Arthritis is a Metabolic Disease: Eat This Way for Joint Health

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In today's show we discuss how arthritis is a metabolic disease.

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-----------------------------------------Show Notes--------------------------------------

0:00 Intro
0:20 Osteoarthritis has metabolic origins.
0:30 Exercise and a low carb diet support joint health.
2:20 Exercise more, if you have arthritis.
3:50 Inflammation and body weight are involved in the breakdown of joints.
5:00 Leptin, released from fat tissue, triggers chronic inflammation.
7:05 Glucose and insulin parallel with leptin levels.
8:45 Compress your feeding window.
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I'm no expert on anything and have only my story to share. I'm 62 now but since my mid 40's I have had "arthritis" and chronic low back pain. I have taken so many pain pills, had cortisone injections and tried everything to no avail. Then at 59 I DROPPED SUGAR, SEED OILS and went on a ketovore diet for WEIGHT LOSS ONLY. I have not had a bit of low back pain or arthritis in the last 3 years now. Off all 7 daily medications and lost 52 pounds but the loss of pain was the best side effect I have ever experienced. Sounds weird, I know but this is my story.


When I started eating clean, and growing, and knowing where all my food came from. Most importantly owning dairy goats my health has changed drastically. I feel amazing now at 61 🎉


I started on this journey because of knee pain, wrist pain, elbow pain. No seed oils or grains in 663 days. My joints feel better at 37 versus 27


90% carnivore here. Started carb cycling with white rice once every 3rd day and noticed my Inflamation in joints kick up a bit. My wife made a few home made sugar cookies with chocolate chips and m & m’s and I ate three of them with a scoop of ice cream and magic shell about a week ago. Needless to say I passed out asleep within an hour, and woke up
Within 30 minutes with searing pain in my knuckles and hands. Took a 72 hr fast to knock it down after that. It 100% causes inflammation


Makes perfect sense. I have a connective tissue disease called Elhers Danlos. It makes one's joints and skin very mobile. Over time your ligaments can become so loose and mobile that your joints can become unstable. The combination of deconditioning from inactivity during the pandemic and aging made me develop all over joint pain very quickly in my early 60's.

I went to my primary doctor, had blood tests and PT several times, saw orthopedics, even saw a physiatrist and had imaging. They found injuries like a torn labrum and hip impingement. More PT. The Physical therapist never assessed me for anything but gave me a few exercises. I tried to do them but could not walk more than 4 blocks so ultimately it didn't do a lot. They did not connect my osteo arthritis pain and trigger fingers to inflammation coming from high triglycerides. This even though I was eating a whole foods diet but also high carb. I had no idea at first that I was suffering from metabolic syndrome because I was only slightly overweight at the time (26 BMI) and felt good except for the pain. I thought it was Elhers Danlos causing all of it.

Enter Carnivore. Within 3 weeks all the pain except for my injuries was gone. Now I know why. I still get pain from over work, bad posture, and compensation but I can recover quicker and keep trying to walk farther, do more PT exercises while walking and slowly gain strength. I'm also losing weight which will help me put less stress on my joints. How all those doctors could see me and not make the connection baffles me. I'm glad I saved myself. I've got a ways to go but I feel confident I can turn this around on carnivore and with my new found ability to move my body. I'm grateful to shows like this to help me figure out the patterns and fill in the missing pieces of what I need for true health and well being. Thank you!


Most health problems start in the gut. Wrong foods and unhealthy habits are the main culprits. Excellent video!


I was on Carnivore fir 6 months, all joint pain went away, osteoporosis/arthritis was horrible, chronic inflammation gone. I recently went on a trip started eating carbs/sugar and it all came back ugh!! Hard lesson bank on Carni! Thank you. Will get the shoes!


Perfectly timed vid for me. Diagnosed athropathy and a herniated disc l5s1. Tossed the drugs and just started walking... symptoms improved ten fold over a week. All my favorite health youtubers been saying this within the past week. Truly appreciate your work. You changing lives OG! GOD BLESS

Also take boswellia and turmeric/ curcumin. Working wonders.


The best shoes for me are Brooks GTS shoes. So awesome! I am 75 years old. I walk every single day. I also found that eating whole vegetables, taking Astaxanthin and berberine, really help with inflammation. I drink a protein shake daily, no flour of any kind, no sugar or alcohol.


I was on a super clean diet; almost had to quit my job as a concept artist due to wrist pains. Went keto; it became tolerable. Went high fat carnivore and it’s completely gone.


Yes, I agree. As a massage therapist, I have strengthened my hands, fingers, wrist, and the rest of my body to endure the job over time. But last year my knuckles, started hurting and it felt deep. Not like my knuckle, but it felt like bone. Like what arthritis must feel like. And I noticed a direct correlation between glutinous foods and how it affected me. Switching to a ketovore lifestyle, I have had no pain in my joints and I recover after a heavy patient load sooo fast! Its incredible!


