The Second Coming of Christ Is NOT What You May Think: Here’s Why

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Produced By: Inexisle
OUR MISSION: To move people towards Jesus by teaching people how to read the Bible, so they can live and teach the Bible themselves. This online ministry exists to TEACH, TRAIN and TRANSFORM people through God's word.
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Brothers and sisters: eschatology is not a salvation issue. Nobody is a false teacher for having opposing views, as long as they don’t add or take away from the gospel!🕊️


The Lord provides mysteries for his followers to discuss and look forward to. Ultimately, we will not know exactly how things will roll until it happens. I am so thankful to God for having so many ways to attract and keep his believers interested. The Bible is full of so many cool things. We have history, we have future, we have now and we have comfort along with wisdom and knowledge unfounded anywhere else. Y’all! God is good!!


I was raised a preterist, became post-trib after listening to YouTube preachers, and pre-trib/pre-wrath after reading the Bible several times. However, I’m alright with saying “I don’t know, ” and I’m alright with listening to opposing views. Love how you speak from the scriptures too. God bless!


Wow, I’m very disappointed in how some people who call themselves Christian’s attack when someone has a different viewpoint/understanding then their own. Aren’t we suppose to come together as one body in Christ and lift each other up instead of tearing each other down? Some of the comments here aren’t doing that. Very sad.
To some of us who pray for discernment and spiritual guidance, this thought makes perfect sense.


Thank you for all you do, and for what God has put on your heart. You are helping so many people to read and understand the Bible. God is blessing you.


You are a great teacher I really appreciate your clear Bible studies You added much to my understanding. I’m 70 years old. Thank you ❤❤❤❤


When he parallels the day and the night and talks about people being taken during both, I always thought of that being because of the time differences in the world. It may be day for us here in the U.S., but night for people in other countries and vice versa. Love this study! This is something I've always thought but never spoke out loud, lol!


Man I love you and your content. It was never easy for me to really understand God‘s word. You change it. God bless you🙏🏻


Thank you for this... It was so good. I was never taught the scripture this way and studying it alongside you and seeing the parallels now goes against what I was taught but I love that I am learning for myself now and getting my own understanding. Thank you for your obedience to God and your teaching of how to dissect Scripture. I appreciate you!


I would like you to do this with the King James Version. These difference in words can be huge.


In Jewish tradition, the father called the guests to the wedding, so I believe Jesus was acknowledging that this is the role of His Father also, when Jesus collects His bride for the wedding feast.


Thank you for answering the call God has on your life.
You blessing so many, including myself. I thank God for you and pray God continues to bless you.


Well presented. In other words, his coming on the clouds refers to his ‘appearance’, not touching down on this defiled earth; but His second coming, His feet will set down on the Mt. of Olives. Thanks for sharing.😊


Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep preaching the Gospel. The goal is to spread the word and help save as many souls as possible. All this other stuff will play out like God wants.


The disciples asked 2 questions. And Jesus answered them. You also need to understand the Chiastic structure of scripture. 
The important thing to note in these chapters is that there is no secret rapture before the tribulation. 
There will be an exodus of God's people, but, just like in Egypt, the plagues come before redemption. And just like in Egypt, God will be with His people and bring them through. Those who endure to the end through obedience, sound doctrine and the righteousness of Christ shall be saved


Matthew 24:29 “But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. - So - - -Please explain how, in AD70 - the sign of the Son of Man appeared in the sky and ALL THE TRIBES OF THE EARTH MORNED - AND THEY SAW THE SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS of the sky with POWER and GREAT GLORY?


The more I study God's Word the more convinced I am of a pre-trib rapture. I love all my brothers and sisters who have a different view. We are one body in Christ.


Your word i have hidden in my heart, that i might not sin against you. Psalms 119:11 Thank you brother


Simply We are not to know His coming. We are to prepare always for it.


Revelation 16:15: “Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes, so that he will not walk about naked and people will not see his shame.” (Note: this verse is between the 6th and 7th bowl (FINAL) judgments during the last day or days of the tribulation)
