The toxic CULTURE of nursing !

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Yup, this is why I am cool with just being the “traveler/agency nurse.” I don’t chit-chat with the SuperNurses and KareRNs lol. Nursing is all they have going on in their lives, so their lives revolve around the petty hospital politics/drama. I do my job, take good care of my patients, and clock out. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I truly believe this is the reason there is a perpetual nursing shortage. It's not the work or the patients, It is the culture...from the top down. There I go, stating the truth. I cannot help it


NICU RN here! Retired two months ago after many years. I stayed very positive by focusing on my breathing and always carrying the 23rd Psalm in one of my many pockets and reading it slowly to myself several times during my 12-hr shifts. Praying for all hospital RNs everywhere!💖🙏


This hits home. My first nursing job I was fired over speaking out against my managers best friend (didn't know they were friends at the time) on how she gossiped about patients. She was never around to help me with turns, didn't want to help minorities, or she would save them for last. I spoke up because it wasn't right. Long story short they plotted against me, they would tell me I wasn't allowed to leave the unit for my break because "3rd shift never gets a break" but they would dock it out of my pay. Eventually they fired me over "not taking my break", But kept some other girl who was doing the same thing! Nursing is HELLA toxic, the clicks are REAL.


This is so true I hated working on the floor with those type of nurses they want control that they don’t get at home smh


Honestly, this why I am looking for a career change. I was a psych nurse and I haven’t been back because of the toxic environment. My patients are already mentally sick and then you have to deal with co-workers who don’t take care of their mental health. It translates to nurse bullying, intimidation, and gaslighting.


You've just confirmed what I've been seeing throughout my career. I am a female physician, and I've had nurses be very disrespectful and and downright hateful towards me and other female physicians. Another component of the toxic culture of nursing, is when a physician uses a nurse (or nurses) to sabotage another physician. I've also seen nurses that try to sabotage a nursing student's career, just because they think that they can. It's many of these insecure "super RN's, mean girl posse" out there. This has an adverse effect on patient care .


I suffered huge consequences for naively assuming my nurse manager intended to follow regulations that protect patients. I left nursing due to the bullying. Nurses eat their young.


You get these charge nurses who play favouritism with their friends and give you the new nurse or minority nurse the hardest assignments and give their friends easy assignments.


This is why I became a mobile PICC nurse. I travel from facility to facility to place lines. Only in a facility for 1-2 hours and then gone. There’s literally no time for any staff to stir up problems with me because in n out of there so quick !


You basically described what is known in nursing as “eating their young” aka lateral violence/bullying. There was a study that came out several years ago that identified nursing as the number one profession/career for toxic work environment and bullying. You describe what I experienced in my very first job. I was much like you, constantly questioning the unit manager. She had her minions, I called them her favorites, and she & they would gossip about me, give me bad assignments, not help me on the unit, etc. I quit after several years of abuse. Unfortunately I observed this type of hierarchy and behavior at multiple other nursing jobs. This is a huge reason for why so many nurses leave nursing altogether.


Why I quit back in 2021 to become a semi truck driver. I graduated and passed my state exam last week. Got my CDL-A


OMG!!! When I started nursing 2018 this is what have been experiencing. My first year I 😢 and was stressed, I was an anxious mess. I kept transfering and quitting jobs. They tell you to speak up but when you do they try to get rid of you, they make it hard and you just want to quit, the culture they bread is nothing but a bunch of mean girls. I ended up in a LTACH now sometime I want to go back into the big hospital systems but I am tried of the Bullshit. I just want to work in peace.


I just quit a job in Corrections due to a toxic environment; bullying by co-workers and management.


I'm gonna get hate for this. Oh lawd, to preface I am a male ER nurse. I've worked at 3 hospitals and been a nurse for 14 months. I think the profession is like this because it's mainly women. I have only had an issue with ONE male coworker in 14 months and he was a doctor (he didn't like how I talked to him like how I talk to the janitor, he had a god complex.) As far as the women go, they're always the one gossiping or picking favorites, esp at my last job. They would put the same people on trauma hall every day and made their own clique. The pod nurses would be literally drowning and they had 0 trauma pts and 3 RN's at trauma hall just sitting and flirting with the drs. They even fucking put an ambulance outside my room WHEN MY PT WASN'T EVEN DISCHARGED YET (Was figuring out how to get him home) and my charge was pissed at me cause WAHHH she had to triage a fucking med refill pt. They had 0 in trauma hall at that time. Fucking unbelievable.


As an rn of 40 are speaking the truth! Best advice I can give, is to set personal boundaries...coworkers are not your family, not your friends...they are aquaintences....treat them with respect, be kind like you should be to that's work life will be so much better.. Because the profession is dominated by females....the gossip and drama never stop and back stabbing never stop. You are 100% correct!


My unit???? Lol where do I start? Unit secretary was ratchet and cussing all day, CNA’s were thinking they were nurses, older nurses acting BS because you might need their help tomorrow or to witness something and never doing their job fully, managers kissed the wrong butts, and director was clueless. It was that crazy!


I had my first clinical this semester and I noticed it was always the older nurses that would refuse to let us shadow them and they would say it right in front of our face "I don't do students!". So half of clinical we were stuck in the nurses station or it would be like 8 of us shadowing one nurse the whole time. I definitely think the younger nurses are trying hard to change the culture in the hospital because they were always the first to say " You can come with me" or "Let me show you this patient they have a interesting case" or " let me show you how to do this or that". They understood all we wanted to do is learn how to be nurses on the unit and that we needed their help.


Bro, let me tell you, to survive in the hospital, you have to be a follower, a fake, or a petty person, and that there I can’t do that because I do not need validation from anyone to perform my job efficiently. This is the same reason why hospitals are lacking staff because it’s a vicious circle


27 years in retiring.Plenty of bullies.I got tried the first week of working in it was the last.I never treated anybody with disrespect.I never was a follower or a ass kisser.Respect goes both ways.I have witness fights on the floor name calling .adultery etc.Its the people not the profession.
