'I Feel Like A Failure For Not Buying A House'

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I made $137k the last 2 years and I’m getting a $120k home in a major city. Stop over spending. 😂


Keep in mind that during the 80’s people were encouraged to save due to the interest rates. Right now there’s very little incentive to save because those who are saving are watching those who are reckless taking it in. I’ve been trying to save for a home and it’s been discouraging to watch prices continue to not budge because there’s people willing to get into a mortgage where they’re paying 40% of their income. It’s insane.


fear a housing crash due to people buying homes above asking prices with little equity. If prices drop, affordability and potential foreclosures may arise, worsened by future layoffs and rising living costs. I want to invest more than $300k, but I'm not sure on how to mitigate risk.


I have a 160k portfolio and about 50K in the bank and make over 6 figures, no debt. Still feel like a failure and can’t afford a house in a nice area. Monthly payments are too expensive.


I guess I'm a failure too.. I shouldve bought a home when I was a freshman in high school 🤷‍♂️


I am currently preparing and saving for a house and your videos are really great help. The way you present your info and your editing style, everything is just plainly simple and understandable. Thank you and happy birthday, to the most fun and easy to understand realtor. lately your videos are so good. you deserve more love and more loyal viewers.


Better buy at some point. Having a paid off house helps a lot when you retire vs paying rent.


I don’t often comment, but man this video is really something special. I came home and told me girlfriend about it, and Relistening now. The mortgage fee thing was a golden nugget, but saying things like “even people who know what they’re doing can mess up” and “the American dream isn’t home ownership anymore, if you have a great portfolio you’re probably better off not owning a home, and make that a goal you work towards instead of rush towards” felt so good to hear. Love your page man:)

I’d like to see more content on how to build a relationship with a lender who can help gather info during the home buying process vs. the fee comparison shopping you mentioned in this video. I can’t get my head around to manage both of those yet!


We just closed on a home 2 weeks ago. We paid off all our loans no consumer debt, no car note, just 20k student debt we’ve been slowly paying off. We went with our bank we bank with and they locked us in at 6.49% we bought the house well under at 295k where home prices are 550k-2mill. Lender fees were 12k with 2500 credit plus escrow which was 5000 low taxes great school district and hour and a half from 2 major cities. We got lucky. Hopefully interest rates can go down drop soon so we can refinance. Well under the 28% for us. We were looking for 2 years!


I’ve personally looked for a house for 14 months and finally closed with keys on 1-23-24. I’ve been outbid several times and watched rates rise from 4s to 7s, ended locking 6.375 for 8k under asking price. Despite all the disappointments, the house feels more and more like a home. Three little birds, bob Marley, eases my anxiety.


Really enjoy your videos. We bought our home in 2022. We are locked into a 5.6 interest rate. Some days it’s hard because we know that we got a small, but a really good solid house for a higher price due to the area and housing market at the time. It was what we could comfortably afford. I didn’t want to be house poor. Now that we are a couple of years in…we definitely feel the “smallness” of the house and the weight of the mortgage payment. It’s so hard to accept the crazy market we still are in. House is worth more than what we bought it for but so is everything else!! Oh the joys of home ownership 😅


happy birthday man! love and appreciate your videos!


Buying a 52k+ car but complaining about not be able to buy a house, classic.


They must not really care about getting a house since they just went out and bought a new truck. If you wonder why you can't afford a house, maybe take a look towards the $750/month car payment.


That truck will haunt them for the rest of their paying time. My brother did exactly the same thing and he was traumatized hahahah Video is so great man simple editing and very much helpful thoughts . thanks and happy birthday all the best for you. more amazing and educational videos to come! continue producing awesome and helpful videos.


I closed on my house Dec 29th 2023, the builder offered a fixed rate buy down rate to 5.99%, $13k in closing coset, $2k for blinds, and 10k off the price. Out of pocket 3.5% to purchase our house. We live in N Texas.


OH MY GOD Javier. I’m going through this almost down to the same numbers provided. Thanks for sharing this as it truly has made me feel like I’m not the only one in this market feeling this way


The day I agree to a $750 car/truck payment is the day I'll consider myself a failure in life.


I’m a failure too I failed to purchase property in 08 when I was 15


Happy Birthday, Javier!!!🎉🎉🎉Thank you so much for all of the wonderful content you bring us! Enjoy!
