How An Antigravity Drive Works with Dr. John Brandenburg (Episode 201)

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How did Dr. Brandenburg crack the physics behind gravity modification? How does his GEM theory workl? When will we see antigravity drives in practice? Find out as Sean Patrick Hazlett meets with plasma physicist, Dr. John Brandenburg.


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John Brandenburg, PhD is a plasma physicist. He did his graduate work in California at Lawrence Livermore National Lab in controlled plasmas for fusion power, and has worked in defense, energy, and space research. Dr. Brandenburg was also part of the Clementine Mission to the Moon which discovered water at the Moon's poles. However, the focus of Brandenburg's scientific career has been to complete the great effort of Einstein to unify the two long range forces of nature, gravity and electromagnetism.

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Intro: "Mark of the Doomslayer" by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Copyright © 2023 Through a Glass Darkly. All rights reserved.
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I don’t care about formulas or theories but I can perfectly describe a practical way to produce impulse repulsion which is what you call Anti-Gravity, two counter rotating pulsed fields, they can be coils, segmented capacitors interspersed with high k dielectrics or toroidal coils. Your welcome!


John R.R. Searl discovered by accident doing R&D of his Searl Effect Generator, he made .5 gravity. What is called anti gravity is more like inverse gravity.


A common misbelief (one originally held even by Crookes) is that the momentum of the absorbed light on the black faces makes the radiometer operate. If this were true, however, the radiometer would spin away from the non-black faces, since the photons bouncing off those faces impart more momentum than the photons absorbed on the black faces. Photons do exert radiation pressure on the faces, but those forces are dwarfed by other effects. The currently accepted explanation depends on having just the right degree of vacuum, and relates to the transfer of heat rather than the direct effect of photons.[2][3] /From wikipedia


Good explanation made interesting --with good stories added.


I was a bit skeptical to start with but really I am enjoying Dr. John Brandenburg's stories, I am only halfway through, yet.


I wasn't expecting to see a dude, who could actually make sense of this topic, by virtue of knowing WTAF he is TALKING about!! This is both fascinating AND intriguing to me. Blows my Doors off. However, as I am halfway through this "lecture", things could go sideways at ANY time. Speaking of time, I do not see it in the way humans are configured to PERCEIVE it. We shall see. It might not require a "genius" to grasp the crucial stuff but rather a conceptual visionary. AKA a "lunatic". The former specializes and excels at processing data. That's what intelligence does. The latter by contrast, masterfully visualizes the way things behave under given circumstances and influences. BIG TIME. We'll see.


1) Gravity is not what holds the universe together. Gravity is orders of magnitude weaker than electromagnetism. If gravity was actually what was holding the universe together, they would not have needed to contrive "dark matter" and "dark energy" to explain away the discrepancies between gravitational theory and observation. They literally claim a bunch of invisible gobbledegook of which they have no idea what it is, what properties it has, etc. is the most pervasive things in the universe. They made a 1900% correction to the mass of the universe with these contrivances. This is how far off gravity actually is from explaining observation... 1900%. It is almost like something that is orders of magnitude stronger than gravity is holding the universe together. 2) Gravity does not work on everything equally. Gravity and buoyancy are part and parcel to each other. While gravity will pull everything towards a mass at the same acceleration, objects/materials with higher densities will be pulled closer to the mass than objects/materials with lower densities. Hence, liquid water remains on the ground while air is above the ground. Now, when that water heats up and evaporates, it's density decreases and it rises off the ground up into the sky until it cools down and condenses enough to fall back to earth. Gravity is not acting on liquid water the same way it is acting on gaseous water.


I believe the only way to create anti-gravity is by contracting space-time, which would result in a repulsive gravity effect.


Your fifth dimension is mass. It's far from hidden, unless you're trying to perceive the universe as a 4 dimensional wire frame. The problem with models is that they're models and not reality. The problem with gravity is that it's a perception. Mass is a hole in spacetime. Spacetime tries to squeeze mass together. Mass doesn't pull, spacetime pushes. That's why there is no graviton. And that's why there is no anti-gravity.


Wow. This is so cool! If your falling in free fall there is no big G. Your weightless bro!


Gravitational force is another vortex ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE. It is an electromagnetic force creating negative electromagnetic pressure at the subatomic level. Mass and velocity create the gravitational force and static electricity is released.


I always liked the Otis T.Carr and Ralph Ring story. Cause when the government comes along and says you can't do that guys. You know that they are on to something. I don't know why I don't have a problem understanding what they was doing. And Otis was a friend of Nikola Tesla. Otis worked at the apartment building Tesla was at during his last days of life. But it's the crafts that was built were mind bending to say the least. Thanks for sharing this information on gravity. Screw the energy production Mafia. If one can live off grid, more power to ya!!?


I had a professor tell me that the 5th dimension is the keel on the boat. It made sense to me.


John check the action of vector magnetic potential on aluminuim metal at a certain frequency there will be resonance.See the second Allende letter in the Philadelphia experiment.


If the car is the four dimentions, the wheels of the fifth diimension iare mounted horizontally to fend off collisions with cars travelling in the opposite direction.


I find it very disingenuous that Brilliant provides affiliates with a 20% discount link but does not directly and immediately disclose what the regular price is. Instead, they ask you a myriad of questions and then for your personal information. Sure, you can do the research to find out the answer, but that's a different exercise and not part of the affiliate link experience. The bottom line is that they want to keep the price an afterthought and hope you don't notice before they hook you. I do not support this tactic and the companies doing this. However, I love Sabine's channel.


XDC crypto is the key to unlocking Antigravity


Since military aircraft are coming into visual contact with these craft, seems like they could fire a Lazer beam hitting one and create a holographic image of the craft in its entirety... Inside and out.


Is there a place I can see his derivation? Not enough information from the talk to verify.


37:41 >The Number 42 in The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, which is the answer to everything.<
The symbol at the position 42 on the ASCII code table is "*", which stands for everything and nothing. The ultimate variable. ( :
