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TRICHOTILLOMANIIA EXPLAINED | Excessive urges to pull hair. 🙍🏼‍♀️

Along with nail-biting and excoriation (skin-picking) disorder, trichotillomania is among the most common of the so-called body-focused repetitive behaviours.

These compulsive self-grooming behaviors typically begin in childhood, women account for around 80 to 90 percent of adult trichotillomania cases.

What are your thoughts? 🧐

#trichotillomania #hairpullinghairpullingdisorder #drsomji

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I’m cringing at her but I do it too, but it’s specific eyelash hairs, it has to be sensitive and hurt really bad, that’s the best relief


For anyone with this please know there are so many of us with this condition. You are not alone. We have just learned to keep it secret. I’m in my 40s and have had this since I was young. I use to feel so bad afterwards. I’m kinder to myself now days. It’s only hair. Tattoos, makeup can help. But please know at the end of our days this is only hair and you’re not alone 🌸


I had beautiful long lashes. In 09 I started noticing one lash that RLY hurt for some reason when even slightly touched, so I'd yank it. Thing is, its hard to get at one single lash. Now Im addixted to the feeling of pain when i rip them out. Wtf id wrong with me.


I always go on autopilot, the first second a singular hair is itchy the next my whole eyebrow is gone, I’ve always struggled with it and have tried to explain to others that I’m not choosing to pick… it’s so frustrating because I want beautiful eyebrows and lashes because I WANT them, not because someone else wants me to have them.


I have automatic, Ill study or read and Ill just start pulling at my eyebrows..


I do it because I like the roots. The bigger the better. I even teeth on them because the texture biting it is satisfying. Like the feeling of ripping a good eraser in half. I like knowing that other people pull and it's an actual disorder of sorts and mine started with liking the site of the root pull out of the skin however I'm worried I'm the only one biting the roots lol


i’ve had this since i was 9 and i’m 15 now. i pull out my eyelashes and eyebrows. in january, i swore to stop and leave my hairs alone. i bought growth serums for both my eyelashes and my eyebrows. by june, everything has fully grown back. i was so happy that i could finally feel pretty and not feel like an outcast. but by the end of july, i went back to pulling. it’s now october, and i’ve almost pulled all of my eyelashes out again. i’ve been crying myself to sleep the past few nights because of how i ruined all the progress i had made. i feel ugly again. my high school’s homecoming dance is in a week, and i have no eyelashes to put mascara on. people don’t understand how hard this condition is on your mental health. i feel awful about myself and it’s all because of this condition.


I think I have it, I pull out my eyelashes and I don’t want to but I can’t help it :( I’m scared people will notice I’m missing lots of eyelashes and think I’m weird or ugly and I hate how I look when I pull them out :( is there any way to help it


I have it as well i didn’t notice it much when I was little and I thought it was just a normal thing people do occasionally but in my teen years I have realized it’s not a “ normal “ thing to do however it’s not uncommon which is quite comforting at some hard times❤


I have it but only on the top eyelid for some reason it just feels unbelievably amazing when I do it from that area! Everywhere else on my body I don’t touch! Is this normal for some of you fellow sufferers out there? I think maybe because it’s very sensitive on the eyelid so the pain is intensified and the pain isn’t pain it’s a tingling sensation then relief once the bulb and sheath of the hair completely detaches itself from the hair follicle! I love the after burn as well!


I have trichotillomania. i pull my eyebrows and eyelashes out. it ended up being linked to autism, and it partly became a stim. i do it when I'm relaxed or stressed. sometimes i just don't know its happening.


It took me 24 years to finally find out why I pull my eyebrows and eyelashes out… I didn’t realise this was a legitimate thing 😦 thank you for sharing this 💖


I suffered from it for years in middle school and it was caused by anxiety that I had developed from being bullied. Once the pulling started, the other girls definitely took notice and it was fair game. I have since been to therapy and when I get anxious I feel my hand itching to pull. It's a constant battle. My heart goes out to all


I've been pulling out my hair for months. My mother thinks I'm insane. She threatens me, yells at me, scolds me, which only makes me pull more. I can't stop. I don't know what to do.


I do it only with the hair on my head. I pull the split ends out and I have a skin picking problem. its a vicious cycle 😔


I think I have undiagnosed automatic Trichotillomania because I have been pulling out my eyebrows/eyelashes for almost two years now. I currently do not have any eyebrows and last night I pulled out all the eyelashes on my right eye I’m literally about to cry.


I hate tgat ive done this for yearsss but the eyelashe pulling feels sooo good i hate that i do it.


I have this. I don't notice I'm pulling my brows until they are gone or someone points it out while I'm doing it. My twin sister and niece have it too.


This is hard I do this with my hands and I get a lot eyes infection I want to stop but the urge to see the hair out and collect them is beyond me. I really want to stop I don’t even know why or when I started it just happened few years ago. 😓😰


I had it from anxiety, and my dad never took me to see a counselor. He would use threats that if I didn’t stop he would move me away from my friends bc he thought that was best. I’m better now but I’m so glad I’m not alone
