Triangle Choke: The Detail That Changes Everything ( Complete Guide )

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The Triangle Choke is one of the most important submissions in jiu jitsu, but so many people struggle to finish it. This video I go through an entire system for finishing the triangle choke and how to defend all the primary counters.

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World class instruction. Still amazes me how professor can take hours or so of material and condense it into such a short video.


As a smaller guy, I'm in guard a lot and get into the starting position for the triangle quite often but struggle with finishing it. Thanks for all the great details and adjustments along with the counters to all the various defenses. I'll be practicing these adjustments and going for more triangles now. Thank you!


Excellent explanation! I finished a triangle yesterday on an opponent, but only after I realized that he was making space between my knee and his neck. Through dumb luck, I shifted a bit to the side and closed that gap. He tapped almost immediately. Literally one inch of space made the difference. Now I know why that worked.


Devid died 10 times in the making of this video 🤣


yet ANNNOOOTHER awesome instructional! love the detail with the nutcracker example. That's one of the things I need to adjust to make my triangle tighter. Can't wait to try some of this!


Thank you for these amazing details! I was struggling to finish this choke on people the same size as me, I have long limbs and a small frame. I can't wait to add these adjustments 🤙


So many options to respond to incoming variables. I love it! Thank you, sir.


this is awesome. I have pretty much run into all of these. No need to watch any other triangle troubleshooting video. this is all anyone needs.


You are freaking amazing!! I’m white belt and go 4x to class, with your vids I understand everything much better thank you soooo much 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Jon, what I love about your videos are your explanations. I resonate with them and they are so clear to understand along with straight to the point . Thanks man for the dedication to us, your students and yourslef. Thank you for your hardwork. I Appreciate it!


That last tip was what I was looking for. I will be trying these tonight for sure. Awesome video! Thank you!


Thank You for your content professor. Whenever I'm struggling with a position I always check your content. Without fail you'll have some details I was missing, and in this case the counter to what consistently frustrates me.


Yet another effing PHENOMENAL instructional from quite literally the best BJJ teacher on the internet (and trust me that is NOT hyperbole; you are a BORN TEACHER- period). A few questions, all topical with the exception of one, which is one of those completely out of left field/"I'm here so I might as well ask"-type queries. Anyway, here goes:

1). What are some tricks you use to get your opponent's arms separated so that you can shoot into pre-Triangle?

2). What is the secret to finishing a triangle from the straight on position? I believe one should always try and get perpendicular to their opponent in order to do a proper Triangle but how does one do it/what are the keys to success when one attempts it without moving to an angle?

3). What should your feet be doing/which way should your toes be pointed, which foot positions are most important (specifically when it's locked up and you're trying to get the finish)? Also- when it's locked up, do you recommend trying to grab under Uke's leg (or somewhere else on him) in order to get the finish? So for example, grabbing the head and pulling it toward you will usually resort in a tap- but is there another point of interest /point of contact where if you, say, "grab 'this' part of Uke" you'll make the whole thing far tighter and much more favorable?

4). Lastly: do you do Judo?

Sorry for all of my questions- it's just that I'm 6' tall with skinny, long legs and I LOVE the Triangle (despite it itself feeling rather blasé toward me lol).

Thanks for all your fantastic content; you are a true credit to both the sport and the art.


I had my second class today and i managed to set up the triangle but couldn’t get the choke. This video helped me understand my mistake. Thank you coach.


Dealt with that posture issue today thank you on the arm adjustment will try Monday


This is unbelievably clear instruction. Thanks so much.


Such amazing instruction. Just began BJJ (About a month) and this is all so exciting to me. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for this video. You are an excellent teacher. You explain concepts very well and cover so many of the what-if scenarios.


Awesome details! Love the counters to all the defenses


Great details! Will study the video carefully and try to execute in practice. Thank you :'))
