What If The Clones Had No Inhibitor Chips But Order 66 Was Still Enacted

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What If The Clones Had No Inhibitor Chips But Order 66 Was Still Enacted? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Palpatine: Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 66.

Commander Cody looks over at the chancellor, pausing for a moment but then nods.

Cody: It will be done, my lord.

As the hologram disappears, Cody looks at the troops around him and bites his lip. He can't simply ignore a direct order from the chancellor, but the news is so sudden and so drastic that he doesn’t have an opportunity to verify its claims.

Good soldiers follow orders. It’s a popular mantra he hears from many of his brothers and one they follow almost religiously. But Cody isn’t one of them.

Finally, he looks at the troopers around him.

Cody: Tell the general I must speak to him immediately when he returns. And make sure it's done in public.

The dilemma Cody is experiencing is something thousands of clone commanders across the galaxy share as they receive these secret commands. While many end up fulfilling the orders, others refuse to follow, even openly refusing.

Elsewhere, Yoda feels the screams as hundreds of Jedi fall and glances at his guards suspiciously. But then Commander Gree lowers his blaster and approaches him.

Gree: General, you must get out of here now. There is some trouble in the Senate and I think the Jedi have just been outlawed.

The chaos is greatest in Coruscant where different clone divisions have divided loyalty. While the Coruscant Guard is loyal to Palpatine, the same isn’t true about the 501st.

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As Anakin prepares to march on the Jedi Temple, he can sense the hesitation of the clones behind him. Many hesitate and others refuse to follow outright. The dissidents make up the minority as many of the 501st are devoted to Anakin who quickly rounds up the dissenters and arrests them.

Still, he has more than enough men to storm the temple. Within hours, the Temple is burning and all the Jedi there are dead. But that isn’t enough for Palpatine. The surviving Jedi already prove to be a thorn in his side. Yoda and Obi-Wan manage to infiltrate the temple and alter the distress call to warn the surviving Jedi away from them. More importantly, Obi-Wan manages to confront Anakin and defeat him, leaving his new apprentice severely injured.

Over time, the surviving Jedi begin to regroup in Wild Space out of the Empire’s control. Ahsoka and Rex set up on B’omarr Monastary where many more Jedi and clones begin to regroup there including Yoda and Obi-Wan. They are pleased to see so many Jedi still alive but wonder what had happened.

The clones explain that they had received secret commands from Chancellor Palpatine ordering them to secretly execute the Jedi for treason. However, many clones refused to take that order and instead chose their loyalty over the chancellor.

While most clones agree with this sentiment, a few mutter from the shadows. Crosshair watches this meeting from the catwalk and shakes his head.

Crosshair: We disobeyed our orders for this? We’re soldiers, Hunter. Not runaways.

Hunter: Who says we’re not soldiers any more? We might just be ones for a different army.

Crosshair: That's not how it works. There are rules. Orders.

Wrecker: When have we ever been good at following those?

Crosshair: Good soldiers follow orders. There’s no changing that.

He begins to walk away before Wrecker can follow after him. Hunter shakes his head and tells him to let Crosshair cool off. However, the Bad Batch sniper isn’t just getting some air. As he approaches the balcony, he reaches for his holo-disk and his tracking beacon. Although most clones got rid of theirs, Crosshair kept his. He smiles to himself and waits.

Weeks later, a fleet of Imperial ships arrived just out of Teth’s atmosphere, far outnumbering the Jedi’s renegade fleet. At first, some of the Jedi chose to fight, but Obi-Wan and Yoda instead recommended them retreating and scattering their forces. They can never beat the empire head-on, so they must survive spreading out.

Before they can leave though, the door slides open as Crosshair marches in with a squad of clones.

Obi-Wan: Crosshair, tell the men to prepare for evacuation.

Crosshair: That won’t be necessary. The Empire will handle transportation for you. But you are the ones who will decide whether that's as prisoners or corpses.

Ahsoka: Oh you double-crossing Hutt.

Rex: Crosshair, what are you doing?

Crosshair: I’m not the traitor here. You are the ones who chose the Jedi over the Republic. Now, I’m only going to ask once that you lay down your weapons and surrender.

The rest of the Jedi and the clone respond by readying their weapons. As Obi-Wan readies his lightsaber, he hears a com-link crackle as Plo Koon’s voice shouts urgently through the call.

Plo: The imperial troops are landing, we cannot keep them back forever! They are led by a Sith Lord.

Crosshair: Your choice generals.
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Love a good order 66 clone video, what about y'all, what did you think?


"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private, traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi temple. Not a word..."

Still prefer that old version of order 66 from 2005.


Really like that the clones don't have chips. Sad Anakin still fell and Ahsoka had to take him out. Glad the clones saved their home world


Palps: "Execute order 66"

Clones: "NUH UH"


I always assumed that Electric Judgement would body Vader, since he isn’t good with electricity in his suit to begin with


Plo would've won against darth vader. His suit is weak to electricity, and his niece, Sha, koon almost killed him.

Edit: Not to mention, Plo has defeated yoda once before, Anakin has never done that, he also is new to his suit by the time him and Plo faught. Yeah even in vaders prime I doubt he couldve beaten plo.


No inhibitor chips . . . Thats called the OG CANON XD


What if Palpatine lost his voice after the fight with mace windo?


Can you do a What if Rahm Kota Died but Shaak Ti Survived The Duel On Felucia and took Rahm Kota’s place as Starkiller’s New Master and took over what was left of Rahm’s Militia?


Aka the legends canon where they were just loyal to a fault


What if Darth Vader was in mortal combat

Vader: You must like having a daughter

Sonya: Still getting used to the whole idea

Vader: It is a joy I will never know


What if the Kaminoans sabotaged Project Necromancer? Palpatine is able to inhabit a clone body, but it has an inhibitor chip in it, meaning Palpatine is nothing but a slave to the Kaminoans


What if the Republic and CIS both had a clone army, droid army and human/alien army mix. It be like the days if the old republic Sith wars but with clones as well.


One small error i found in this: Fives is supposed to be dead by the end of the clone wars so he wouldn’t be around to help the jedi after order 66


You have made another AMAZING What If video my friend! 👏👏😀😀
Thank you so much. 🙏🙏


Could you imagine if Cody lie to Palpatine to think he’s executing Order 66?


Actually I heard they never did habe the chips in legends. However it would not make sense all of them would obey orders when theirs were .A video that were close to there clone commanders and troops where others were not.


Well, you see, before the chips existed, Order 66 was only executed on a trooper to trooper basis, as some, like Commanders Fae and Bacara, gladly executed the order. Some others, loyal to their Jedi officers, outright refused to kill them, and one Clone officer even sacrificed himself so his Jedi commander could escape. Pretty sure that story is only in Legends, however.


7:37 Who doesn't know them, the Jedi Lords with red lightsaber 😂
But otherwise again a great video 👍


What if Anakin skywalker was born after the rise of the empire?
