Lex's First Time Hearing D12 🎵 My Band (Eminem) Reaction

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This is Lex's first time listening to D12 ever. We checked out My Band on stream as well as a few other songs which we'll upload later.

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I spent majority of my teenage year's with "My salsa" stuck in my head lol xx


Eminem is joking in near enough every one of his ‘shady’ songs, that’s what makes him so good the fact he can be joking and it still be a great song


This video was even more funny when it dropped cuz it came out in *2004* they're making fun of things going on at that time. *Boy Bands* were all the rage *Bizarre* wearing the *green dress* is making fun of *Janet Jackson's* breast exposed at the super bowl halftime show & *Bizarre* is making fun of *50 cents (In Da Club)* music video etc


Lex seems like the most genuine decent person in the universe. Watching her discover old music for the first time is like witnessing pure innocence. The universe gave you a true gift Brad :) Much love to both of you.


They are still friends. Proof was Em's best friend and was tragically killed in 2006... this was one of the reasons for Em's overdose in 2007. Con artist, aka Mr. Porter, has been Em's hype man on stage, since he returned in 2009. Before him, Proof was his hype man😥 Kuniva, Swift and bizarre all refer to Em as their brother... and vice versa... but D12 died with Proof😥😥


'How Come' is a pretty decent D12 song. And 'Purple Pills' was a big hit. Both might be worth reacting to. :)


D12 is the dirty dozen, six members, they all appear in em songs as either backing vocals or have verses, he shouts them out in songs constantly especially proof who was such a lyricist, they were all good though


They had so much fun shooting this video. You can tell.


D12: "One Shot, Two Shot" "Fight Music" & "How Come" are some of their best work.


That's the fun side of d12. Fight music and purple pills.


Been waiting for 17 years for My Salsa to drop


The freedom Em had for creativity is absolutely insane. He ran his label's, Dre knows it.


D12 were actually very underrated. You have to react to these 2 now after this.
D12 - Fight Music
D12 - How Come
3rd song I would recommend Purple Hills which is a more jokey song similar to this one.


D12 Rocks!! Need to find more to react to. Love you guys.


Man I wish there was an uncensored video for this song. It's hilarious to me that the only official music video was censored just given Em's music in general.


I love when u guys react to a song I suggest, this era of em is hands down one of the best of his career. He was like the top entertainer in rap at this time, when everyone else was tryna be too gangsta.


Thanks for putting me in a good mood this morning!!!!aIts not a it


Haha this song was hilarious when it came out I loved it .. have not been able to catch yall recently hope yall are living well and happy! Much love


They did another big son together. Ya gotta check out Purple Pills.


He was in the group D12 (The Dirty Dozen) before signed with Dr. Dre and did solo albums.
