Teaching Programming to 5- to 11-Year-Olds | Trailer | Free Computing Course

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Programming gives children the opportunity to be creators rather than just consumers of technology. Instead of only using existing programs to complete tasks, children can use the programs they have written themselves to solve problems and develop new ideas.
This four-week course will help you become more confident in teaching programming to young children aged 5-11 years old. As well as developing your own understanding of programming, you’ll also investigate a range of strategies that you can use to help your pupils.
On this course you’ll learn about the key programming concepts of algorithms, sequence, repetition, selection, and variables.
You’ll experience a number of different programming languages suitable for young people, and use your new knowledge to modify and create programs in the block-based language Scratch.
The course will also introduce you to program design. You’ll learn about and experience all of the stages of program development from idea to running code.
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to design and code your own Scratch programs, as well as being able to support your young learners as they begin their coding journeys.
This course is created to align with the Teach Computing Curriculum (TCC), a free resource containing all the content you need to teach computing to children.
As well as undertaking several activities from the TCC during this course, you will use the knowledge you have gained to review a TCC teaching resource and adapt it for your learners’ needs.
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The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a global nonprofit with the mission to enable young people to realise their full potential through the power of computing and digital technologies. Our vision is that every young person develops:
* The knowledge, skills, and confidence to use computers and digital technologies effectively in their work, community, and personal life; to solve problems and to express themselves creatively
* Sufficient understanding of societal and ethical issues to be able to critically evaluate digital technologies and their application, and to design and use technology for good
* The mindsets that enable them to confidently engage with technological change and to continue learning about new and emerging technologies
This video's copyright is held by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and the video is dual licensed under the YouTube Standard license and Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 license.