's Georgics, the sky was dark, graves were opened up, and the earth quaked when Caesar was killed. The same story is told by Matthew about Jesus Crucifixion.
7. (7:49) Tempted by the Devil in the Wilderness
In the Zend Avesta Fargard XIX, Zoroaster is tempted by Angra Mainyu, the Ahriman, the Daeva of Daevas, to denounce his worship of the good laws of Ahura Mazda and he will be given the Boon to Rule All Nations. Jesus is tempted by the Devil, Satan, to worship him instead of the Father God, and he will be given all the Nations.
6. (10:16) Anointed, Fame, Far & Wide
In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus returns home and gets his feet Anointed by Eurycleia of Ithaca, whos name means "Far & Wide" in Greek. Jesus is Anointed at Bethany by Mary, and he tells her she will be remembered for her fame far and wide for what she has done. It is a pun on the name of Eurycleia of Ithaca.
5. (11:40) Drifting in a Basket up the River
Sargon of Akkad is born of a slave, who sets Sargon adrift the Euphrates River, until he is taken in by a Princess who puts him as the Cup Bearer for the King of Kish. Moses is born of an Jewish-Egyptian (Levite) slave woman who sets him in a basket up the Nile river where he is taken in by a princess who makes Moses into the Cup-Bearer for Pharaoh.
4. (12:36) Creation
In the Enuma Elish, there is 7 tablets of Creation. In the first tablet, it talks about the beginning of time being a deep abyss with no form except for primordial water gods Tiamat and Apsu. The 7th tablet talks about a day for rest for the gods. In Genesis 1, the beginning is a deep abyss with no form besides the Primordial Waters. The Hebrew word for the deep abyss is Tehom, which is cognate with Tiamat, the primordial Sumerian God. The 7th day of creation is a day of rest.
3. (14:05) Begotten By God
In the Greek Alexander Romance, Alexander goes into the desert in search of the Oasis at Siwa, where the Great God Ammon tells him that He is the Son of God. Jesus goes into the desert in search for an Oasis where John the Baptist baptizes him, and he hears God tell him that He has been Begotten on this day.
2 (15:10) The Flood
In the Greek Myth, Deucolion son of Prometheus is told to build an Arc to survive the coming flood sent by Zeus. The Sumerian Myths, Epic of Gilgamesh and Atrahasis, the protagonist builds an Ark for animals and family to survive a global flood sent by Anu, and at the end of the flood, he sends out 2 birds to find land, where they land the boat on a mountain. In Genesis, Noah builds an Ark and takes 2 of every animal, his family, and also sends out 2 birds to find land so he can land his Ark on a mountain.
1. (16:47) 3 Day Motif
The 3 Day Motif is written about in the Myth of Inanna/Ishtar's Descent to the Underworld to Save Tammuz/Dummuzi the Shepherd. She is down in Hell for 3 days and goes through the 7 levels and takes off an article of clothing each time. She is given 2 maids to help her in her travels, and on the 4th day she rises with Tammuz and brings the Resurrection of the Dead with her.(Akitu Festival, Babylonian New Year/Spring Equinox) The book of Esther also gives us the same 3 day Motif in which she also has to remove clothing and is given 2 maids to help her. On the 4th day she is Triumphant and saves Mordecai from Haman. Jonah is in the belly of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights. Jesus is in the Belly of the Earth (Hell) for 3 days and 3 nights after he is Crucified on Passover (Spring Equinox) and rises on the next day. He is said to Resurrect the Dead when he returns for the 2nd coming.
Top 10 Pagan Myths Found in the Bible
Neal Sendlak
#Top10 #PaganMyths #Bible #Gnostic #GnosticInformant gnostic informant descent of ishtar