I am so glad for all the people who found relief. I am 70 active all my life. Pe teacher and coach. I Walk 4-5 miles daily. Hike once a week 5+ miles. Exercise 3 times a week with light weights eat clean for 10 years, IT fasting. Keto. No sugar, no alcohol almost no carbs about 6 years. I suffer from Shoulder and back pain for lat 6 month, and now in my hands. It is impossible to enjoy a painfree day or night and just got diagnosed with arthritis . Now what I am 5.4 and weigh 106 lbs pretty much all my life. Which some one would address issues for those that are NOT overweight.


I've had RA for 65 years (Stills disease). Over the many years I have learnt that it is better to keep my weight down, eat a small breakfast - e.g. Greek yoghurt and tree nuts, then a large lunch with lots of variety and light tea - nothing after 8pm. Red wine is the best of the alcoholic drinks (one glass of red a day, white wine causes sinus problems within 30 mins!) and I avoid ALL grains (all wheat, oats, barley and rye gluten and any GF products which contain any type of grain, inc beer :-( -I was diagnosed celiac 8 years ago) - grains are a very big cause of joint pain and inflammation the next day. I use only olive, avocado or coconut oil. I tend to avoid acidic fruit/veg like tomatoes, apples, rhubarb. Apples and coffee induce migraines - haven't had a migraine in 40 years bar the odd accidental ingestion (fruit pectin in a sauce contained apple and didn't find out until too late!). So 65 years of my own experimentation and research seems to agree with this video!


Joint pain is a symptom of hormone decline! Not aging! Frozen shoulder is common in perimenopause and menopause and can be alleviated with hormone replacement! The same is true in men whose T levels have fallen. Hormone replacement helps tremendously!
My frozen shoulder completely resolved after getting an estradiol patch! Make sure to get enough though! I needed the max dose. 1mg estradiol to 1.5mg is great for me! Along with Prometrium. My knee and hip pain disappeared after just weeks of being on hormone replacement!


The fact that carnivores report an improvement in their arthritis symptoms also suggests that joint pain is associated with metabolic syndrome and hyperinsulinemia


The masseur I go to is also a competitive power lifter specialised in benchpress.
He had joint pain for many years and puss coming through the skin at the elbow. He just figured it was due to all the heavy lifting.
A year ago he tried gluten free diet and lo and behold the pain went away. No puss oozing out longer. Also he regained mobility that he hadnt seen since being a teenager. So much mobility that he had to train 6 months to get used to the extra mobility and not get hurt competing innthe bench!

Crazy story. If I didnt know him personally Id never believe it..


No need to listen, here is the breakdown.,

1. **Metabolic Origins of Osteoarthritis (0:20)**: It's recognized that osteoarthritis is not just a mechanical degeneration of joints but also has metabolic factors. Metabolic syndrome, which includes conditions like obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, is linked to increased systemic inflammation that can exacerbate osteoarthritis.

2. **Low Carb Diet and Exercise (0:30)**: Diet and exercise are essential in managing osteoarthritis. A low carbohydrate diet can help reduce inflammation, and regular physical activity is known to improve joint function and reduce pain. Both are standard recommendations for managing arthritis symptoms.

3. **Inflammation and Body Weight (3:50)**: There is a well-established link between obesity and osteoarthritis. Adipose (fat) tissue releases inflammatory cytokines that can contribute to joint degradation.

4. **Leptin and Inflammation (5:00)**: Leptin, primarily produced by fat cells, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. High levels of leptin are associated with inflammation and may contribute to the degenerative process in joint tissues.

5. **Glucose, Insulin, and Leptin Levels (7:05)**: Insulin resistance, a common feature of metabolic syndrome, is related to increased leptin levels and can contribute to the systemic inflammatory state affecting the joints.

6. **Compressing Feeding Window (8:45)**: This likely refers to intermittent fasting, which can reduce inflammation and improve metabolic health, potentially benefiting those with osteoarthritis.

Overall, the points made in your video snapshot are consistent with emerging understandings of osteoarthritis as a disease influenced by metabolic factors and lifestyle choices. Regular exercise, weight management, and dietary adjustments are part of comprehensive management strategies for osteoarthritis.


I’ve done keto for 6 years and carnivore for 4 months while having a steady exercise routine including weight training and lots of walking. I have not been overweight and have good muscle mass for a 61 year old woman. The best think for my joint pain is estrogen therapy. After a year of terrible hip and low back pain that I tried my hardest to exercise away, it turned out that tweaking my estrogen dose was the answer.


I developed arthritis after a fall in a store. I tried everything for the pain. Months of therapy, exercise etc. took anti inflammation drugs. Nothing helped. I recently had hip replacement. Prior to the injury I was in the gym 5-6 days a week. Did 8- 12, 000 steps each day.
Waiting to go back. Oh, I'm 74 years old. Have 40 lbs more to lose.


You are spot on when you say, " I believe God has a plan for me." I certainly enjoy your work, which is appreciated and important for people who appreciate true journalism. Please keep on being you while loving yourself.
