A TYPICAL CANTEEN IN RUSSIA | What food do Russian people eat? 🇷🇺

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Heading to a 'Stolovaya' or canteen to try some typical Russian food. You can find Stolovaya's (or typical Russian / Soviet cafe's) all over the former Soviet Union, from Ukraine to Kazakhstan, and they are the best place to try local favourites at the best prices.

These typical Russian food halls have all sorts to choose from; from Ukrainian Borsch, to Russian Olivier salad, Solyanka soup and Chicken Kiev with mash potato. The food in these Stolovaya are typical of what an average Russian family would eat at home. We went to a fairly new one in the centre of Adler (Sochi) but they come in all forms, from the modern to the more Soviet. 🇷🇺


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A TYPICAL CANTEEN IN RUSSIA | What do food Russian people eat? 🇷🇺
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I traveled Russia for business for 20 years. I love Russian food.


This why I love YouTube. I would never have thought to search for a Russian Canteen video. I'm a farm kid from the American Mid South. Except for the delicious looking chocolate cake everything looked and sounded kind of weird, but I would love to try some. Good food is universal. I would enjoy treating you guys to some Memphis dry rub ribs and sweet tea, house wine of the south. Thank you for the entertaining video.


Im not Russian but i grow up with Russian and Georgian food .Of course for me it's the best food ever .


I worked with a lady from Russia.
She was used to cooking for a large family and I had a hard time adjusting her recipe for just her and her husband.
I was one of the beneficiaries of leftovers that she bought to work.
Everything she made was delicious.


in english, we call it 'comfort food' and yes, i love russian comfort food. when i lived in moscow, it was my favorite thingi to goto a russian cafe/cantina and pick out the food by pointing at them :) my favorite, goluptsi


The food looks tasty and I'd love to try it. Greetings from Texas!


Thanks for a glimpse of Russia! Hello from Chicago.


Greetings from Finland! Cabbage rolls are one of my favourite cabbage food. Those had alot of stuffing, but i refer little less becouse i love the taste of cabbage it self. Cabbage also has so strong good flavor it self that there is no need other spices than salt and pepper. I think most of the finnish people loves cabbage rolls. We usualy eat those with smashed potatoes and simple brown gravy. I also like to have ryebread and milk as i eat cabbage foods in general. Those fit fine together.
I also love borch soop. So that would be grate place for me to eat. That liver pancake thing reminds me finnish liverfood made out of grinded liver that has mixed with grinded meat, fined onions and seasoning (salt & pepper). Then those are baked as small flat beefs and roasted in the pan. Smashed potatoes and lingonberrie jam beside and you have tasty dinner on your plate.


This was a terrific review, you are all charming, honest and totally believable. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Russia and find it fascinating, and your adventure opened up my eyes to a totally different experience. Spaziba!


I went to a similar restaurant in Central Europe, Bulgaria. The food was mainly "stick to your ribs" comfort food, soups and lovely salads.
(Also, the most delicious cakes, I've had, even beating Paris.)

Central and Eastern European food needs more appreciation. Thanks for sharing 🙂


I visited Sochi. Moscow, Leningrad (Petrograd)
In 1971. Very Nice!
That was a very hot summer that year.


Great video, but Russians would order some bread for sure! Can't imagine any Russian meal without bread. Our black bread is something you definitely need to try. Borodinsky, it's the best!


I love places like this. Full belly, smile on the face and not a big dent in the wallet


Yummy, plenty of delicious food. I love Russian food.


I continue to be amazed by the videos you put up. Your sharing makes the world a much smaller place. So many Americans have never learned, or forgotten how to cook, or prepare food at home, that prepared meals is all they know. I'm amazed that I could shop in your country and prepare food we would probably all enjoy. We are so regional in this country, yet we can be exposed to foods from many many cultures in one day if we wish. Food is one of the thing that binds us all together. I cook many different styles of dishes from many different cultures, my favorites being Chinese and other Asian styles.


Насть ещё один аспект, на который никто не обратил внимания. Парень рассчитался за еду для всех. Наш мужик!


в западной кухне не очень любят печёнку... а я если долго её не ем, прямо скучаю... печёночка вымоченная в молоке, пожаренная с лучком да с гречкой на гарнир - это же самое то и очень здоровая пища! А печёночный тортик -


Столовки спасают во время короткого путешествия в другие города. Была летом в Санкт-Петербурге столовки классные и довольно вкусно.


Лук - это кладезь здоровья!
"Запах, он с тобой уйдет, а слова останутся. Так что дыши, чем хочешь, но в сторону. И настроение вот такое – большой палец болит всем показывать!" М.М.Жванецкий


That food looked so damned good! Brings back a few memories of my stint in Russia (Moscow & St Petersburg) now some 20 years ago. Oh, and the constant challenges of the Russian language and the cyrillic alphabet!!!
