Understanding Musical Intervals For Guitar (Music Theory You Need To Know)

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Let's talk about musical intervals on guitar. In this video I discuss what an intervals is and why you need to know them. Because musical intervals are the building block of music this is key to connecting music theory with seeing and play chords, scales and arpeggios.
I dig into major and minor intervals, the tritone and the symmetry of the 12 fret octave by means of what I call the interval seesaw.

Watch these videos next:

#intervals #intervalseesaw #musicalintervals

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This video tutorial is part of a series on understanding intervals and making intelligent reliable note choices

Do you like my Free PDFs for my guitar lessons? Support my channel and grab a copy of my new book! Containing lesson diagrams for 80 of my most useful lessons here on my YouTube channel.
All my hand written PDFs have been turned into Super Easy to Read graphic designed reference material to help you in your guitar learning journey.
Each lesson in the book has a handy easy to type link to the video tutorial, so you can follow along.
It’s a win/win way to support my work here on YouTube, and a much appreciated purchase.
eBook coming soon!

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Ricky has a teaching style that I can listen to over and over until I get it.


I've done many courses online (fender play etc )and I've learned more here than anywhere else! You are amazing ❤️


Been playing for 50 years there was no YouTube then.
Self taught missed a lot along the way.
Plateaued 30 years ago going back to basics, starting over again after a bad car crash damaged my brain a lot.
Realizing details that I completely missed before.


Ricky you are one of three music theory people on YouTube I watch and your delivery and knowledge of this material is awesome. I have learned more from you than the others. I now have to put it on the instrument and remember when playing what I am trying to achieve.


I had ignored your interval lessons, "Don't need that, I understand intervals." Wrong. I had to come back to your interval lessons, to really understand, get them under my fingers, after working with your CAGED octave lesson, for the second or third time! Visited more than once, not because I'm hopelessly thick, but due to the amount of information you put into your lessons that, for me, starts to really unfold the more I work with and think about your lessons. Pennies start dropping all over the place, Intervals, CAGED chords/scales, Pentatonic, eg. Em, Gmaj pentatonic. Fantastic, keep up the good work. ps, I'll save up the dropped pennies and send you some 😊Thanks Ricky.


I tried looking at a 100 websites and you are the only one who explains in such a way that newbies like me have a chance to grow


~Definitely learning more from your way of teaching than anyone out there...tjank you so much Ricky. Sandy here in Louisiana.


This lesson helped me to understand musical intervals and how to use them to make scales and chords. I am looking forward to your next lesson. Thank you Ricky.


Ricki you are the best, I just purchased your book it is great. You are the only instructor that keep me smiling the whole lesson. Keep it going.


Thank you again for helping with more theory training. Meaningful as always.


I enjoy drawing the lessons as you do. It helps me to get it in my brain. I use to be the rhythm player in a terrible band when I was younger. I only knew the basic cowboy chords. I'm now 66 years young and trying to learn theory the right way. I want to thank you again for the awesome lessons. Love you all Bill.


Hi Ricky, just wanted to share my thoughts and observations on the symmetry and balance of the musical scales and intervals that you so perfectly illustrated here.

I discovered some time ago the significance of the numbers 7 and 12 in the bible; 7 representing completeness or totality in time/events as in the 7 days of the week, the 7th day sabbath rest, forgiving our debtors 7 x 7, the 7 churches, spirits and lampstands in the old testament sanctuary etc, and then the number 12 representing the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 Apostles, the 12 calendar months of the year etc and I couldn't help but reflect on this as a musician. I now believe that the musical scale and its intervals were indeed purposely designed for and around concepts in time and events pertaining to the Christian God and the whole salvation story such that even our ears can hear and understand its perfect symmetry of sound and harmony. Even the Gregorian chants around the 4th and 5th degrees as mentioned are linked to tones that are pleasing to God by the church.

There is also something written in the Book of Daniel Chp 9, verses 26 and 27 which talks about the Messiah being cutoff but not for Himself in the middle of the week (3 1/2 days) that makes me think about the tritone. Its smack in the middle of the scale and sounds dissonant and very off key. I have also heard of the tritone being described as something dark and sinister as well. So perhaps the harmony and sound of the scales also reveal something of the life of Christ Himself and the events surrounding of His death and crucifixion where He was literally cutoff.

Based on the above, I am of the belief that the world will be renewed/reset within its 7, 000th year if this pattern is maintained. We are presently in the year 2023 AD and the old testament records a span of 4000 years BC approx. This means that we are just over 6, 000 years in or in the 6th interval of the time scale which is just a 1/2 step away from a full octave. If this is true then Judgement Day is not too far away. Just my humble thoughts of course... 🙂


Awesome stuff. Look forward to next one.


Eyup Ricky! Another brilliant explanation. I look forward to the next part. Keep up the good work.


Found your channel about 2 weeks ago and I am really enjoying it. I have stayed away from theory, self teaching myself the guitar. I realized I was missing so many opportunities with little to no understanding of the theory behind it. Thank you for making it interesting, easy and enjoyable!


Thank you for another well done lesson, you are greatly expanding my musical universe ! I understood your explanation clearly, looking forward to next lesson.


Ricky, you are such a great teacher ! You make the complexities of music so easy to grasp. So that the student gets the big picture, and can apply the knowledge learned. Much thanks, so glad I found your channel.


Thanks Ricky, that cleared up a lot of confusion!


This lesson was totally amazing .. Thank you.
