The Second Coming of Jesus | What Happens when He Returns! (Millennial reign)

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No more confusion on this subject, this video explains EXACTLY what happens when Jesus Returns. Amazing things will happen at the Second Coming of the Messiah!

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My mom died when I was 5. At 21, my stepmom shot my dad in head and now she's in jail for life for murder. I then became a raging heroin addict after earning my Bachelor's degree - my final exams were during his murder trial. My grandparents are dead, too. I, thank God have a sister, Sarah, who also was a heroin addict but still battles depression. I pray & fast and God has put me in recovery from heroin addiction. I have happiness in my heart. I 100% forgive my stepmom and wrote her a letter saying so. (I haven't sent it to the jail -yet). I thank God for everything I DO have, although it's barely anything. But, I really feel like God's put me thru these difficult trials to make me strong for the Tribulation. I willingly elect myself a Martyr for Christ if it is His will. God bless u, brother and everyone on here. Brother, you've been a blessing to me. I'm binge-watching all your videos!


Seeing Jesus face to face is the absolute most incredible thing I can imagine. Jesus we love you and can't wait to be with you.


My grandmother is 101 years old and she is still waiting on Jesus so if she can wait I know we can wait to meet Jesus Christ! He is coming can't wait for that day amen! Thank you Lord .


Just imagine how Jesus will feel when literally millions are rushing to meet him hug him, touch the hem of his garment, look into his eyes as we cry and thank him for our salvation! Wow! Wow!wow! He will truly know on that day we have been grateful to him.


“You cannot be saved through your Works. You can only be saved by believing in Jesus Christ and having faith in him.”



I lost my sight almost 5 years ago and my faith and love for God only grew stronger because of it. I only went through a slight depression because I felt God’s presence with me in so many amazing and miraculous ways. I have days where I really struggle, but I have never asked for my vision back, simply because I find such great comfort in knowing that the first thing I will see is Jesus 💜💜💜💜


Im scared to hear God's voice ... I kno the whole earth is going to tremble!
I can't even imagine how loud and powerful God's voice is going to sound!


I accepted Christianity as my religion 3 days ago I used to be atheist but then "if there's people who say they been to hell and can say these things that no human with any creativity can make that up also lieing is a sin why would christians lie? God must be real Jesus Christ must be real hevean and hell must exist" and by that I opened up my eyes and downloaded the bible on iBooks and just today I confessed to Jesus and god that they were my lord and saviour our lord and saviour and told them to forgive me for my sins I hope to grow up as Christian and work in a church and tell about Jesus Christ and God I will not go to hell I don't even want to experience hell for 3 minutes!! Hopefully God sees me as worthy enough to go in heaven I now pray everyday and hope to continue praying may god bless you all Amen.


I knew the verses. I sat in the pews. I was baptized. But I was so empty. The end of days and death terrified me. I realized how luke warm I had become. It wasn’t until recently that I really and truly gave my heart to Christ and had an actual relationship with him and it has been such an amazing journey. He walked beside me through one of the darkest seasons of my life and I praised him on my knees through it. I am no longer afraid because I know who I am on Christ and where I am going. Do I stumble sometimes? Sure. But my Father helps me back up and we start again. My faith has never been stronger.


Jesus, I love you with all my heart and soul.


I asked my son to watch this video and he said, he's so excited to be part of this big event considering that my son has an autism issue. I know God loves these children with this kind of condition. My son has a special skill that he can see anything even if he's blindfolded. He reads, watches, walks, and plays even his eyes are closed and blindfolded. He has a gift from God. Glory to the Lord!


This is so encouraging, I am no longer scared of dying. The life to come, with our savior gives me so much peace and hope, i thank God for people like you who heed to God's call and preach the Gospel of the coming Christ


God please forgive my sins I want to live eternal life with you and only you❤️🙏🏽


Wow I'm about to cry, I know we all be free physically and spiritually, thanks 4 this video


I can't wait to hug Jesus and bow down to him and tell him thank you for everything and then have him tell me my child you are now part of me Amen 🙏🏼❤


This makes me extremely happy 😭😫 I can’t wait til it happens 👏🏾🙏🏾😭 all I wanna do is be with Jesus 😪🤧


When we all get to heaven, what a day or rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout His victory.


Jerren, through the grace of God, you knocked this Christ-centered lesson out of the box. My wife and I have been trying to figure out where the "rapture" fits in God's end-of-time plan. We could never document the word rapture in the Holly Bible or the term's conflicting relationship to the resurrection, despite 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. All of the scriptures you shared make it very clear to me that Yeshua Jesus Christ is only coming back one time, not two! The rapture theory, populated by John Nelson Darby, has been repeated from generation to generation, from 1828 to 2023. It's sad because so many Christians have not been properly taught. Thank you, AoC, for explaining the scriptures to us.


We all go through trials and tribulations. We do not live on the side of comfort right now but one day my friend we will . Hang on BC this too shall pass!


It will be a beautiful thing to reign with the most high for a thousand years...
