Early signs of autism 

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Instagram: itsourwonderfullife
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#AutismDetection#specialneedsfamily #EarlyAutismIntervention
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Signs in young girls can be a lot different since they tend to mask better and the symptoms represent differently. I recommend looking up autism symptoms in girls too!


It's refreshing to see a comment section that's positive about autism I'm so tired of the negative stigma


I was 15 when I got diagnosed. It would have made an unimaginable difference to me to grow up knowing why I am the ways I am.


I saw signs in my grandson at about 1 1/2 yrs. Pediatrician didn't agree. So it took a few more years to get a diagnosis. Liked repetitive play, swinging. Now at 21 years, likes pacing and skipping to release tension


Luvky you were able to get a diagnosis and early intervention. My son is 15 and never diagnosed but I was told by teachers in 4th grade he had autism but that it was too late to do anything because he had already learned to adjust to his surroundings. He is now a pharmacy tech for a healthcare system. So proud of him


I love how you used typical instead of normal!!


That was my middle son. SERIOUSLY hyper, and wouldnt answer me. I mentioned to the doctor, and he thought it might be a hearing problem, and put tubes in my sons ears. Did not help. What helped, was finding jobs for him. Keeping him busy. Hes super sensitive, and very compassionate. He defends others, and once I took him to a dog shelter, and he burst out crying. "Mama, why do they have to be in jail?" Broke my heart 😢. Once, he asked me, "Mama, whats wrong with me?" I said, youre a great boy. You just think your own way.


It’s also important to note that many common autism signs and stimming behaviors occur in neurotypical children as well. Even ones commonly associating autism, such as hand-flapping.
But if anyone notices something or has any concerns at all about your child, you should have them evaluated. It’s free in the US, and early intervention is VERY important.

As a parent, if you have a gut feeling, don’t ignore it no matter how many friends and family reassure you there’s nothing wrong.


I got diagnosed at 9 because of waiting lists, and doctors not believing my mum due to me being able to walk, talk, was social, and didn’t have super bad meltdowns, but my mom has always told me she knew since I was 2. And I believe her. I am 15 now and most people don’t even believe me when I say I have ASD. I am so glad your kids have such amazing parents because most kids don’t, especially kids with special needs. I’m so happy that you’re such great mums and dads. ♥️♥️♥️. All of your kids are so cute ♥️♥️


tfw I spun a lot, "ignored" people, covered my ears, and even stuck my head in the couch cushions to muffle reality.
and i still had to advocate for myself at age seventeen to get a diagnosis!
thank you for this video! i'm hopeful for the future generations being more perceptive of their children and their children's needs.


It's awesome that you were able tog et him diagnosed early I went the first 17 years of my life undiagnosed, as I was a "gifted " kid so any wierd behavior I had was written iffy as simply being too smart to communicate with kids my own age


My younger brother wasn't diagnosed with autism until he went to college, which made me feel so bad for him because it was hard for the rest of us to understand and connect with him as easily growing up. Im glad that you were able to see the signs in your son so he could get help!


This is similar to my own son (he’s 7, has autism, and ADHD - just like his Mama) - typical development until about 18 months, and then yeah, stopped responding to his name, became obsessed with numbers and letters, meltdowns were epic, and though he’d been starting to be verbal, he became less verbal. He learned to talk (rather than just mimic), read, and write, all kind of at the same time, when he was about 2.5. When I noticed him stimming, I encouraged him, showing him my happy flapping (I never want him to think he’s alone in this family, with regards to neurodivergence - and so there’ll be the two of us watching YouTube, him bouncing away on his trampoline, me standing on my tip toes and kicking my legs out backwards or attempting to plank across the couch) and we bought a mystery box of fidget toys (both because they’re fun, and to redirect painful stimming).

I’m glad that my son finds so much pride in how similar he and I are (I mean, he’s already my mini-me, in looks and general temperament). ❤


I knew by the time my son was 9 months old. Three doctors dismissed his behaviours. He was diagnosed at age nine. The doctor asked if I wanted this "label" for him. Autism is real, not a label. My son has struggles and he was validated by the diagnosis because it explained so much to him, breaking his shame cycle. What a world we live in.


Taking nothing away from this vlog . . .

Autism is a spectrum. I don’t remember having trouble making eye contact, and when working retail I use it a lot to connect with my customers. Look for all the signs. Don’t rule out autism if a sign is missing.


Your son is so adorable! I noticed signs in my daughter by the time she was 3, but the doctors wouldn’t diagnose her until she was 8. It’s really hard with girls since the mask better, but somehow moms know! I wish doctors would stop treating us like we are all uneducated and hysterical! Your son is lucky to have you, and I hope he has a rich and satisfying life. It takes a ton of work and dedication, but my daughter is thriving! ❤


We really started paying attention around 14mo. He wasnt making eye contact, obsessed over the tv and is very flappy. He just turned 2, still undiagnosed, nut his therapists agree he has the symptoms. Hes starting to pick up a few signs, simple words like yay and is paying so much more attention to people. Hes a great kid, loves cuddles and chaos (but is a tad ocd) and seriously lights up every room hes in. Somehow for a kid that doesnt understand social interaction much he is such a ham. Hes an amazing kid and i swear autistic kiddos have superpowers. Im so blessed to have him ❤❤❤


I got diagnosed at the age of 11 due to wating lists and being able to walk and talk. But i was constantly covering my ears and was never able to separate from my Mum. I am so glad you have catered for your kids needs, and I am sure they will love you for it in the future.

if he is anything like me I found it hard to talk as a kid when I didn't want/like something so instead my mum came up with this game where she kept little cards and a pen in my pocket and I would draw pictures if I wasn't happy. she would then flick through the pictures a few times a day to make sure I didn't feel uncomfortable.

I was extremely intelligent as a child so I picked up writing fairly quickly and it grew to be a hobby for me.


I know how it feels me and my siblings have a disability. It’s not easy, but we always work together as a family through bad and good times.


I am a psychologist. Once with my fiancé we visited his nephew. I felt obligated to tell his parents what I see and that they should take him for consultations. They didn’t say anything but told about it to my boyfriend mother. She called me a yelling at me who do I think I am to say such things and he is completely fine and by telling that I bring a bad omen. I was to nice to respond properly. 3 years later he was diagnosed with autism. Well… again my fault 🤦🏻‍♀️ people are so ignorant
