The ULTIMATE GUIDE to Raw Selvedge Denim Jeans: What Denim Weight is Right for You?

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Denim weight you say? What does how much your jeans weigh have anything to do with it?
Well, rather a lot!
In this third and final part of the Vlog on Denim Weight we find the perfect denim weight for your lifestyle.
Denim Weight Part 1 can be found here:
Denim Weight Part 2 can be found here:
Deciding on a denim weight is a balancing act between lifestyle, fit, geographical location, experience and expectation.
So let's break these down.
Your Lifestyle Plays an Important Part.
You have to ask yourself:
"how much time to I spend in my jeans and doing what kind of activity?"
The Weight of Your Jeans Will Have an Influence on Your Chosen Fit.
As much your body type should give you a good indication as to the fit you’ll be looking at. There are some weights of denim that are more suited to certain fits just for practicality and wear-ability sake Check out the chart in the video.
Experience goes a long way in your choice of Denim Weight.
If you are new to this game, I would strongly advise going for the lighter side of things. The fade potential is there and the reality of you putting in the time to achieve said fades is far higher.
Expectation can mean that the above is null and void
This is where all of the above can just go out the window…. And maybe it should!
What if you want that downright sick fade afforded by that heavy denim. But you live in Indonesia. Well, you will just have to suck it up and take it.
Dat's It For Denim Weight Folks!
So, that's the BULK (sorry, one final pun) of the issues about denim weight covered. It's a big subject and needs a little time to get your head around.... but it's worth taking the time like all aspects of getting that perfect pair of jeans.
This is part of a series of videos we're putting out on getting that perfect pair of jeans.
Part 1: Setting Your Budget can be found here
Part 2: Finding Your Fit can be found here.
Thanks for tuning in guys!
Well, rather a lot!
In this third and final part of the Vlog on Denim Weight we find the perfect denim weight for your lifestyle.
Denim Weight Part 1 can be found here:
Denim Weight Part 2 can be found here:
Deciding on a denim weight is a balancing act between lifestyle, fit, geographical location, experience and expectation.
So let's break these down.
Your Lifestyle Plays an Important Part.
You have to ask yourself:
"how much time to I spend in my jeans and doing what kind of activity?"
The Weight of Your Jeans Will Have an Influence on Your Chosen Fit.
As much your body type should give you a good indication as to the fit you’ll be looking at. There are some weights of denim that are more suited to certain fits just for practicality and wear-ability sake Check out the chart in the video.
Experience goes a long way in your choice of Denim Weight.
If you are new to this game, I would strongly advise going for the lighter side of things. The fade potential is there and the reality of you putting in the time to achieve said fades is far higher.
Expectation can mean that the above is null and void
This is where all of the above can just go out the window…. And maybe it should!
What if you want that downright sick fade afforded by that heavy denim. But you live in Indonesia. Well, you will just have to suck it up and take it.
Dat's It For Denim Weight Folks!
So, that's the BULK (sorry, one final pun) of the issues about denim weight covered. It's a big subject and needs a little time to get your head around.... but it's worth taking the time like all aspects of getting that perfect pair of jeans.
This is part of a series of videos we're putting out on getting that perfect pair of jeans.
Part 1: Setting Your Budget can be found here
Part 2: Finding Your Fit can be found here.
Thanks for tuning in guys!