Top 5 Favorite Blindsides in Survivor

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Discussing my Top 5 Favorite Blindsides in Survivor up to this point.

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I love how jeff stopped reading the votes when jay was like “yeah, I did it.” The king of sass was stunned


The fact that after 34 seasons of survivor they can still have amazing and shocking blindsides in new and inventive ways is part of why I love Survivor.


#1 is just so, so brutal. I remember watching that and when Jay said "Yeah. I did it" just being completely numb with literally every emotion. It was so cold, so savage, so everything.

I would also like to nominate Natalie's blindside of Baylor from San Juan Del Sur. "Did you vote for who I told you to?" And then everyone thinking it will be Missy going home.... only for Baylor's name to be read. THAT was savage as well.


Sarah's blindside from Cagayan is easily my favorite. It's set up so well with Sarah being cocky all episode thinking she had the power as the swing vote, then Trish trying to sway Kass that's set up as a red herring, then the double idol play and next-level switched vote for Jefra, then the birth of Chaos's glorious through and through.


Nothing beats Kelly Wentworth blindsiding Andrew Freakin Savage from Survivor Second Chances.
The looks on their faces and Kass celebrating on the jury seat, Ciera lovin the moment, Abi's commenting that Savage made it through the jury, and Savage pointing middle finger to Abi.
Jeez! Fireworks!


Michaela being blindsided was one of the worst moves that season. Jay and Will were just jealous at how great she was at the challenges hahaha. But I love the list!


The Michaela blindside is still an open wound


Gotta ask, what is your opinion on Jeremy’s blindside in SJDS? It came literally from nowhere


Both of Debbie Wanner's blindsides are great, as the end result is satisfying all around.


My top Five:

5. Baylor (SJDS)
4. Michaela (MvGenX)
3. Tyson (HvV)
2. Ozzy (Micronesia)
1. Sarah (Cagayan)


I feel like Erinn deserves the credit for deciding to vote out Tyson, not JT and Stephen. I love your videos though!


Michela's blindisde is one of my favorites. But my top 5 in no particular order, Randy from Gabon, Malcolm from Game Changers, Sarah and Cliff in Cagayan, and Baylor from San Juan Del Sur.


The original 3-2-1 is one of my favorites


what made 1 good was that jeff didn't speak once the happened. jeff let that play out. what made 2 good was that it started early in the season with cirie/parvati/amanda promising to take each other over the guys. then ami came up with the plan to get ozzy out but they got ami out meanwhile cirie kept that plan in the back of her mind. parvati while on another tribe brought in two other minions to help execute the plan. it was such a buildup. i also loved parvati's double idol play because russell was shook and everyone was shook that two idols were played by one person and not even on herself. the nation was shook. another good blindside was from micronesia where amanda plays her idol even though the audience has no idea whether or not amanda got the idol in time for tribal and it involved parvati having to keep everyone distracted long enough.


I like your list, very unique picks. I would have added Kat's blindside in One World just for the pre-vote discussion, although you did put that in the end there. Also would have had Nick or Scot's blindside from Koah Rang.


The Michaela blindside is definitely at the top for me as well. I can remember watching that episode as it aired and being absolutely stunned when they blindsided her. The editing that episode was on point leading up to the blindside because they leave little bread crumbs to suggest it was going to happen, but I still didn't think it would. That blindside snuck up on me and hit me like a train which is why I love it so much!


Some of my favorites:

Rupert (Pearl Islands): it's hard to explain in just a sentence but it's more for narrative purposes, the entire episode building up to his vote out was incredible, and it's just super impactful seeing this larger than life guy who dominates the game so much get taken out when and how he did (it also does a fantastic job of further setting up Jonny Fairplay as a villain and Sandra as the anti-hero who steps her game up to the next level when she knows that she's on the outs)

Alec (San Juan del Sur): I LOVE this blindside just because of how unique it is compared to other blindsides. It was just really fun seeing a standard split vote between the two outsiders get turned into a blindside that shocks everybody except for one person. Natalie's play at this vote (and her dealing with the fallout afterwards) was so innovative and unorthodox and next level that it was just great to watch. Really the entire slow burn of her wanted revenge on Jon and how she slowly put the pieces together over several tribal councils to enact said revenge is one of my all time favorite Survivor plots

Edgardo (Fiji): pretty self explanatory, an alliance of douchey men being taken down by one of their own (Dreamz). Great stuff. Also featured what was at the time new an innovative ways of playing around the hidden immunity idol. I also just really love the reactions of Alex, Mookie, and Earl as the first Edgardo vote is read

Scot (Kaoh Rong): everything about this was just perfect. The buildup of how strong the friendship between Scot and Tai was, how invincible this alliance seemed due to the super idol(s), but then seeing that the way in which Jason and Scot wanted to play the game (the sabotage, the social terrorism, etc.) was so fundamentally different from how Tai functions as a person that he slowly over time becomes so disgruntled with them that he turns on this alliance in order to play with people who gel better with his inner sense of being. It's also just really funny when you realize that all Scot had to do to save himself was to play his half of the super idol on its own as a regular idol and his plans would have worked out how he wanted them to. Brilliant all around

Some honorable mentions to James (China), any of the other post merge Micronesia blindsides, Gretchen (Borneo), Courtney (Panama), Sarah (Cagayan), and Andrew (Cambodia)


My all time favorite is the Savage blindside in Cambodia


Tbh, when someone plays an idol and it flips on someone else, it's not really a blindside


Alexis' blindside from Micronesia I think was great because as viewers with the way they situated Amanda and the idol situation we had no idea what was going to happen if she'd stay or go I think the fact that we were left out of the dark in if she found the idol and it was played with people going ah dam she found it was great and a good blindside on the show and towards the viewers
